First kill

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"Y-You promised me that we'll be together … you said you love me!why are you doing this to me? I love you! I really do!" Annabella shouted in agony.

Annabella had a gun with her but she couldn't bring herself to shoot the man she loves.

"Bitch!! Don't you get it? I never loved you!  I was only using you! I was sent here to kill you but I decided to have my ways with you once I saw how beautiful your body was." Roberto smirked as he finished his sentence.

Annabella's eyes widened. She threw him a hard punch which made him stumble backwards.

"I'll kill you!" Annabella shouted and charged towards him again…her hands finally travelling to the gun in her pants.

But before she could do anything further, Roberto pulled the trigger.

Ashlynn placed her hands over her mouth to stop herself from screaming.

Annabella was on the floor, dead. She was shot in the head right in front of her little sister by the man she loved.

Roberto laughed as he stare at Annabella's body. Despite being already dead, he pulled the trigger, shooting her again and again until all the bullets were over.

Every single firing sound made Ashlynn flinch. She was only a fifteen year old.

Roberto's eyes suddenly fell on Ashlynn. His eyes widened as a smirk made it's way on his face.

'Killing two birds with one stone. You'll be joining your sister right now…darling." Roberto said to himself.

Ashlynn's eyes were squeezed shut. Tears were flowing from her eyes, she had no idea that Roberto saw her.

Roberto walked towards her and grabbed her arms then dragged her inside.

"Leave me!! Let me go!" Ashlynn shouted.

"Shut up you bitch!" Roberto yelled at her which made her flinch.

"You're even more beautiful than your dead sister." He said as he stared at the girl in front of him from top to bottom.

"Shut up you disgusting monster!" Ashlynn mustered her courage and said courageously.

"Ashlynn Rossi, daughter of Chad Rossi, leader of the Italian Mafia. I wonder how you can be so…weak.. I thought all mafia leaders train their child as soon as they turn three or five. But you…my dear, you're fifteen. How can you be so weak? So vulnerable?" Roberto asked.

Ashlynn had no idea that her father was the Leader of the Italian Mafia until Roberto told her that day.

Chad wanted to keep his second daughter away from all these things, knowing that his first daughter who'll become the next leader. But little did he know…

"I see! I think I got it! Chad wanted to keep his little princess clean- with no blood on her small hands. Right? Pathetic!" Roberto said angrily.

"Leave me alone!I want to go home!" Ashlynn screamed and tried to free herself from his grip but in vain.

"No way baby, no way. You won't be going home now. Forget it." Roberto smirked as he threw Ashlynn on the floor next to Annabella.

He began removing his belt with a smirk plastered on his face, "I can't wait to ravish you, baby."

Ashlynn crawled backwards, trying her best to get away from this man. However, he grabbed her ankle and pulled her back to him.

Ashlynn eyes fell on the gun which was in Annabella's pants. She quickly took it out and pointed it to Roberto.

Roberto raised his hands, surrendering but he wasn't taking her seriously, "You won't dare to shoot me... Sweetheart. You're too good…too pure. You're a vulnerable and weak mafia Princess."

"Weak- my ass!" Ashlynn shouted before adding, "You think I'm weak? Well then…News flash! I'm not! You underestimated me."

Her sudden revelation made Roberto's eyes widened,"What do you mean?  You're gonna let me go…you're just fifteen! What can a fifteen year old do to me? For your own good, put that gun down and we both go our seperate ways."

"Killing my own sister in front of me and thinking that I'll let you get away with it was the biggest mistake you've ever made, Roberto fucking Santiago- and I'm gonna make sure that it's the last mistake you'll ever make." Ashlynn said, her tone was deadly.

Her gaze was murderous. Her hands weren't even trembling while she was holding the gun.

"You won't dare to shoot me!!!" Roberto said, trying his best to keep his calm when he was two step ahead from freaking out.

Without replying to hik, Ashlynn pulled the trigger but she didn't shoot him in the head or the heart…she shot him in the legs which made him fall on the ground.

"I'll make sure you suffer before you die." Ashlynn spoke. She was about to make her first kill…and she wasn't afraid.
She was hell bent on avenging her sister that all the fear she was feeling, went away. She was seeing red.

She shot Roberto again, this time in his other leg. Then again…in both his knees. Then in his arms…then in his chest. After three minutes of going through pain, She shot him in the head.

She was covered in blood by the time she was done and It was already midnight.

She walked over to Annabella's body and hugged her one last time then cried her heart out.

"I love you Anna. You'll always be in my heart, sister." She mumbled in between her sobs.

When Ashlynn's parents noticed that they weren't back and it's been midnight, they tracked their location and received two biggest shock of their lives.

One- Their first born is dead- was murdered in cold blood.

Two- Their second daughter killed her sister's murderer. She made her first kill…

_____End of Flashback_____

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