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a(n.) no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved.


a(n.) An abnormal dread of men: repugnance to the male sex.



Lumi. The name that my captors gave me after their experiment gone wrong. It means pure white snow—They thought my eyes were so beautiful, that it'll only be fitting to name them with such. A beautiful name for my eyes, but not for me—I'm anything but pure. They tainted me. My once innocent happy self is now scared and angry all the time. Scared that I'll never leave this horrible place and have to endure the torture for the rest of my life. Angry that I'm letting it happen. But it's not like I have a choice.

I wake up to my body aching. Every time they take me I come back I'm in pain, but today it's worse. My whole body feels like it's on fire and I can't move a single muscle. Shit. What did they do to me? It's bad enough that I can already barley walk, but not moving at all. God help me.

I groan trying to sit up but I can't. It hurts when I try to move. I try to lift my arm up but it sends a sharp pain throughout my body causing me to tear up and drop my arm back on the bed. I bite my lip to hold back a sob. I don't want to wake up little one. He needs his sleep. Yesterday he was up all night crying from hunger. I had to beg one of the guards for a extra piece of bread just so he'll stop crying. Milk isn't doing it for him anymore. The more he grows, the more food he needs.

I sigh and except my defeat. I won't be moving around for a good couple of hours. If I'm lucky. Little one isn't up yet so that good. I can rest for a while to regain my strength.

I look out the small window, rain sounded softly against the cold glass. I watch as the droplets race against each other. I lay there mesmerized at the shinning moonlight peeking through the small room. Breathing slowly, my vision clear. I take in the peace surrounding me, listening to the pitter patter of the rain.

The only time I feel at peace are on nights like these. I forget about my situation and just listen to the world around me. It's an odd sensation. An unworldly feeling you can't feel forever.

Thunder strikes sending a chill down my spine. The soft rumbles ever so slightly shakes the ground. If you don't pay close attention you will probably miss it. But the sound the thunder makes sounds like a roar from the king of the jungle. The fierce lion. Oh how I wish I can be just as strong and brave.

I slowly start to drift off to sleep, letting the darkness consume me.

W I N T E R  R O S E

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