Chapter 17.2

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I arrived at the restaurant Jamie’s parents booked for dinner on time. I saw them at the table having tea while waiting for me. I took a deep breath and went to greet them.

“Good evening Sir, Mam.” I said nervously.

Jamie and her parents stood up to greet me. I extended my hand to politely and officially introduce myself to them. I was going to give Jaime a kiss on the cheek but decided against it because of her parents presence, I just smiled at her and rubbed the small of her back quickly.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, Sean. We’ve heard so much about you. Take a seat.” Her father started the conversation.

I sat next to Jaime and she’s looking at me attentively. Don’t worry baby, I got this.

“Thank you Sir, Mam, for inviting me to dinner. How was your day?” Starting with small talk but as Jamie had warned, her parents are quite inquisitive.

“It was great. Glad we were able to leave earlier than we expected from that event we attended.” her mom responded while putting food on Jamie’s plate. Jamie looks a mix of her parents but I can see she got a bit more of her mother’s features now that I’ve met them.

“I heard you’re interning at one of the top electronics companies in the country? How’s it going?” her father interjected.

“Yes sir, I am. I decided to get in more hours this year rather than wait for the next semester. I was allowed by the school and the company. They were interested in my proposed equipment mechanisms so the school had an agreement with them that I split my week in school and in the factory.” I answered confidently. My girlfriend is awfully quiet.

“You must be really great at what you do for a company to have such an agreement with the school

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“You must be really great at what you do for a company to have such an agreement with the school. Other programs would require you first to finish all the classes then proceed with the internship right after. What are your plans after?”

So it begins.

“I only have about a year and a half left to complete the hours needed. I’m done with classes this semester. So the remaining will be solely on internship. We’re currently working on the patent for what we developed and I get to have a portion of that registration too. If the efficiency requirements are met, the company said they will start production. Which would mean I get to work with them until I decide not to anymore.”

“Are you not exploring other possibilities after?” her mother inquired.

“I’ve gotten a few offers but I’ve yet to review them thoroughly. I plan on completing this project first so that I can finally graduate from this program.”

“What offers have you gotten? You should consider looking into them, it might give you another perspective.” her Dad sounded curious.

“Uhm Dad? Mom seemed to have already given me my second serving and yet Sean hasn't taken a single bite. Please let him eat?” Jamie, who smiled at her father sweetly, put a halt to the inquisition and I didn’t notice that I hadn't taken a single bite until she mentioned it.

“Oh so sorry Sean, we were just so interested in what you do

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“Oh so sorry Sean, we were just so interested in what you do. Please help yourself.” her mother urged me to start eating.

“Yeah you should start eating, you look like you’re about to pass out.” Jamie taking a jab at what seems to be my state after answering all those questions.

“Do I? I’m just trying to make sure I answer your parents’ questions properly

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“Do I? I’m just trying to make sure I answer your parents’ questions properly.” I answered her back with a teasing face.

” I answered her back with a teasing face

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The dinner with her parents was pleasant. I had to talk about my project a little bit more and I learned that her father used to teach in the US as a visiting professor but decided to return to the country to accept the teaching position in his current University. If he didn’t I wouldnt have probably met Jaime in this lifetime, she could have stayed there all her life. Her mother decided to retire early from work when Jaime’s grandmother fell ill and needed to be taken cared of until she got better. She used to be a curator. No wonder my girlfriend is such a well-rounded individual.

Speaking of Jamie’s favorite grandmother. Her parents mentioned that she insisted to visit the next day after hearing that Jaime had finally finished her presentation today. They invited me for lunch but I politely declined because I’m scheduled at the factory starting tomorrow.

Jamie decided to go home with her parents tonight so that when her grandmother arrives early, she could see her right away. I guess I just have to wait for her the next few days.

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