FIFTY || The Final One(s) + Only the Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Thanks, Mom." they smiled and headed off with Kiyo.

As they headed up to the cave, they chatted a bit about what might come after the war. They hoped things would be peaceful and back to normal.

Aerial spotted the two when they entered, waving to them. "Looks like you two made it. I was just about to contact you about Beatrice."

"Really?" Kiyo and Sakari spoke in unison.

"Mhm. She was found in a place located close to Lambia. We were off on her having been someplace in Europe."

"Ah okay! That does make it easier. Is she in Templum or?" Sakari wondered.

"No, she's in..." Aerial took a moment to get her device out. "Novissime."

"That means 'last' in Latin. Well, that's kind of...obvious." Kiyo noted. "Why does that place sound similar to Lambia?"

"It's because it is, Kiyo." Aerial informed him. "When some of the ancestral entities came here, some came to Novissime. Others went to other sections of Earth, while some went to Tigoris or other planets. It's also rumored that there's someone else here."

"Who?" Sakari tilted her head in curiosity.

"Let me look..." Aerial pulled it up and her hues broadened. "Na miungu mitano ya's Kasha."

"Kasha?!" Kiyo and Sakari exclaimed, at the same time Niori and Noori did. They had overheard just as they walked up onto the top floor.

"Are you serious?" Niori was the one to add on, walking forward. "I hope this rumor isn't pulling our legs, Aerial."

"It's not. It's been said here that your mother had gone there, but it doesn't say why."

"Well...if that's the case, then we should come along." Noori offered, adjusting her glasses. "If our mother and the last of our siblings is there, then I think it would be best."

Niori nodded in agreement. She hoped this was true. Her kistune ears twitched with a mix of nervousness and a bit of excitement.

"Who else?" Aerial wondered, since usually more than one came along.

"I will." Julian offered, making his way inside. "I'm also doin' this because th' my siblings want to settle down a bit more before we head out of this place later."

"That's understandable." Kiyo nodded in the same manner. "Aerial, are ye comin'?"

"Yes, as is Wind." Aerial replied. "She should be here any minute."

Wind arrived a few minutes later. "I hope I'm not late! I was just talking to my brother and Kage."

"It's alright." Aerial breathed in and then out. "Let's get going for this last task."

As they made their way down the stairs, Aoi walked over to them. "So this is going to be the last task, huh?"

"Mhm." Sakari nodded. "Hopefully it'll go well!"

"I hope it will, too." Aoi smiled warmly, twiddling his thumbs. "We wish you luck with this." By that, he meant the others, as well as himself and his system.

Sakari smiled the same way and nodded. And with that, they were off.

When they entered Novissime, Sakari and the others were amazed to see how it looked a lot like Lambia. It had the same ancient buildings and the elemental motifs. Modern buildings were mixed in as well, with one being visible in the distance.

Sakari opened her book to Beatrice's page. According to her page, Beatrice was an Energy/Light type, which surprised them. 

"Energy? That's expected to be as rare as the Quantum and Time powers, right?" the teen looked over at the others.

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