No. 16

359 4 0

Fushiguro's P.o.v
I kept talking to Nanami.

"The hole I came in is already closed! Making a hole to exist is much harder than entering! But if I can open a whole big enough for one person to go through for a few seconds. The octopus isn't Gojou-Sensei. It most likely can't use domain expansion multiple time in one day. If we all escape the domain we win."

Nanami nodded and I said a few more things.

"The barrier's edge is right below me, I know this because I touched it when I came through! I'm ready anytime! Even if I risk my life I don't plan on throwing it away."

Nanami looked away from me and yelled.

"Everyone assemble!"

They all ran over to Nanami and the cursed spirit came after them.

"Are you protecting the boy? But that makes it easier for me to get them all at-"

I opened a hole and Nanami yelled.

"To Fushiguro!"

Right before anyone could escape a man came through it smiling.

Maki made her spear into a long nunchuck and the man grabbed them.

He flew her over his shoulder and she flew back.

He was still holding the nunchucks in his hand.

"Fushiguro. No use the hole's closed. Now it knows our plans. I doubt it'll let us open another one that easily."

I looked at the man and Naobito spoke.


Granny's ogami's seancr technique doesn't end with her death. But it's not supposed to last forever. It was supposed to end when the cursed energy of her grandchild ran out. However from the start, her grandchild's soul had already been overwritten by Toji Zen'ins physical body, did not posses any cursed energy. In addition to the body did not consume any cursed energy. Therefore the even that have brought about the technique's end never did come to pass. Multiple irregular circumstances allowed the cursed technique to run rampant. Toji Zen'in would fight instinctually until the vessel broke. And he became a puppet of carnage.

The man held the weapon that was just been used by Maki in his hands.

The cursed spirit targeted the man and spoke.

"What a waste of time."

Before the cursed spirit could hit the man he attacked with unimaginable speed, and only kept getting faster and faster as they hit the cursed spirit.

Everyone was watching with their eyes widened.

Maki spoke to Naobito.

"Hey old geezer, who the hell is that man. Hmph, a ghost."

Nanami who was standing next to me spoke.

"Fushiguro are up for a little longer? Yes. My apologies. We're going to have to bet on him."

The man rubbed two parts of the nunchucks together until they were sharpened.

Naobito went up behind the cursed spirit.

His feet on the back of the curse's head.

The man put the nunchucks in the ground and used that to push him up and stab the cursed spirit in the arm and in part of his head.

He stabbed the cursed spirit in another part of the cursed spirits head and it roared.

"It's not over yet!"

He stabbed it a third time and we were back in the room.

"The domain."

Maki started to say but stopped.

I fell to my knees and gasped for air.

After that fight, Nanami had lost his left eye, Naobito lost his right arm and Maki was injured badly.

Toji walked over to us and I was Flug out the window to the ground below us.

I stopped myself and saw the man coming after me.

Nanami's P.o.v
Once we left the domain I looked over at Fushiguro.

He was breathing heavily and I could tell he had passed his limits in the domain.

If it weren't for Fushiguro we would've all died in there. He's at his limit now and we've got a man that we don't know if we can trust.

After I thought that, the man flung Fushiguro out of the window and went after him.

My eyes widened when that happened and I heard Maki yell his name.

I heard someone behind me and looked.

It was Jogo.

"Dagon, you've passed away. Leave the rest for me. Our souls will continue to circulate regardless of humanity's fate. We'll meet again in the wastelabss 100 years from now."

Are you kidding me compared to that curse Dagon-

He came up to me before I could finish thinking and placed his hand on my stomach.

"That one."

I was consumed in a burst of flames and stumbled over.

I heard Maki start to yell me name but it was cut off and I heard Jogo speak.

"That's two."

I was still trying to take out the flames on my body when I heard Jogo speak again.

"That's three."

                      Denji's P.o.v
I watched as the white haired girl unwrapped the cloth and my eyes widened.

In it was a finger.

They crouched down and one opened his mouth while the other one shoved the finger in it.

After they did it a man ran over with his eye widened.

He had one eye, and the top of his head was a volcano.

When he saw the girls, he yelled.

"You! How many fingers did you feed him!"

I looked at Itadori and he had tattoos on his face, but he was still unconscious.

The white haired girl and the black haired girl stood up.

The black haired girl spoke.

"We're not going to tell you. Fine die then."

The white haired girl wrapped her arm around the other girl's shoulder and took out her phone and took a picture.

After that she was gone.

The man walked over to Itadori and grabbed something from inside his clothes.

It was cloth and a belt around it.

He unfastened the belt and the cloth rolled down and revealed what looked like a lot fingers.

The man noticed me and sighed.

Before I could put my finger through the hole of the chain he was in front of me, his hand on my chest and I was covered in fire.

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