skin her alive

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"She took your money as a break-up price?" Ashylnn scoffed, "If I ever find that bitch, I'll skin her alive."

"Let's hope that you never find her." Ace mumbled. He wasn't sure he would be able to handle himself if he sees that bitch again.

"How's your wound? Is it hurting?" Ace asked, his eyes on her wounded stomach.

"It's fine. It's been a week. There's not even a scar." Ashlynn responded.

"Show me." Ace said seriously.

"What?" Ashlynn asked, she wasn't sure she heard him well.

"Show me your wound." He repeated.

Hesitantly, she lifted up her shirt and showed him her healed wound. Unlike she said, there was a scar but it was faint.

"Happy?" She asked, her tone was a bit loud.

"Very." He responded and cleared his throat before asking, "Were you and Thomas really…a thing?"

"Ewww no! No! And no!" She said like she was disgusted, "He used to fuck someone every fucking hour! Trust me when I tell you- that man has STD."

Ace was glad to see that Ashlynn was back to being herself. He was happy to see that she became like she was- the Ashlynn he knew.

"I'm hungry." Ashlynn said to which Ace raised his brows, "You just ate."

"A sandwich." She scoffed.

"Whatever. At least I gave you homemade food otherwise you would have eaten those disgusting hospital foods." Ace spoke, "What would you like to eat?"

"It's been decades since I've had ice cream." Ashlynn said with a smirk, "Let's go to an ice cream parlor."

"Ice cream will satisfy your hunger?" Ace asked in confusion.

"Are you coming with me or should I go alone?" Ashlynn asked which made him stand up instantly. He grabbed his keys and they went to the ice cream parlor.

They were both sitting in a corner, eating their ice cream.

"Who do we have here?" A familiar voice asked. Both of them raised their heads to see Brad standing there with Lydia.

"Who?" Ashlynn played dumb as she took another taste of her delicious ice cream.

Brad rolled his eyes but smirked when he saw Ace eating his ice cream peacefully.

"What an awful place for a first date!" Brad teased as he looked around him, examining the parlor.

"It is not a date." Ace corrected, "We just wanted to eat some cream."

"So…" Brad as he took a seat which made Lydia do the same, "are you guys a thing now?"

"We aren't things. We are human beings." Ashlynn replied.

"Come on! You know very well what he meant." Lydia said as she nudged Ashlynn playfully.

"Yes we are." Ace said in an annoyed voice, "Can you guys leave now? I want privacy with my girlfriend!"

"Relax! We are friends. You can be yourselves in front of us." Brad teased again before turning to Lydia, "Stay here baby, I'll go get ice cream for us. Vanilla right?"

Lydia nodded with a smile. Brad stood up and went away.

"How did it happen?" Lydia asked, glancing from Ace to Ashlynn.

"When I was on the verge of dying, he told me that he loves me and so did I." Ashlynn replied and chuckled at the memory which was no longer than a week ago.

"When you was shot?" Lydia asked to which Ashlynn nodded.

"Have you guys done it yet?" She asked.

"No but we will soon." Ace replied shamelessly which made Ashlynn blink her eyes several times, asking herself if she heard it wrong or if he really said that.

"Ice cream is here!" Brad shouted so loud that everyone in the entire parlor gave him their attention.

Brad glanced at them and said in embarrassment, "My apologies, Ladies, gentlemen."

He took his seat next to Lydia and gave her her ice cream then grinned at Ace and Ashlynn who were giving him death glares.

"I'm sorry. Did I ruin your date?" Brad asked innocently.

"If only I had my gun on me…" Ashlynn mumbled within her breath.

"I- We are sorry about your parents." Brad finally said. Ace told him as well as everybody else about her parents. He felt like they deserved to know.

"Your sorry won't bring them back to life." She replied, "But thank you."

"I'm glad that you've become the same old Ashlynn. The one who helped breaking my wedding." Brad said and laughed.

"Breaking your wedding? You had an ex wife?" Lydia asked in disbelief.

"No... You're getting it wrong... It's not that...I-" Brad stammered but before he could explain, Ace beat him to it,

"Of course he did. Didn't he tell you? What's this man? You didn't tell your wife about Jane?"

"Sto-" Brad tried to speak again but was cut off by Ashlynn this time,

"When were you planning on telling her about Jane? On your death bed?"

"So her name was Jane." Lydia said, "How did you two break up?"

"We weren't even married!" Brad finally spoke quickly, "We were about to get married but I didn't want to but my dad emotional blackmailed me! So I asked Ash to help me and she did!"

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