Chapter 7

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CH 30 • Jamie's POV

My alarm went off at 6:00AM. I kind of despise waking up early everyday but I can only do my exercises in the morning so I have to. I do yoga for an hour before I go to my classes or start my day as it gives me that sense of stability. I can practice mindfulness while I am at it. I get to clear all thoughts and set them aside, so no matter how tired I am, I always need to do my daily routine.

This daily routine has a new addition though.

“Hey you, Good morning! =)” greeted by the caller named “Sean Stark”.

The other day, he asked me how I saved his number on my phone and just nonchalantly answered, “Oh, I saved it under “Sean.”

He clarified, “Just Sean? Nothing else? Not even a surname or ya know….”

“Yeah just that, why? How did you save my number?” brushing off that hinting tone.

“Saved it under “Jamie” but with a smiley. Though I kind of want to add something else there… or rename it to something else...” he trailed off.

Here I am saving people’s contacts with their full names because it’s easier that way, I even saved my parents and brother’s numbers with theirs in full, though I purposely saved Sean’s just like that for distinction. If you can call it that.

I quickly had an idea, told him that I’m renaming it and he was curious, I explained that since he’s into robotics and mechanisms and hopefully someday he becomes a multi-millionaire with all of his future innovations, he’s like my own Tony Stark thus, Sean Stark.

We don’t save “cutesy” terms on contacts here. At least I don’t - I still have not come around with those terms of endearments just yet.

He welcomed it and went on saving mine as “Dr. Jamie Grey.” Okay so, we’re using superheroes?

Perplexed by his choice, I asked him why because Jean Grey needs to control her telepathic powers as it can get overbearing - am I exhibiting that kind of vibe to him?

“Well you told me before that you do overthink things sometimes, but it’s not that. This is your expertise, helping people manage and navigate what goes through their mind. Your profession is complex yet it is beautiful. It may not be telepathic powers like what Jean Grey has but it can help a lot of people, you know?”

“Yeah, I guess you could relate it to that - that’s possible.”

We talked about how Mental Health is a very pressing issue. There is a lot of stigma that goes around the concept and because of what we do and can do, we can help a lot of people to improve their well-being and help them function better. Help is available. I truly hope that people get the help they deserve and need - this is one of the major reasons I decided to pursue this career.

This is why I like my conversations with him, it could be very simple but can turn to complex and profound in no time.

“Good morning! Why are you up so early? You said you don't have class this Wednesday morning.” I greet him back while I trudge to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast with a towel wrapped around my head.

This is how we are since we started dating exclusively, either I call him or he calls me in the morning before we go on with our respective days. Though we don’t get to see each other everyday, we try as often as we can.

“I’m actually heading out to the bowling alley, some of my friends, all of a sudden, asked this morning if I’d like to join them for a game. Since I don’t have class, I said yes. I’ll play before I go to the lab this afternoon.” he stated, excitement noted on his voice.

“What are you up to?”

“I’m preparing breakfast, I still have time before I head to my class. What time are you going to be at the campus later?

“I brought my gear so I am driving to the alley but I’ll go home after to shower, then the lab. I’ll meet you there after your last class, same time?”

The morning phone call was shorter than usual as he’s driving. He needed to leave extra early due to morning traffic. This bowling enthusiast of mine has his own bowling balls, set of gloves, and shoes - that’s how much he loves it. If he has time he’d also spend it bowling with his friends. I’d rather have him go to the alley though than go out drinking.

I sent him a selfie in my current state - a towel wrapped around my head wearing a green oversized t-shirt and added a little glare.

“Be careful driving! 😘”

He replied with his own inside the car, wearing a black shirt and a black cap with a serious look and then added, “Aye aye, Captain ♥️”

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He replied with his own inside the car, wearing a black shirt and a black cap with a serious look and then added, “Aye aye, Captain ♥️”.

He sent another text up with a link to “Lovely Day”, a song remade by alt-J

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He sent another text up with a link to “Lovely Day”, a song remade by alt-J. 

I know this song but I’ve not listened to this version yet, it was a chill remake and I love the melody.

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