Special Chapter: Through the Night 7 [Finale]

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Jamie's POV

He followed me out so quickly. I'm trying to reign in my emotions because they have been somersaulting the whole time, clouding my judgement.

Questions like, "what are we doing? What did I just tell him? Where is this headed? Two weeks and he's leaving, what does that even mean right now?" rushed through my mind.

I needed fresh air to think rationally.

"Jamie, wait a second! Where are you going?" There's that slight fear and worry I hear in his tone.

"Home." That surprised him.

"Oh okay. But I will come with because we're not done talking." Sounding stern, sure, and decisive.

I just gave him a puzzling look but he spoke again.

"Actually no, you're not going home just yet. We're going to talk about us, what happened in there, this look as if you're fleeing, and whatever is going on in that beautiful intriguing mind of yours right now."

"I'm sorry, Sean." I uttered.

I started walking, I was not running away. That is the last thing I want to do, it did not even cross my mind, I just needed to walk and think. I know he's walking beside me. Letting me think, like he always did.

"For what?"

"For ruining the moment in there so abruptly."

"Ah that, I think I understand." He just simply said.

He took my hand and led me to a bench to sit, I did not realize that we reached this small park near the cafe.

"It's just that you said you're not back for good and you'll be here for just two weeks. Hearing that, so many questions rushed through my head. I'm sorry I had to think this through. My emotions are in shambles as of the moment. Don't get me wrong, I was so surprised you're here and I'm not going to lie, I'm very happy that you are after all these years because I missed you."

"Hi, Jamie. You're back." He's laughing. How can he laugh at this situation?

"What do you mean, I'm back?"

"Well, back there you were this other version of Jamie that I did not see often in public but before you get feisty and all, I love that version of you too but then again I was wondering when would the other Jamie come out. And here she is, the rational beautiful Jamie who I missed a lot too."

"Sean..." I gave him a defeated look.

"Jamie, I think you may have not heard me properly earlier. Granted I said I'm here for a two week vacation and I'd leave soon after but that was because I have to prepare for graduation, documents, and other school stuff to settle. You spaced out without hearing a few more important things I wanted to say. I thought you were all ears to my stories? I was going to ask you to come and see me receive my diploma plus take a vacation with me. I mean if you're willing after we talk about us and our relationship which I am prepared to work on."

"What?" What is wrong with me and my brain.

He laughed again at my reaction.

"I never thought I would see the day that you will be rendered speechless, confused, and perhaps lost in translation. I'll make it simple. Please listen carefully and stop those cogs in your head from turning so fast because that will eventually give you a headache."

He made me look at him and held my hand tightly after.

"I love you. I have always loved and will only love you. That's already a promise I made to myself for my own good and happiness. I missed you everyday we were apart and I'm here to win you back no matter what or however long it takes. If you feel the same way, and I hope and pray that you do so that I can ease this worry that I have been feeling, I want to know if you want to be there to see me go up that stage during graduation. After all, you are one of the people who believed I could do this. You deserve to be there and see my accomplishments, you ought to be there with me. I also want to show you around and continue telling you the stories I wanted to tell you which let me remind you, you promised to be all ears earlier. So what do you say? It's all up to you." He said breathlessly without failing to emphasize the important things he wanted to say.

I looked at the skies and did not realize that the sun was setting. I let out a deep sigh seeing how beautiful it is. It's my favorite time of the day and I am with the man who always gave me the sense of hope similar to what these sunsets give me.

Telling me there will always be a brand new day to do things that we want to do and accomplish them to the best of our abilities, to be with the people that we love, and to say the words we ought to say to those who are dear to us.

This is indeed a fleeting happiness but I realized after hearing what he said, it will be replaced, if I allow it, by contentment and feeling of comfort which means peace.

I turned to look at him and saw that he's anticipating my answer with the usual look of love and adoration I have always known to be mine. I've let one of my reasons for happiness go the past three years and like a boomerang, it's back, he's back in my arms and I know I will embrace it wholeheartedly again no matter what it takes and whatever adjustments we have to make, life circumstances included.

"Watching the sunset with you has always been one of my best treasured memories. I look forward to seeing more of it with you. What's the sunset like in Germany?" I gave him a smile and squeezed his hand and he knew what I meant by it.

"It's going to be better and even more beautiful compared to this because I'm going to watch it with you." He answered definitively with so much promise.

Sean kissed me softly and carefully as if I'm so fragile and I'd break. I kissed him back with all the love that I have in me and threw caution to the wind because this is one of my definitions of happiness, what peace feels like and I know we're going to make this work this time.

"And I love you too. Let's go home. I'd love to hear more of your stories until we both fall asleep."

• The end. Really •

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