Chapter 25

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The spot lights illuminated the inside of the temple reveling the massive stone carvings. Statue of heroic figures and horrendous beasts loomed over the group making a chill go down everyone's back. Foots steps echoing deeper in the temple made the group move past the massive statues deeper in the temple where a massive problem soon arrived. A split in the hallway.

"What now?" panted Adam tired.

Aisuru sighed before he turned to the left path and looked over his shoulder at the American's.

"You guys go to the right I'll take the left path" said the teen soon getting cries of unrest back.

"Haven't you ever watched any scary movies? YOU DONT EVER SPLIT UP!" shouted Carla making Aisuru chuckle before his palm glowed purple.

"Take this tracker it will tell me you guys' location and if you get in any trouble just destroy it that will tell me something had happened" explain Aisuru passing the girl a small cube which she immediately put in her pants pocket.

Wolf wanted to try and argue against splitting up but she knew out of all the people here he would have the better chance at winning a fight against that Ventus guy. Aisuru then activated the tracker before he sprinted down the left path leaving the other heroes to themselves as they went down the right tunnel. Everything was quiet for a few minutes as the group walked down the tunnel, they saw depictions of an ancient battle taking place where a lone man stood up against a massive army to save his kingdom. They soon arrived in a massive room where purple flame torches were lit reveling Ventus in a praying fashion in front of a massive black sarcophagus. Claw marks were all over the sarcophagus as if something was trying with all its might not to be placed in it.

The man's ear twitched as he slowly looked behind and saw the group stand there on guard. Ventus suddenly gained a massive smirk as he stood fully up.

"Ah I was going to come fetch you but alas it seems luck is on my side! I needed a few more sacrifices and your just what the doctor asked for" stated Ventus snapping his figures afterword's.

Appearing out of thin air came Oro and Ann except something was different. Their muscles seemed to have doubled in size as their veins throbbed under their skin. Their eyes were white while a glowing upside-down triangle was glowing on their forehead. Ventus laughed loudly and grinned to himself as he looked at the two people.

"What do you think? I made some modifications to these failure I mean c'mon they lost to you four?!" shouted the man out looking down at the American heroes.

Adam bared his teeth and was about to lunge towards Ventus only for Carla to stop him in his tracks.

"Oh, that one is raring to go see the lord... lets grant him the privilege wont we?" mused Ventus aloud before he flicked his finger forewords making both of the adults bare their teeth and lunge towards the hero.

Sebastian reacted quickly before he jumped in front of everyone and held his hands up.

"X20!" shouted the teen making the air shake as the two villains were halted in their tracks.

"That is quite a good quirk but it's too bad Oro is such a dumbass he didnt relies that his quirk is a perfect counter!" shouted Ventus from across the room.

The triangle glowed on Oro's head before he held two grey glowing hands out.

"Shatter" groaned Oro out as visible cracks appeared in the sky before the sound of glass breaking rung through the room as the duo stood fully up not feeling the effects of gravity anymore.

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