Chapter 23

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 Gunfire and explosions shook the air as pained screams echoed through everyone ear drums. Labored breathing accompanied by rapid footsteps illuminated a figure running through thick jungle trees. A male worker wearing a dark collared shirt and denim jeans was seen to be the figure. His eyes darted around panickily before he tripped over a tree root. Pain flashed on the man's face before fear over took it again as three figures who all had black cloaks were suddenly behind the man making him look up at them. One of the figures had a massive body structure easily towering over the tallest and burliest of men while next to them another figure had an average body structure and finally the final figure was a slim and petite frame.

"P... Please let me live! I have a family!" cried the man out tears soon spilling out of his eyes.

The average body structure figure walked forewords and rested a black military boot on the man's chest making him cry out in pain.

"Shush little lamb... there should be no worries in your heart for your about to meet the magnificent one!" spoke the figure calmly out in a male voice.

The man's eyes widened as the figure held an open hand above his head. A glowing orange triangle was in his palm as his glowing eyes shown underneath the cloak hood.

"Rejoyce... Raia" said the male soon enveloping the group in a bright light before an explosion shook the ground making the birds fly out of their homes.

As the smoke and dust settled down it showed the man's head was completely blown to pieces as his upper body was ripped to shreds as if he was put in a blender. The man let a soft breath out before him and his group carried on ignoring the corpse in front of them.

"Can you both believe the judgement day is almost nearby? We have finally found the last piece we needed and it's all thanks to our lords' visions" exclaimed the man as the group walked out the tree line reveling them to be at the edge of a mountain.

"The promised land awaits us!" shouted the man gleefully as he pointed towards something and his eyes glowed bright orange.

The thing which he pointed towards was revealed as a massive stone temple loomed in the heart of the jungle. It looked to be a cross between the Egyptian pyramids and ancient Aztec city like Machu Picchu. Spot lights were set up everywhere as more people wearing the same uniform as the earlier guy was walking around. This was the second Shitai island and Senso Corp had just discovered it tonight yet what they didnt know was that some things are meant to stay undiscovered.

Back in Mustafa city the Senso Corp building could be seen standing tall in the middle of the city as Aisuru was at the top office typing away. It had been two weeks since Lick's capture and things finally felt like they could go back to normal for the teen. He was wearing a dark plain white collared shirt which he rolled the sleeves up and a black under jacket sat snuggly on his upper body. His eyes were glued to the hologram flashing in front of him before the Ding of the elevator alerted him. Aizawa was walking out of the elevator with a bored look on his face. He had earlier got a call from Aisuru asking if he could come to Senso Corp so they could talk about his long internship arrangements.

"Ah welcome sir would you like some tea or Coffee?" offered Aisuru standing up from his chair giving the teacher a smile.

"No I'm alright thank you... let's get over this quickly there's a bunch of hero's I have to contact to ask for their internship" stated the man making Aisuru nod.

"Alright then please take a seat" said Aisuru as he turned the holodisk back on and an island was shown.

"Last night Senso Corp discovered a brand-new island... we had found one similar to it earlier and we believe there are answers on it to multiple questions we have" started the teen as he flicked his finger in the air making a second image show.

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