No. 3

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                     Denji's P.o.v
After a couple minutes Gojou walked in and smiled.

"Sorry it took a minute, I just had to inform the principal. Now we can get started on the lesson!"

Gojou smiled and Power leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Your horns are poking my cheeks, so get your head off of me. I don't wanna."

I sighed and Gojou started talking.

"In our world there's cursed spirits and cursed users. Curses are made out when cursed energy leaks out of people in result of their emotions."

Gojou stopped talking and Fushiguro started to talk.

"There's a thing called Special grade curses, and they're stronger than regular curses. With that being said, you have to take more caution with them, or they will kill you. There's also Cursed Users. Cursed users use their techniques for evil such as murdering innocent people."

After Fushiguro said all that I saw Power put her head against the desk and groan.

"This is boring Denji! Why is school so boring?! I don't know Power, but I guess we have to learn about this new world."

Power lifted her head and looked at the door.

"I wanna pet Meowy, not be here bored."

She plopped her head on the desk again and I sighed.

"I guess I'll explain the devils you you guys."

Aki got up and walked up to the front and waited until Itadori, Kugisaki, and Fushiguro sat down.

Itadori sat down next to me and I leaned back and closed my eyes.

                   Itadori's P.o.v
After Gojou-Sensei and Fushiguro were done explaining, Aki decided to go up to the front and explain about devils.

"In our world, devils are things people fear. The more people fear that devil the stronger it gets. Example is the Gun Devil. When Devils first became public everyone started to buy weapons such as guns. With Guns around people started to fear it. The more the people feared it, the Gun Devil got stronger. The Gun Devil killed 1.2 million people in less than 5 minutes. Now we're collecting peices of the gun devil so we can defeat it."

Aki waited a moment before talking again.

"Us Devil hunters can make contracts with devils. A contract is where the devil and the person make a verbal agreement. With that we can use the devil to our advantage to take down another devil."

I looked at Denji and he was playing with the string coming out of his chest.

"Devils can drink blood to heal their wounds or make them stronger. Each devil has a special ability unique to them."

After Aki said that Gojou-Sensei walked over next to him and smiled.


Aki walked back and sat down next to Angel.

"Alright you guys are dismissed."

I got up and Denji shook Power awake.

"Is this over? Yeah Power now get up."

She got up and Kugisaki walked over to her.

                   Kugisaki's P.O.V
After Aki was done talking I decided to head over to Power.

"Power wait a sec."

She turned and waited and I got next to her.

"Thanks Power. Yeah."

I looked over and Kobeni and waved her over.

She came over and I smiled.

"Alright time to meet up with Maki! Who's Maki? You'll know when we meet her!"

We headed over to the track and I saw Maki practicing with Panda.

"You two wait here for a sec while I get Maki."

I headed over to Maki and smiled.

"Hey Nobara, what brings you here? I have a couple new faces I want you to meet. They're pretty interesting too. Alright. Panda I'll pratice with you later. Alright."

Maki put her spear down and we headed over to Power and Kobeni.

"So these two are the people you wanted me to meet Nobara? Yeah."

Maki studied them for a moment and then spoke.

"I'm Maki Zennin, nice to meet you guys. You can call me Power. I'm Kobeni. What's so interesting about these two Nobara? Power is a devil. A devil? Yeah."

Maki looked at Power for a moment and then back at me.

"There's no such thing as devils Nobara. Yeah I know, but these two and a couple others have come here from another dimension. Really?"

I nodded and Maki looked back at Power.

"What can Power do? I can manipulate my blood. Really? Yeah."

Power cut herself and made a hammer out of her blood.

"I can kill other devils with my blood weapons. I also eat other devils if I'm hungry."

Maki looked at me and then back at Power.

"So what about Kobeni? I'm just a Devil Hunter, I'm human, so don't worry."

Maki nodded and then looked back at me.

"Well who's the others you metioned? They're with Fushiguro and Itadori at the moment. How many more are there? Three more. So in total 5 people from another dimension came here. Yes."

Maki nodded and went back to training with Panda.

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