Chapter 13

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The sound of my doorbell ringing woke me up. It’s ringing incessantly, which is starting to annoy me. I did not order anything nor know any of my family members coming to visit this early in the morning. My head is still throbbing from the headache I’ve had before going to bed last night. I’m trying to muster my strength to get up, but I’m still so sleepy.

As if it was not enough, whoever is behind that door has started banging it loudly. 

“Wait a minute will you? I’m coming!” I shouted when I reached the living room while walking sleepily.

My apartment is spacious enough for a lone occupant. I have my parents to thank for this, supporting and allowing me to be more independent when I can actually stay at home. They agreed with this set up because it’ll take a few train stops and interchanges to get to school and will actually be taxing to head home whenever I pull a few late nights.

The banging continues. Whoever this is, I’m going to smack this person in the head real hard for interrupting my sleep and coming here way too early.

“Yeah, yeah! Wait! Seriously.”

I looked at the monitor first and was surprised to see Sean. I opened the door abruptly with a questioning look while he looked initially worried then relief flashed through his face after assessing me for a few seconds.

I opened the door widely to actually let him in as my neighbors might complain, he already probably woke them up from all that door pounding.

“Uh, Good morning? What are you doing here way too early?” Still puzzled as to why he’s here.

He’s wearing a red and blue striped sweater paired with light gray shorts and loafers. While I just got out of bed in my jammies looking disheveled.

“Don’t you mean good afternoon? It’s two in the afternoon, Jamie.” he removed his shoes and proceeded to the living room.

He’s got a few plastic bags with him too. What in the world is he doing here and what does he have inside those bags?

“Huh? Two? Afternoon?” confusion is written all over my face I’m sure.

He looked at me as if there’s something sticking out of my head. I got conscious and it was what I needed to wake me up. I fixed my hair just in case. Realization dawned on me, it’s the first time he’s inside my apartment and I am internally freaking out because I just got out of bed. Literally just got out of it a few minutes ago.

“Are you feeling okay? You got me so worried! I’ve been trying to call you all morning. I called you before heading to my class but you were not picking up. I figured you woke up late so I left you a message instead. Still did not receive any reply from you after my class and I tried calling your phone but it’s out of reach. I called Pete and he said he didn’t see you at school too. You’re neither at the library nor at the coffee shop you all frequent. You were also not replying to his messages and they too couldn't reach your phone. I had to come here and check if you’re still breathing or what.”

He then showed the time on his phone then proceeded to opening his messaging app to show me the text messages he had sent earlier, as if I was still not convinced, he showed me the calls he made still looking perturbed.

“Oh.” This was all I could say.

“I need water.”

I pointed to the kitchen. He took an empty glass at the counter and opened the fridge to get some cold water. This rarely happens to me and I got him all too anxious. I felt sorry after hearing the rundown as to why he’s here.

He was by the sink when I hugged him from behind. I sensed him pause for a second then proceeded downing that glass of water.

“I’m so sorry baby, I didn't mean to worry you. I might have overslept because I was too tired yesterday. I was actually nursing a terrible headache too, but I feel better.”

Sean almost choked on the water he was drinking. He placed the glass on the counter, wiped the water off his mouth, and quickly turned around to face me while trying to recover from something that stunned him. There’s that astonished expression on his face I recognize. 

“I’ve never heard that before.”

“Huh? I didn't tell you last night because I thought the headache would just go away if I sleep it off, like usual.” I explained, now I’m perplexed by the look he’s still giving me. 

“Not that, what did you say before worrying, oversleeping, too tired, and headache?” a smile is breaking out from his face now. How malleable can his face be with all these facial expressions I am trying to keep up with?


“You never called me that, ever. Say it again.” a lightbulb just went on in my head, recognition evident.

“I just woke up, I’ll go wash up and change.” I hurriedly said trying to get out of the bear hug he’s now giving me.

“Nope, you’re not going to get away just like that. I am not passing this up anymore.”

After a few seconds of struggling out of his hug, I decided to give in.

“Baby” I started slowly while beaming at him, “Could you please behave and let me out of this hug so that I could wash up and change out of these pajamas?”

He breathed a sigh of relief, placed his forehead to mine and softly said, “I waited for months to hear you call me that, never knowing when or if you’ll ever be comfortable. The waiting is all worth it.”

We stayed that way for a few more seconds. I couldn't respond. We’ll talk about that thought later but as much as I hate to break this moment, I really do have to wash up. I’m getting embarrassed.

“I’d want to talk but I really have to wash up. I just got out of bed. Please?”

Even if I want to, I’m not going to kiss you with my morning breath you know. I almost told him laughing at the thought.

“Okay. By the way, I brought food. I rushed out after changing thinking that you still haven't eaten and got Mul Naengmyun, Samgyetang, Nakji bokkeum, and some side dishes. This seems like a crazy combo though. I ordered anything I could get from the menu. Can I prep these at the kitchen while you wash up?”

“Thank you, you can explore the kitchen, it’s pretty basic.”

I left him there to fend for himself.  

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