Chapter 10

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Edgeshot and Aisuru could be seen walked down the street together in Shibuya. People had smiles on their face as they took pictures of the two hero's. Aisuru was in his hero costume as he had a new bullet proof vest this time, he hoped it could last a bit longer. Through the multiple selfies and group pictures the teens phone vibrated in his pants as he took it out and saw it was a message from an unknown number. Confused the teen opened it up and saw that it was a message from Ochaco! She apparently got the tall teens number from Izuku and she just wanted to check in how everything's going. Aisuru smiled underneath his mask before he replied to the girl. Edgeshot saw that the teen was on his phone only for him to release a sigh.

"Please get of your phone Daedalus... your supposed to look around for any shady looking people" scalded Edgeshot the teen making him blush in embarrassment before nodding.

"Yes, sorry sir" answered Aisuru putting his phone away.

A sudden explosion happened in the middle 0f the road alerted the two as everyone ran away screaming. A humanoid dinosaur man could be seen standing on a broken car. He wore a pair of ripped shorts covering his dignaty as it seemed he was a velociraptor type dinosaur.

"YES, FEAR ME PUNY BUGS FOR I DINOMAN WILL RULE YOU ALLL!" shouted the now named Dino man cackling afterword's.

The pro hero gained a serious look before he charged towards Dino man. The two soon started to fight in the middle of the road and Aisuru was about to jump in and help only for a shout to draw his attention. In the midst of Edgeshots battle a man could be seen carrying a child away. The man wore a black business suit as he had a mask on his mouth. The kid had a look of pure fear in his eyes as the man carried him down an alley way.

"HEY!" shouted Aisuru bolting across the street making the man's eye's widened before the sweat was visible falling of him.

"Shit" cussed the man as he started running faster in the alley.

Aisuru ran deeper in the alleyway only to stop in his tracks. The man quickly turned around and pulled out a pistol. He didnt hesitate as he unloaded the entire clip into Aisuru's chest making the teen fly backwards. As smoke trailed out of the gun the man started to pant roughly before he carried on running his eyes blazing with fear. Aisuru released a sore groan as he looked down and saw six bullets were stopped by his vest making them clink to the ground as he sat up.

"Ugh... My sternum" groaned Aisuru slowly standing up before he saw the kids outstretched hand disappear around the corner.

His eyes steeled as he pushed through, being winded by the gun shot, and carried on running seeing once he rounded the corner an abandoned factory sit at the back of a deserted complex area. A lone door was swinging open and closed indicating that the man ran into them. The hero in training soon ran into the building before he saw a massive stairway lead down in the floor.

"What the hell is this place?" muttered Aisuru as he slowly went down the stairs his senses tuned up to 100.

As he went down deeper in the dark abyss the faint sound of talking alerted him. He saw light at the end of the stairs showing he was near the end but an open doorway to his left drew his attention. The door way led to a second floor looking down at the main floor making him softly walk towards it crouching behind the rusted guard rails. His eyes widened under the visor as saw the massive run-down floor. Husks of broken cars layed everywhere as dried blood stains were splattered here and there. In the center of the room sat a man in a throne of pure gold. He was surrounded with a lot of people as Aisuru squinted his eyes he could see it was Brandy Knox the man they were looking for!

"Damn am I lucky our what?" muttered Aisuru as he quickly fished his phone out his pocket and was about to call Edgeshot only to stop due to a commotion underneath him.

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