Chapter 19.2

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Jamie's POV

The party was in full swing. Our friends mingled and shared some information about their careers or the things that they do over some drinks. A lot of commonalities on tv shows, books, places they have visited and hoped to visit soon. Some started talking about their collections. Sean’s pretty happy with how the party is going despite the little temper tantrum he had earlier.

“How’s your internship going?” Sean directed the question to my friends.

“Still trying to make the adjustments. It’s now the real deal you know. There are a lot of people who need help to come to terms with their current issues. It will take time but getting the professional help they need is already the bravest step they ever took.”

“It could get overwhelming but we’ve been prepared for this.”

“How’s your project going?” One of them asked.

“Some tweaks here and there but it’s running smoothly. I definitely don’t want to have the technical issues I had a few months ago. That was a lot of sleepless nights.” Sean responded while taking a sip of his drink.

“Jamie seems to be enjoying her break. Which is good that you can rest for a bit, you’ve been so pressured to finish your research and it only took about two years to finish the classes too. It took some of us three years to get everything done!”

“I got all the support I needed, plus the notes you guys shared on other subjects you already took really helped a lot. I swear those were life savers.” I raised my beer bottle to my friends for gratitude and they all yelled “cheers”.

“Pete, are you joining them bowling tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I am. I haven’t seen the rest for a while too. Plus I’m going to beat this guy tomorrow. I lost a couple of bucks the last time.” Pete announcing his early victory.

“Dream on. You wouldn’t even come close to the strikes I am going to make tomorrow.” Sean challenged.

The rest of their friends chimed in with who was likely to lose tomorrow’s game. Some of his friends couldn't make it tonight due to other schedules with family and work so they decided to hang out at the bowling alley. They still tried to convince me to join them. I declined the invitation earlier because my brother is visiting me for a few days starting tomorrow before he flies out for vacation.

The rest of my friends were invited and some of them decided to join since Pete said it would be fun.

I decided to get up to get the cake for Sean before everyone gets too tipsy to sing a decent “Happy Birthday.”

“Where are you going?” Sean was quick to notice.

“Just going to get something. Sit tight and hang out with them.”

He nodded in response.

My friend who just got out of the restroom saw me preparing the candles in the kitchen and decided to help me out.

“You want me to turn off the lights too?”

“Yeah, that’ll be nice. The switch is over there but don’t turn them all off we got a few that’s already beyond their alcohol tolerance. We don’t want them sprawled on the floor while they sing happy birthday.” I laughed at the possibility because that will happen, I am sure. 

I started singing when the lights went off and everyone sang along. Sean was all bright eyed and smiling when he stood in front of me looking at the cake with few lit candles.

 Sean was all bright eyed and smiling when he stood in front of me looking at the cake with few lit candles

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“Make a wish!” Everyone cheered.

With eyes tightly closed, Sean made his wish. I think it’s a long one because it took him a few seconds before he blew the candles. He took the cake from me and kissed my cheek as a sign of how grateful he is.

Our guests didn’t drink a lot, maybe because of the game tomorrow but one of their friends passed out on the couch. The rest helped me out cleaning what’s left to clean as they didn’t want me to do it alone after they left.

They went home a little past midnight and Sean and Pete decided to go help their friend who got a little drunk get home since they all live nearby.

As I was keeping the leftover cake in the fridge, I lit up a candle and silently made my own wish even if it isn’t my birthday to make one.

“I wish that you get what you wished for Sean. You deserve it, whatever that may be.”

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