Chapter 7

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Fireworks could be seen caressing the sky as they seconds later exploded making people cheer. Hundreds of stalls could be seen littering the UA grounds as families were buying products from them. Today was the day... two weeks had blazed by as the Sport festival started with a mighty Roar! Inside the massive stadiums changing room all the Class 1a could be seen. Aisuru had just put on his PE uniform and was about to move out the room only to be stopped by a commotion. Todoroki was busy talking to Izuku saying that he planned to crush Izuku making the teen look down in sadness. Everyone had thought the icy hot boy took it to far only to be shocked as Izuku spoke back to Todoroki saying that he is going to win! Todoroki merely shook his head before he walked past Aisuru and looked up at him.

"You too Senso San... your one of the strongest in the class so I'm going to beat you" stated the two-toned hair teen only making Aisuru grin.

"Come and try me Deep Heat but I think your gonna have to wait in line Explody boy is first in my list that's a promise" countered Aisuru looking towards Bakugou who had glared at the teen.

A horn blowing stopped the conversation as the class moved out the lockers and slowly walked to the entrance of the stadium. People cheering could be heard echoing through the air once outside everyone saw thousands of people sit in the bleachers. Present Mic introduced class 1 A as the crowd cheered louder making all the camera men turn towards them and start taking photos. The other classes walked out of different entrances with their PE uniform on as they glared towards 1a.

"Now for the introductory speech!" said a female voice over the mike.

All the guy's started to blush as the R rated female Hero stood on the podium. She had a white tight body suit while black fabrics were around her limbs and AHEM chest and legs making them stand out more. She had long black hair with radiant Blue Eyes. This was Midnight! A pro Hero. Mineta was having the time of his life as steam blew out of his nose admiring the teacher's costume.

"Listen up everyone! And for the student pledge we have... Bakugou Katsuki," shouted Midnight.

"Oh no" dead panned Aisuru as a sweat drop went down the back of his head.

The rest of the class soon followed Aisuru as they worryingly stared at Bakugou who was walking towards the podium.

" I just wanted to say... I'm going to win" stated Bakugou.

"WE KNEW HE WOULD SAY THAT!" thought Class 1a as they looked horrified. The rest of the students started to boo the teen.

"Why would you say that!" shouted Ida waving his hand like a robot.

"Not my fault they all are just going to be stepping stones for me" said Baougou making everyone even more angry.

"Without a further ado it's time for us to get started!" said Midnight happily.

"The first fateful game of the festival what could it be?" asked Midnight as a screen behind her showed a slot machine bar spinning quickly.

The bar stopped quickly on Obstacle Race!

"All classes will participate in this race which consist of you all running for about 4 km around the stadium... and as long as you don't leave the course you can do whatever you want!" explained Midnight licking her lips sultry.

Everyone soon went to the red gate and Aisuru immediately knew it was going to be a tight fit. Aisuru glanced at Todoroki in the corner of his eyes and saw some ice started to form on his face.

"BEGIN!" shouted Midnight making everyone scream as they started to run only for all their feet to be frozen.

Todoroki released a breath as he ran on the ice which trapped everyone. The two-toned hair teen ran ahead of everyone trying to escape the ice only for a loud bang to alert him. As he looked over his shoulder, he saw Aisuru fly towards him. His legs were covered with the familiar black armor as two boosters were sticking out his feet and calf.

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