Chapter 24

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Groaning could be heard as Wolf kin was busy wrapping bandages on the injured teens. Aisuru was busy on the phone as the group's location was revealed to be a massive dock.

"That hurts dammit!" shouted Adam as the pro hero sprayed anti-septic's on his wounds.

"Thats what you get for underestimating your opponent, Adam! When this is all over all three of you are going to have long chats with me" said Wolf Kin smiling sinisterly at the kids making them shiver.

Aisuru had just got off his call as a ship could be seen in the distance getting closer to them.

"Alright I alerted my ship and his on his way" said Aisuru as he turned to the group.

"Well c'mon what you all waiting for an invitation?" asked the tall teen before taking his bag from Yo as he and Ren walked down the long dock.

"Memememem" mocked Adam still salty about losing only for Carla to smack him on the back of the head while Sebastian wordlessly rubbed his sore chin.

The boat arrived at the dock and soon everyone boarded it quickly making it depart as everyone got comfortable. An engine roaring to life was heard before the boat started to sail deeper in the ocean. As the boat sailed away Aisuru was startled by Ren poking him on the shoulder.

"Oh right here you go boss I completely forgot to give it to you" said Ren passing the teen a metal brief case which with a raised eye Brow opened it reveling the Assault drive disk.

"Kuro managed to finally convert the armor in disk form right before we left and he asked me to give it to you" explained the woman making Aisuru nod as he took the disk out holding it in the air.

The growling face of the Assualt drive glared on the disk as small orange lines were glowing on the plain grey disk. Aisuru put the disk in his pouch before he turned back to the open ocean. The journey to the island was almost over in the blink of an eye and Aisuru was very glad.

Adam tried to argue with the teen about everything before him and Carla stared to argue which in turn caused Wolf kin to be roped in the argument. Everyone was shouting and screaming which annoyed Aisuru to no end while the only person her really liked so far was Sebastian as the other teen just minded his own business and ate his food quietly.

A massive island rose up slowly on the horizon as severyone was amazed at the sheer size of it. Once they landed on a dock, they were immediately helped by Senso Corp employees who was working on the island. The employees took all their things before giving the keys of an all-terrain jeep to Aisuru so they could drive through the jungle towards the jungle.

"Uhm arnt you a bit young to drive Aisuru?" asked Wolf Kin worried only for said teen to look at her weirdly.

"Nope I invented a lot of vehicles so I had to know how to operate them so yeah' answered Aisuru jumping in the driving seat and started the car immediately.

Everyone looked at one another worried before climbing in the jeep only for Yo to stay behind at the base camp. Trees and animals zoomed past the driving jeep as they drove on a dirt road cutting through the entire forest.

"Can you tell us what this temple is Aisuru? is it Aztec?" asked Wolf Kin turning towards the driving teen who let a "Mmm" out before answering.

"It's part Aztec and also parts of various other civilization's" answered Aisuru making Carla who was listening confused.

"That shouldn't be possible there where only Aztec's and Mayans here on this side of the content so it has to be Aztec" countered the girl making Aisuru smile.

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