Chapter 23

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Days are a blur, especially when you’re happy.

Sometimes we wake up realizing that so much time has passed but we’re not complaining. I guess when you’re busy yet happy, have a lot on your plate but can totally handle them, you won’t notice that months have gone by.

We quickly fall into a routine only to realize that it becomes one when something shakes it good or bad, there’s an intervention, or a new opportunity is presented.

I’ve already gotten a hang of my internship. 7 months in and I’m turning in good work as per my supervisors’ assessments. At this rate that I am performing, I’m going to be able to complete my required hours in no time.

Sean on the other hand has gotten busier the past days because he’s presenting in an innovation convention forum today. He got selected and I’m so proud of him.
I’m heading there after finishing my scheduled morning session. I took the afternoon off to watch his talk with his parents.

“Are you on your way? Do you want us to drive by and pick you up?” His mother called to check on me.

“It’s okay Ma’am, I’m on my way there in the taxi right now. Thank you for the offer but I don’t want you to be late because of me.” I assured his mother.

“Okay then. See you there, Jamie. Take care”

Sean’s parents have been nothing but kind to me and his father, turns out, is a great conversationalist. His father kept asking a lot about my interests that night back in their house while I was having dinner with them. I’ve gone out shopping a few times with his mother and he’s gone out for coffee with my Dad whenever my father had a consultation near his workplace. He’d have lunch with my Mom and I when she visits sometimes.

I arrived at the venue with a few minutes to spare and called his mother to see if they’re here. Glad that I arrived earlier than they did because I really don’t want them to wait for me. I’d rather do the waiting than the other way around. I’m still in the lobby so that we could go to our table together.

“Are you guys here?” Sean on the other end of the phone.

“I’m here, waiting for your parents at the lobby, they’re just parking. How are you doing?”

“I’m nervous but you guys will be here so that counts for a confidence boost.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine. You’ve worked hard on this.”

I saw his parents coming in from the entrance and I waved for them to notice where I am at.

“I gotta go, your parents just arrived. We’ll see you inside okay?”

“Okay, bye, love you.” Sean ended the call, he’s nervous but that’s just his usual nerves. Once he’s up there and starts talking about his project, he turns into something else. Mesmerizing even.

“Hi Jamie! Sorry, did you wait long? We had to find a spot.” His dad gave me that small smile I’ve gotten used to.

“No Sir, it’s okay. I just got off the phone with Sean.”

“We don’t want you to keep standing, let’s go inside?” Sean’s mom urged us to move.

I’m wearing this white lace dress with red flower embroidery. This is a bit formal, not gowns formal though, so I had to wear a dress for the occasion. I needed to change in the hospital before leaving and put on some light makeup too.

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