Chapter 7.1

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Jamie's POV

I quickly rushed out after the class because he’s been waiting for a while. His classes finished earlier than expected but decided to wait near the lab instead of hanging out somewhere.

“How did your class go?” He greeted me after giving me a peck on the cheek.

My classmates were also heading out and saw the gesture

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My classmates were also heading out and saw the gesture. I am going to get teased, I’m sure. They found out that I am seeing someone the other day when Pete nonchalantly dismissed their invite for drinks on my behalf by informing them that my Fridays are full and already reserved for someone special. 

I quickly introduced Sean to them, “Sean, these are my classmates, Mina, Celine, Lea, and AJ.”

“Hi everyone, how are you?” He greeted them with a smile.

“Hi! We’re good!” they said in unison but with a hint of teasing. I glared at them for my warning look. I know what these girls are capable of when they start their teasing.

“It’s nice to finally meet you! You’ve been mentioned a few times.” one of them said.

“Good stuff about me, I hope?”

“Most definitely.” Mina and Lea said in unison and AJ and Lea chimed in “But of course!” like a choir they started giggling. I’m going to start shooting daggers. 

“Heeey! You’re here! Where are you guys headed?” Pete joined the conversation when he saw us gathered in the hallway.

“Just around for dinner, no place in particular yet. Are you going out?” Sean responded.

“Nope, I still have to meet a few of my classmates for a research discussion. I gotta go though, I’m running late. I’ll see you over the weekend? If the schedule is clear.” He said in a rush.

“We gotta get going too. Enjoy your night! Byeeeeee Jamie!!” the girls said with their silly snickers.

I waved and quickly shifted it to shooing my friends away. Sean found the exchange amusing.

“I’ve been mentioned a few times?”

“Well, yeah. We don’t always talk about research or school you know. We talk about other stuff too.” trying to be sarcastic but failing.

“I’m sure.” he teased. 

“Zip it.”

“Okay, okay!” surrendering to my warning look but still smiling like a goof.

“Anyway, have you thought of what you’d want for dinner?”

“Rice cakes?” weighing in if he’d be alright with it.

“Sounds good. We can take a walk heading there, I’ve got news to share. Let’s go?” I wonder what the news could be.

“What is it?” I nudged him to start talking after a few minutes of silence.

“Well it’s both good and bad, I won’t even let you choose which one you want to hear first. I know you’ll just tell me to get on with it because they’re both going to give you the same reaction anyway, it’s just a matter of which would come first.” He uttered playfully but sounded kind of gloomy too.

“That is true but I’m starting to get worried, you sound a little… I don’t know, down?” he looked at me with a small smile, you know that one with just the other side of his lips lifting slightly? I like that smile too.

“Kind of, here’s the thing. I’m one of the few school representatives that got invited to go to Japan for two weeks to attend a manufacturing tech and engineering trade show and visit several labs to present my working paper.…” he started and I can’t help but be proud of him.

I held his hand with my two hands and got a little closer, “That’s such great news! You’ll be able to learn and get more exposure to new technologies and innovations. I’m proud of you!”

“Thank you, that means so much to me but… we won’t see each other for two weeks though and the bad news is…. I leave tomorrow. It was such a short notice I just found out this afternoon that the panel decided to bring in select grad students.”

“Oh....” that’s all I could reply after hearing what he just said.

“That means no hanging out this weekend for us. I’m sorry.” speaking what I was exactly thinking while looking at me with such a crestfallen face.

“Well, it’s alright, I understand. I mean I’d be lying if I tell you I’m not sad about not spending time with you this weekend. But look at this way, it’s just two weeks and that’ll be done in no time.”

When we started dating exclusively, we agreed to be more understanding of each other especially with time. We both know that our respective graduate programs can be grueling, demanding, and stressful. We’re just starting but it’s better to lay the proper grounds for this relationship if we want to make this work than complain and argue about these things later on.

I’m not up for that kind of stress and he knows that’s one of the main reasons I never really got into a serious relationship for a while. He told me he’s dated here and there too but never exclusively like us because of the misunderstandings when it comes to changed plans due to certain circumstances and other demands. We have to be mature if we would want a lasting relationship.

“I know. I’m just bummed that it’s that soon to fly out. I’d call you everyday. There’s no time difference anyway so we can still facetime.”

We kept talking while we ate dinner. Like usual, he dropped me off, we went home earlier than planned because he still has to pack for his two-week trip.

He walked me by the door, “I’ll call you later when I get home and maybe you can help me pick the suits I should bring for the meeting and presentations?”

“Yeah, I’d like that. That sounds like a plan. Be safe heading home okay?”

“Alright bye, Jamie.” he started walking away then as if on cue, turned around to look at me. We made a crying face and chuckled at our silliness after which we gave each other a tight hug before we both said our goodbyes.

 We made a crying face and chuckled at our silliness after which we gave each other a tight hug before we both said our goodbyes

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I will miss seeing this sweet guy's handsome face for the next two weeks, his silliness, and the comfort he gives me.

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