Italian mafia base

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He stood there, watching Ashylnn and waiting for the next thing she would do. Ashlynn put her phone back in her pocket and crossed her arms- as if waiting for someone.

Ace stood in the dark- waiting patiently. He already planned on following her wherever she was about to go.

Ever since Ashlynn came back, he felt that something was wrong with her. He sensed that she was hidng something big and he is hell bent on finding out what. He asked his family to go saying that he has to take care of something before.

They were hesitant but Alexander took everyone except Ace and left with them thinking that a mafia thing came up.

After what felt like hours, a car arrived and stopped in front of Ashlynn.

"What took you so long?" Ashlynn asked the driver who got out of the car.

"Sorry ma'am. God caught up in traffic." The driver apologized and opened the back door for her to get in.

"I'll drive." Ashlynn spoke.

"But ma'am-" he was cut off mid-sentence by Ashlynn, "We are late already and you're going to drive as slow as a snail so I'm gonna drive. Get inside."

The driver got inside without defying her and she got in the driver's seat then drove away.

When Ashynn was speaking with the driver, Ace threw a small tracking device on the car without any of them noticing.

As soon as they left, he took out his phone and viewed their location. They were on their way to a location which was very familiar to Ace.
There's only one possible place where they could be going if they're going that way..

"Italian Mafia Base in USA." Ace mumbled. As the Mafia King, he knew all the locations of all the Mafia bases.

'Why are they going that way? How the hell do they even know about that?' He asked himself.

A base is supposed to stay hidden to non-mafia members and it's kept hidden from other mafias members in order to keep their territory intact.

For example, if the Russian Mafia learn about the location of the Italian Mafia's base, they are definitely going to attack it and bring it down because they are enemies.

Russians has never been able to keep a good relation with the Italian and American Mafia. Despite being powerful, The Russian Mafia could never take down neither the Italian nor the American.

They tried to take down the American but we all know how that ended. The leader ended up dead. The American, being the most powerful mafia was never one to be messed up with.

Started by Bernard Black, then passed on to Stefan Black then to Alexander Black and now the one and only, Ace Black.

The leader of the most powerful Mafia is known as the Mafia King/King of the underworld. The other mafias respect them and are scared of them.

Firstly, we have the American Mafia then we have the Italians then we have the Mexicans and then the Russians. The others are just dusts under their shoes.

Ace continued to watch as Ashlynn stops exactly where the base is.

"Is she part of the mafia?" He asked himself in disbelief. If she was, he should have been aware…

He continued staring at the little location symbol which stopped moving. He waited for it to start moving again but it didn't.

He was still waiting when a name appeared on his screen.


"Hey dude what's up?! Did you forget about me already?!" Brad asked, faking his anger.

"Are you sure that it's me who forgot about you and not the other way round?" Ace asked.

Ever since Brad got married, he barely spoke to Ace and Xander. He has been dedicating all his time to his wife and work.


Where do friends fit? No where. It's like he doesn't has any friends.

"I'm a hundred percent sure! Where are you anyway?" Brad asked, suddenly curious.

"Why do you want to know? Don't you have a wife to fuck?" Ace asked back.

"Keep my wife out of this!" Brad said a bit loudly, "She is your sister-in-law and as her husband, it is my job to please her day and night!"

"Anyway, why did you call me?" Ace asked.

"We need to meet…It's something important." Brad said seriously.

"Tomorrow. Come in my office at-" he paused and thought for a while the resume,"eight will be good?"

"Perfect! It's a date then! See you!" He said excitedly.

"Are you cheating on me on the very second week of our marriage?!" Lydia's angry voice asked loud enough for even Ace to hear.

"No-No!! It's not what you think! Baby…it's just Ace…I promise! I will never cheat on you!" Brad quickly replied.

"You're whipped." Ace said and smirked before cutting off the call.

He connected his phone to the tracker again and was stunned o see that they're still at the base.

"Tomorrow, I'll have to pay a little visit to the Italian Mafia." He decided.

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