Start from the beginning

Astra plopped on the couch behind her, closing her eyes and exhaled. "We've all accepted our deaths. You should. There is no defeating The Demon Head." Astra closed her eyes, kicking off her red heels before laying on her back.

"I can't give up, Astra. I have children to think about."

"So do we." Astra opened one eye, and gave her best swaggering smile. "Even if you fight, accept defeat. Our time nears. The prophecy says it all. It's our children who are meant to carry on."

"Maybe so. But not yet."


A.C.E was bustling by the time Chase Winthrope entered for his night shift. Glancing at every customer who went in and out and the ones sprawled across the busy bar. He shifted to Rzej who prowled at the first-floor balcony, watching with wary eyes. Rzej draped in his usual black leather cargo pants and black long sleeve shirt tucked in. He looked neat, as though he wasn't some monster-destroying weapon.

"One shot of Mohito." A petite woman drawled, placing a fifty dollar note on the bar counter.

Chase nodded, glancing at the woman. Her dark hair falling over her shoulders showed someone with a certain type of darkness. A certain type of story.

Walking away, Chase whispered the order to another server who nodded and walked away. He took the slip of fifty to the counter, where another worker passed him red pills in small vial.

With a nod, Chase went back to the woman, and poured her a drink. "Do you want water?" Chase asked. She nodded, as he shifted the glass of water to her, the red pills hidden under his palms.

"Thank you." she whispered, taking a sip and placing the glass down before walking away.

The waiter Chase spoke to came back with one shot of mojito. He grinned, patting the bartender's back.


A.C.E was still full by the time the fifth wave of customers came in. The fourth wave were still here, even when Rzej instructed some to leave. Bright lights shimmering from blue to red to purple tuned to the beating boom of the loud music. Chase almost winced when the music became louder, almost popping an eardrum. But it's the customers who were the loudest, sloppy, and annoying.

He noted when a group of friends came to celebrate and ordered a booth to themselves. They made a mess, ordering drinks and drugs to soothe their cravings. Rzej got involved when one of the friends started a brawl with another group for 'looking at his girl.'

Of course, it was a marvel when the sixth wave came in at four a.m. Chase was ready to leave. But when Rzej asked him to stay, he didn't object.

"I've never seen you before," Rzej piped up when Chase walked in. "What's your name? You did well tonight."

"Chase Winthrop, sir." Chase placed his arms behind his back, shoulders straight and head held high. A sign of dominance. A sign to be respected. He noted Rzej often did that.

"Did Astra hire you?" Rzej swiped a finger over his tall oak desk. Dust.

Chase nodded. "I worked in other clubs around the realm, sir."

"Chase Winthrop of Winthrop Enterprises? I know your father." Rzej leaned his back against his chair, placing his hands on his abdomen. "I remember I killed him. Are you here to kill me, boy?"

If it wasn't for the door to Rzej's office opening, Chase would have given a beneficial reply. Maybe later. The lavender and Apple scent infiltrated into his nose every time he took a breath.

Gisela Blackthorne strolled into her older brothers office. A purple folder in her hand. She clicked her tongue, placing the folder on his desk. "We have trouble with the eight wave."

Rzej nodded. "Chase will fix it." he glanced at Chase. Gisela raised her brows at Chase. "Won't you?"

The Winthrop male nodded. "It'll be my honor, sir." He walked out at the gesture. It will most certainly be his honor.

"What is Chase Winthrop doing here?" Gisela asked her brother, rapping her sharp talons on the chair she leaned against. "You killed his father and took their spot. He should want revenge."

The knowing smile on Rzej's face told her all she needed to know. "And his mother, If we're counting."

"Right." She hissed, walking away. "Don't let him cause trouble."

Rzej picked the purple folder. Inside was a document and pictures of Micah Underwood in McDonald's of Los Angelos. Rzej cursed, tracing a finger along Micah's jaws. "Jawline for days." The sight of a shadow lurking beside Micah bolted him.

Rzej lifted the pictures to the ceiling— there it is. The invisible words turning visible. 'I AM COMING.'

Without a second thought, Rzej threw the paper on the floor as his heart pounded into his ears. 'I AM COMING.' he sprawled from his chair, rustling to the glass window and opened it. Fresh air rustled into his office, into his lungs.


The air became stale and strong, like sulfur molding into his nose, poisoning him. A tight squeeze had him gasping for breath, and gripping his shirt. 'I CAN'T BREATHE. I CAN'T BREATHE.'

That word repeated in his head. Screaming at him. Yelling and cursing him.






"No," Rzej curled to the floor. One sentence. One sentence was all it took to send the most powerful Seraph crying like a child.

'I AM COMING.' it screamed in his ears. Then a sweet Ntobiqus accent full of terror and mischief. No light. No love. So sweet and yet so dark. "You will not escape me, husband."

"Jedrzej," Klaus rushed into Rzej's office, kneeling by his mate. "What's wrong?" He felt it. The pain almost tore his heart out of his chest. It almost erased him. Then that voice. He heard it too. 'You will not escape me, Husband.'

"He is coming," Rzej rocked himself against Klaus's lap. "No, infact he's already here." He sucked on his front teeth, glancing at his office. "He's been in here." Rzej rushed to the lights, standing on a chair to pull it down. "He's been in here." Rzej walked to his desk as tears coated his cheeks. "He's here." He gripped his chest, sucking several deep breath.

Klaus had never seen Rzej so, broken. So scared. "He won't get to us," He leaped to his feet, taking Rzej by his hands. "Look at me."

Rzej looked anywhere but Klaus, muttering to himself.

Sharp pain engulfed Klaus like a ball of flame endearing him useless when Rzej needed him the most. "Hey," He propped his hands to Rzej's cheeks. He pushed Rzej down to sit on the rug, leaning his back against the glass wall. "We'll leave. We'll go anywhere."

Rzej rocked back and forth, muttering the same words over and over again. "I'm so tired." He whispered.

"I Know." Klaus pulled his mate into his arms, caressing his back. He would do anything to comfort Rzej. Right now what Rzej needed was a boost of confidence. "I have a plan," he ruffled his fingers through Rzej's golden locks. Klaus leaned to kiss Rzej's hair. "I promise, you'll live."


Finally an update. Sorry for the long wait. Longer chapters and action coming. Less drama more gore. I am here breaking Klaus and Rzej to the point of no return. Lord help us.

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