FORTY-NINE || The Last Demonity + Things Finally Revealed

Start from the beginning

"I hope she will. Kage and Shiro accepted us immediately and don't mind, even if the revelation was shocking." Niori held Hirumi closer to her. 


It was now March. The group had been working on finding Lucifer and Sakari and her friends were tired from their schoolwork. Their second year was coming to a close and they were glad to be getting a break after their graduation later this month.

Aerial and the others had decided to give Sakari a small break, given with school and also so the newcomers could adapt. 

With the help from Rosetta, Joseph, Julian, and Eidok, they were able to locate Lucifer in Mumbai. 

Sakari asked out of curiosity on what Lucifer did. 

"Lucifer is a  designer! Some of the designs he makes goes to charity for the schools there. That's what he told us last time we talked to him." Rosetta voiced.

Kiai's ears perked up and she tilted her head. "I didn't know one of my step-brothers was into design like I am." she smiled brightly. "That's amazing!"

"Yeah he is. Are you wanting to come with us to see him again?" Wind wondered. She was one of the ones coming along with Sakari, aside from Kage.

"Oh? No but thanks for asking." Kiai voiced, having decided to step back for right now on joining on this mission. She had opened up a bit more while she's been here, but has been showing more of her concern towards this war. She hoped that her siblings and step-siblings would be okay, same with the others that she was still getting used to knowing. "I can see him once he comes back here. Anyone else?"

Khansa brought Lamis over. "Lamis would like to tag along as well."

Lamis nodded and said in Arabic sign language, "I've been wanting to go on one of these tasks in a while. Khansa's deciding to stay behind, but she wants to come along for the next one."

Wind smiled and replied in the same language. "That's good. I'm sure you'll like this one."

Over the course of Lamis and Khansa being here, they have helped teach the others on sign language - both English and Arabic. They have also adapted to being here and were also hoping that this war would go okay. 

"Thank you. I'm sure I will, Wind." Lamis smiled warmly. "Tatsu has told me about the different places and India's one I haven't been to yet."

Wind nodded in understanding. The group made their way over to to the doors on the second floor.

Kage felt a bit nervous about going on another mission, which showed as they crossed the bridge. As they stood in front of the second set of doors, the dark-haired entity soughed.

"Something wrong?" Wind wondered to her girlfriend. 

"Well, I haven't been on a task in a bit and second, this whole war nearing next month has got me all anxious. I just hope our parents will be alright..." Kage absently fiddled with the collar of her leather jacket.

"They will be, hopefully." Wind reassured her. "We just need to work on finding the others and finally get them back safely."

"Mhm." Sakari helped out. "So hang in there, okay?"

Kage smiled at the both of them, feeling a bit better. "Thank you guys."

They opened the doors and found themselves in Mumbai. Many buildings and streets greeted them, along with cultural ones as well. Sakari looked around at the people walking around, trying to spot Lucifer's store.

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