Chapter 31

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Aisuru looked with wide eyes at Atem who had a sad smile on his face remembering all the loses that day.

"I-I don't know what to say" muttered Aisuru shocked as a chuckle escaped Atem's lips.

"So human kind has always had quirks but due to quirk powered beings fighting back then humanity got punished and all our powers were taken away?" stated Aisuru running a hand through his hair trying to compute everything he had just seen.

"The Constructers don't like their creations fighting against one another as it would show which one is clearly better at creating life than the other... bastards are so full of themselves its truly frightening" explained the King.

"But here on earth quirk powered people fight every day! So why doesn't that qualify as a broken rule?" asked Aisuru making Atem shake his head slightly.

"Beings that were born on the same planet doesn't garner the rule to be broken I mean after all what's the one law that life follows?" quizzed Atem making Aisuru look at him confused.

"Survival of the fittest... If you don't have the strength to protect yourself or loved ones your not deemed to carry on living, Such a cruel mindset from out creators isn't it?" said Atem a cold look in his eyes.

"What about Arcon Energy if you had kept it in your depiction's Humanity would have developed light years in technology" started Aisuru only to be interrupted by Atem who raised his hand.

"Arcon Energy is something that should have never been discovered.... it is indeed raw energy that can power about everything but it corrupts a person's mind... so now imagine an entire planet corrupted like that?" countered Atem.

Aisuru gritted his teeth before nodding with Atem's statement. Just as the two were going to carry on talking cracks started to appear on the white landscape.

"It seems our time is up... Trixon is a few minutes away from landing on earth..." muttered Atem seeming to look deeper in the white void.

"But- But I don't think I'm strong enough to fight such a strong opponent! I mean I just keep losing fight's after fight and I wasn't strong enough to protect my parents" said Aisuru looking down at the floor his confidence in himself being broken down constantly even if he has people cheering him on.

Atem looked at the teen before walking forwards and flicking him against the head causing a soft "ow" to escape the teens mouth.

"The thing with you Aisuru is that you always subconsciously hold yourself back. When it comes to fighting your always scared you'd let your power run free and hurt someone badly. The only time you really let it all out was your fight against Kaido and immediately afterword's you locked away your true power again like a coward" exclaimed Atem his eyes glowing gold while a serious look was on his face.

"Why must the lion hold back his strength when hunting a buck? Its disrespectful to not use all your strength when your prey is busy using all of its strength to run away."

"If you ever dream of scratching Trixon you better stop holding back... So stop giving a damn and just fight" concluded Atem giving the teen a smirk before Aisuru let a loud gasp up as he sat up from bed.

Rough pants escaped the teens lips before he threw his bed sheets off and ran out the room. His fellow students looked at him confused as he sprinted past them not even greeting them before he ran out the building and looked in the skies. Class 1 a ran outside after Aisuru only to be blinded by a purple light as Rocket Man stood there.

"Aisuru what's going on?" asked Izuku worried only for Aisuru to look over his shoulder.

"War" answered the teen simply before his thrusters flared to life scorching the ground as he blasted off.

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