Chapter 30

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As the two armies clashed against one another Atem lunged towards Trixon who lunged back at him. Both men wound their fists back before crashing them against one another. The force behind the clashing powers caused visible air waves to sweep through the battle field. Cries of pain and inhuman screeches filled the air as it showed a Shitai warrior cut down a Hunter only for another Hunter to pounce on him and devour him. Trixon and Atem were trading blows with one another as the burly alien quickly dodged out the way of a spin kick from Atem only to react and send a red glowing fist in the kings stomach. The sound of bones breaking was heard from Atem's body as the force pushed the king up while blood was vomited out his mouth.

Atem was flying a bit in the air before he gritted his teeth and mid flight was engulfed in a purple light. As the purple light settled down it showed Atem stand there in full black armor.[Imagine the soldier armor but more jagged]

"Royal Arms activated" breath Atem out before vanishing from Trixon's view.

Trixon let a pained grunt out as Atem appeared in front of him and drove a metallic fist in the man's face. The two turned into a black and red blur flying through the bloody battle field as in slow motion it showed each man deliver brutal body shoots against one another. Bangs and explosions rung through the air as the two clashed for minutes on end before Trixon released a guttural roar.

"Raia!" spat Trixon out holding a open palm towards Atem which quickly felt a enormous force on his chest blasting him back.

The force was so strong that any Hunter which ran in front of Atem was reduced to a puddle of orange mush on the floor. Atem cried out in pain as he carved a groove on the floor before he finally stopped. Rough pants escaped the kings mouth as a massive dent was on his chest plate.

"ATEM!" shouted a voice drawing the mans attention where a bloody White could be seen running up to him.

"Wh-White? Are you ok?" groaned Atem out slowly sitting up only for the other man to help him out.

"Don't worry about me you idiot..." chastised White his King only for Atem to laugh softly before slowly standing up looking towards Trixon who wiped some green blood off his injuries a mad grin on his face.

"His strong White... So damn strong and his creatures are busy killing so many of our men... I don't know if we can win this" muttered Atem looking at the bloody battle field.

White let a soft "Tch" out drawing Atem's attention only to suddenly get punched in the face making him stagger to the side. The other man glared at Atem and held a bloody fist up which was bleeding due to punching Atem's face.

"Are you giving up? Stop the crap Atem...Soldiers are busy dying out here trying to protect their home and families AND YOU WANNA GIVE UP?! Not only are you bringing shame to the Shitai name your also brining shame to the people who placed their lives down to protect everyone" shouted White panting slightly.

"I really didn't think my King was such a coward that's not the man who I swore to serve till I die... SO PULL YOUR SHIT TOGTHER AND LETS WIN THIS!" concluded White causing Atem who was staring at White in shock before a soft chuckle left his lips.

"Did you have to punch me so hard?" asked Atem causing White to shake his head.

"Someone had to rattle that thick skull of yours... use me now Atem lets end this war" said White glowing bright grey before Atem held his hand out and suddenly in his hand was a familiar black lance.

"Thank you for knocking some sense back in me White..." muttered Atem only for the voice of White to ring out in his mind.

"No problem King... but I fear this may be the last time we see each other" answered White back only to mutter the last part to himself solemnly.

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