Chapter 34

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All Might gritted his teeth before Trixon laughed and broke the power struggle as he quickly kneed the hero in the stomach pushing him up in the air.

"Genocide!" shouted Trixon ramming the glowing fist right into All Might's injuried side making him vomit out blood before he was launched away.

Trixon was about to follow him only for Aisuru to suddenly appear in front of him and deliver a nasty hook punch in his face. The force made him stumble to the side where Izuku appeared and used a Smash powered kick to launch the Alien in the sky. Bakugou flew up to the flying villain before arriving above him as he aimed a gauntlet at Trixons back.

"DIIIEEEEE!!" roared Bakugou pulling the pin unleashing a torrent of explosions launching Trixon to the ground making a crater span across the floor.

Bakugou landed next to the other teens as a sea of flames overtook the crater.

"Think that got him?" asked Izuku making Aisuru shake his head.

"Not a chance in hell" breathed Aisuru as seconds after saying that a strong gust storm appeared in the crater and extinguished all the flames showing Trixon to be fine.

"I think you all finally got the itch on my back well done!" gloated Trixon showing his armor to be spotless.

Thrusters sprung up from Aisuru's back launching him forwards as once he was in front of the villain he preformed a spinning road house kick. Trixon smirked underneath his helmet before he dodged out the kick and preformed his own causing his foot to connect with Aisuru's face. The teen cried out in pain as he was quickly flung to the side before Izuku quickly rushed up and preformed powerful kicks and punches against Trixons body. Explosions erupted from the blows before it showed Trixon look down at Izuku before winding his own fist back.

"Genocide!" declared Trixon ramming his fist into Izuku's stomach making him vomit out blood as he bent completely over the fist before being launched away.

Bakugou gritted his teeth before he flew towards Trixon who quickly spun on his foot and held up a glowing red orb right up to Bakugou's face.

"Extinction" stated Trixon causing the ball to explode into a massive explosion engulfing Bakugou making him cry out in pain.

Trixon's cape fluttered in the wind as he let a deep laugh out.

"Is this the best earth's warriors have HAHAHAHA!" laughed Trixon out before he looked forwards and saw Aisuru slowly walk towards him.

"Did I say I'm out yet you bastard huh?" croaked Aisuru out wiping his blood out his visor.

"Oh you humans are always so damn stubborn... even if it is for a lost cause" said Trixon holding his arms open.

"All those members of the Trixon following think I'm going to lead them to salvation HA what a joke" carried the alien on shaking his head.

"The most they will ever become is the anti grease liquid in my ships old gears or their blood will become a fine wine for me after a long day of conquering"

"Even that punk Mizuki thought we could make a haven for his powerless sister... get real the powerless will always fall prey to the strong that's basic logic... hell his shitty sister should just accept her fate and follow the Strong's every whim like a dog!"

"Those "Villains" as they call them selves aint got shit on the real monsters out there in the galaxy they should just wake up from their day dream" carried Trixon on using air hyphens when he said Villains.

Right after Trixon finished his little rant a turquoise spear appeared out of thin air and struck him making him skid backwards.

"I know that attack" breathed Aisuru out shocked looking to the side with wide eyes.

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