Chapter 4

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Jamie's POV

The movie ended and neither one of us moved. Thoughts rush through my mind and I don’t even know what to say or if I should utter anything. I am trying to sense if he is going to say anything too but I am a bit self-conscious to look his way. I think he’s thinking the same? I had not noticed that we were still holding hands when I felt him move a little.

“Uh..”  surprisingly, we said the same thing at the same time. We turned to look at each other and started laughing at our current state. What a way to break this. We’re probably one of the last few people left inside the cinema so we better get going.

“You go first.” he finally mustered.

“I think we should go out now? Looks like we are the last ones here?”

“I’m thinking the same but…..” he trailed off gauging my reaction.

“But?” I pressed on.

“But is it okay if I still hold your hand while we walk to the restaurant?” he asked, hopeful.

I know there is no debate in this because when I allowed him earlier, I had already settled with the fact that I liked him - there is no point in overthinking that matter right this moment. I mean, would you let guys hold your hand like that in the cinema if you don’t? 

“I… don’t see any reason…. not to?” I saw his face light up and a wide smile was plastered across it.

I smiled back at that handsome face. “Oh Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. I think you are about to go on an adventure.” I thought to myself.

We walked slower than usual towards the Italian restaurant he chose while our hands were intertwined. Despite it being Friday, there were still available seats. The staff greeted, took our coats, and led us to our table. Sean, the gentleman that he is, helped with my chair and let me settle first before going to his side of the table.

“What do you want for dinner?” he asked while we both looked at the menu.

“I’d have a Truffle Oil Pasta.” I have already decided when I was browsing, I’ve been to this restaurant with my parents before and I loved their Truffle Oil Pasta.

“Are you going to get wine with that?” I laughed at his response and he gave me a puzzled look.

“Why are you asking? You sound like you’re the one taking my order.” teasing him while reigning in my giggles.

He laughed nervously and responded, “Oh, sorry. I thought I could just say it directly when the waiter comes.”

“White Burgundy would do, but I don’t really drink much so nothing too expensive.” I pointed out because I don’t want to spend money on a drink that I will not truly finish.

He ordered steak and paired it with Red Wine along with my choices when the waiter took our orders. Nervousness crept in, the good kind, I know we need to discuss what just transpired in the cinema.

“Uhm, Jamie…” I was about to speak when he beat me to it.

“Yeah…?” I trailed off waiting for him to continue.

“I’m sorry if I was too bold earlier at the cinema. If I’d disrespected you in any way or broke boundaries that made you uncomfortable, I apologize. Sincerely.” he said with a serious tone. Why is he thinking that way when I allowed him to, besides he already apologized earlier.

“Thank you for apologizing. I appreciate it. Honestly, I was surprised by the gesture but you don’t really need to worry about it. I wouldn't allow it if I was not comfortable.” I assured him that it was okay, I would have made his nose bleed if I wasn't. My brother and father taught me how to defend myself in such cases and I know I can throw a mean sucker punch.

“That’s such a relief. I wouldn't want to put you in a position that would make you want to stop talking with me. I promised I won’t impose or force you to anything if you’re not interested.” He rubbed his nape, worry still etched on his face.

I was going to answer back when he said, “What I am trying to say is that, I like talking with you. Even if it was just text exchanges for the past 10 days but… you don’t know how much I wanted to call you! I just did not want to bother you more than I should. I liked how easy and light it feels when we talk, it’s as if I could tell you anything, everything even the stupidest things I could think of. I would love to continue, if you would allow me. I mean I’m blabbing but what I am trying to say is….”

“Hi, here’s your order. We hope you enjoy the food! Please let me know if you need anything else.” The waiter arrived interrupting Sean’s breathless rundown of reasons. I laughed at the way he looked at the waiter, it’s as if he had killed him a hundred times in his head.

“Thank you, we will. We’ll call you if we need any assistance.” I told the waiter so that Sean can stop glaring.

“Sean, you were saying?” I promoted him to continue.

He took a deep breath as if mustering his courage.

“Before anyone else interrupts me…. What I am trying to say is…. I like you. And if it is okay with you, I would love to take you out on dates like this, spend time with you, get to know you better, talk with you on the phone, and whatever else people do when they like each other. I mean only if the feeling is mutual.”

This was not really shocking because I kind of got the feeling that he does like me, I mean he sent out hints on our exchanges plus getting my number from Pete was already a bright neon sign. It was only a matter of telling me face to face. I was about to open my mouth to give him my answer when he went on.

“I wouldn't push it if you don’t like to, I totally understand, I won’t get offended or anything. Well it would sting a little, no not a little but by a lot, but I promised you I wouldn't make you feel uncomfortable so I will not push it.” He started blabbing nervously.

“Sean, the food is getting cold.” I initially replied.

He was trying to register what I said when I continued with, “And I like you too, why else would I be going out with you today, let you hold my hand which was a bold move I agree, and spend time replying to your messages?”

His expression suddenly changed when he finished processing what I just said. A smile broke on his face, a smile I can not put into words, yet. I smiled back at him, one that I could probably, maybe, start reserving just for him.

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