Changes in her

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"So she is back." Kenzo said to Ace who nodded, "She is."

"Why did she leave in the first place?" Kenzo asked to which he replied, "She said something about family."

"What were you two doing here- alone?", Kenzo asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Catching up, I guess." Ace responded before adding, "I'm going inside."

"Wait!" Kenzo stopped him and spoke in a serious tone, "I came here to inform you about something- or maybe- warn you about something."

"Which is?" Ace asked, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Ashlynn." Kenzo said lowly, "Be careful around her. I don't know why but I have a feeling that there's more to her- she's hiding something. I know it."

"Well of course she's hiding something." Ace scoffed.

Kenzo furrowed his brows in confusion, "You know what she's hiding?"

"Everyone hides things, uncle Ken. You are hiding something too. Secrets- everyone have them. I have some of my own too." Ace spoke before adding, "There's more to you, there's more to me- there's more to everyone. So just chill- yeah?"

Kenzo sighed but nodded. "If something wrong happens- don't say that I didn't warn ya."

"It's not like anyone would ask whether you warned me or not." Ace muttered.

"I heard that, kid." Kenzo said in a severe tone.


"Ash! I've been looking for you everywhere! Where have you been?" Monica approached Ashlynn as soon as she saw her.

"Outside." She responded with a single word.

"Wow. I didn't know." Monica said sarcastically.

"I need a drink." Ashlynn muttered and walked away without saying anything further.

Monica sighed. 'she really changed.' She thought.

Ashlynn walked to the bar and ordered some wine. While waiting for her order, Xander sat beside her with a huge smile on his face.

"Would it be weird if I said that I missed you?" He asked.

Ashlynn turned to face him before replying, "You tell me- would it?"

"I don't care actually." He said and chuckled, "I honestly missed you."

"Your order, ma'am." The waiter gave her her glass of wine. She took it, brought it to her lips and sipped before replying to Xander, "Thank you for remembering me. I never thought you would."

"What are you saying? We are friends!" He said in disbelief, "You are my friend and you're my girlfriend's boss damn it!"

"Your girlfriend's boss? You're dating one of my employees?" Ashlynn asked, suddenly interested in this conversation.

"Right- you weren't here so you don't know. Imogen is officially my girlfriend. You better treat her well and don't give her too much work." Xander joked.

"She's my employee, she works for me so I treat her how I want. If you have a problem, just tell her to quit. She's not tied to me alright?" Ashlynn spoke coldly.

"Woah- chill. You're reminding me of Ace right now." Xander was stunned to see this side of hers.

"Sorry about that. I'm really not in a good mood right now. I'm happy for you two. She's a really good person." Ashlynn said, less coldly than before.

"Okay- coolest wedding ever, don't you think?" Xander asked, changing the subject.

"Free wine- I totally agree." She said as she sip the last drop of wine in her glass.

"My freaking god! If not the goddess herself-" A dramatic voice said from afar.

Ashlynn and Xander raised their heads to see a smirking Brad standing there with his hands in his pocket and staring directly at Ashlynn.

"Didn't you miss me? Ohh come on!! It's so hard to miss me- don't tell me you forgot this handsome face of mine! I am your first friend!" Brad spoke dramatically.

"You've just got married, you should save your voice for tonight." Ashlynn said with a smirk.

Brad blushed which didn't go unnoticed by Ashlynn and Xander.

"I- what the fuck man! It's my wedding today and everyone is teasing me! I can't wait for you guys to get married, I'll tease you all to the core!" Brad swore.

"Whatever." Ashlynn muttered and rolled her eyes.

"I missed you so god damn much but of course- not more than Ace. That man kept on asking about you everytime. If not for your letter, he would've turn the whole world upside down to look for you." Brad said and laughed.

Ashlynn was shocked to hear what Brad just said. 'Maybe he can help.' She thought.

'But I'll have to tell him the complete truth for that. Am I ready to do that? Am I ready to open up to him? A guy who I barely know but still managed to make himself a place inside my heart-'

She was battling with herself- whether to tell him the complete truth or not.

But what is the COMPLETE truth?

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