Chapter 24

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“Where are you?”

Sean has not replied and he’s running late. He must be driving here so I didn’t send another message. After the convention, a few schools had contacted and requested him to provide sessions on their engineering undergraduate programs.

He got busier as he accommodated a few of them, even sometimes on weekends, but of course we always make sure that we make time for each other. It’s just a little add on to our routines.

I’m waiting for him in the restaurant where the dinner party of one of my seniors is being held. He said he’d accompany me tonight, it was really okay that he couldn’t because of how busy he got but he insisted.

“Hi, I’m here. Outside.” his message said 30 minutes after.

I met him outside so he wouldn’t be awkward looking around for me in the restaurant.

“I’m so sorry. I didn't know that meeting would last longer than I thought.”

“It’s okay. Told you, you didn’t have to come if you got too busy.”

“I’m already here, Jamie.” He sounds a bit irritated, but I’ll drop it. He must be just tired.

“Okay, let’s go inside, you must be starving.”

He exchanged pleasantries with my colleagues when I introduced him. Small talks from one group to another and he’s making his social skills work but I’m sensing that he’s tired. He must have really had a long day so I plan to leave early if we could.

After eating dinner, Sean excused himself for the restroom. He said he just wanted to splash water on his face. He’s not really talking much but I let him.

“Hi Jamie, you good here?” Drew sat at our table holding a bottle of beer.

He is one of the interns in the University Hospital as well. A year ahead of us but from a different group. I guess he came here late and must have been swamped with reports.

Some are starting to drink which might be a good time soon to say our goodbyes and birthday greetings since we really wouldn't be drinking. I won’t let Sean have a single drop, he’s driving and he’s exhausted.

“Hi Drew! I’m good! Did you just get here?”

“I got here a few minutes ago. I just went around to greet everyone you know, pleasantries. I was talking to your group, you weren't with them so I thought you didn’t come or left early. Saw you sitting here alone when I was roaming and decided to say hello. Do you want some drinks?”

“We just sat here to finish our food. And no, thank you. Not drinking tonight. We’re leaving in a while too. I just wanted to stay until dinner is over and when the rest starts drinking which is going to happen pretty soon.”

“We?” He asked, curious.

“Sean, my boyfriend is here. He’s my plus one.”

“Oh, I see. Your boyfriend is here. Where is he, why is he leaving you alone here?”

“He went to the restroom.”

It’s starting to get a little awkward for me. I wish Sean would come back soon because I really am not that comfortable having a conversation with Drew alone at this table. I’m not oblivious when guys one way or the other try to hit on me or show interest. I’ve dodged a few at school and this one is no different.

Drew kept talking about what happened and why they got here a little later than everyone else and that they were glad that people are still here. Well, the party just started in full swing - especially when drinks are already involved. He was mentioning something about what one of our colleagues said and I admit it was a bit funny so I laughed.

“Jamie?” That’s Sean’s voice.

I turned around and saw him with a blank expression. That’s not good.

“You must be Sean, hi I’m Drew, one of Jamie’s colleagues. Nice to meet you.” he extended his hand to Sean.

Because Sean’s used to pleasantries, he accepted it.


“Do you want a drink, man?” Drew offered.

“No, thanks.”

I guess Drew sensed that he’s not going to get more than a few words from Sean, he just probably decided to leave us alone.

“Now that you’re here, I’ll leave you two be. See you around Jamie, nice to meet you again Sean.”

“Thanks.” Sean nodded.

A few words Sean is still okay and manageable, one word Sean is totally, definitely not.

“Who’s that guy?”

“Drew, he’s from a different team and a year ahead of us.” I answered calmly.


Some people started joining us back on our table but with drinks in their hands. We stayed a few more minutes but I can sense that Sean has to get out of here.

“I’ll just say goodbye to them quickly and we can go.” I whispered to him but he just nodded and stood up after I did. We started saying goodbye to people and to my senior who’s celebrating today.

Dating for almost two years, I’ve learned how he can get riled up, likewise he learned mine. We argue like any other couple and that’s part of any relationship really - the not so pretty side of it.

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