(∩˃o˂∩)♡ 第三十五章

Start from the beginning

Heavy breathing and sweat trailed down your face, your knuckles were red and bruised up. You could taste iron in your mouth, your head was bleeding profusely. When you were not paying attention, Hanma picked up the metal pole and struck your head with it. The male finally collapsed in front of you, you kept the dagger and wore it over your head. 

You used your new sedative on Ran earlier, it has the ability to knock anyone out the moment it penetrates the skin at the expense of a short-lasting effect. You did not expect that you would've to utilize it on Ran, thus you didn't prepare another dose. You had to use another toxin on Hanma but this would take 15 minutes for it to take effect. The pros of it being able to paralyze your victims for hours, and thank god it finally did. 

"You're strong but not enough to win against science" you smirked and hop on the bike, Hanma chuckled and watched you disappear into the distance. 'I guess I was defeated, Kisaki.'

"TAKEMICHI" you parked the bike and hop off, you saw him aiming a gun at Kisaki. Kisaki looked at you and let out a devious grin causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand— how the fuck is he laughing in this situation?

"Takemichi put the gun down! You said you wanted to marry Hina right? You can't marry her if you go to jail for murder!" you tried to convince the angered male, you completely understood his anger towards Kisaki but you can't let him deal the finishing blow to Kisaki. Takemichi tried too hard to save everyone; he deserves to be happy and enjoy the future he tried so hard to secure.

"Y/n— it's you. You fucking bitch always showing up to fuck me over! You should've left and disappeared the first time, why the fuck did you have to show up again?! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. You'll die now!! I'LL BE THE ONLY ONE CAPABLE OF TAKING OVER YOUR POSITION IN BANRYU" the brown-haired figure laughed, her eyes were bloodshot dark circles hovering under her eyes like clouds. 

She covered her mouth to contain her excitement, the adrenaline rush gave her euphoria. She let out an orgasmic moan and tightened her legs when the throbbing intensified in her nether region. She took out a gun from her waistband and shot the rope ahead of her.


All of you turn your gaze to the roar, you stood rooted when you spot a familiar figure standing on the 3rd storey of the concrete building. A smile plastered across her face— "Maya..." you were too shocked to react, what's happening right now? Why is Maya here? Huh?

"YOU BITCH, THAT WASN'T PART OF THE PLAN" Kisaki yelled at the top of his lungs, snapping you out from the train of thoughts. You saw Kisaki trying to get out of the way, you immediately look up and saw multiple large concrete poles plunging from the crane's lifting hook. Time seems to slow down for you as the concrete was slowly making its way down.

Your body acted instinctively, you kicked Takemitchi away with all your strength and sprinted towards Kisaki. You tackled and grab him from behind, restricting his movements to prevent him from escaping.

"Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Takemitchi yelled out to you when he landed a few ft away from you. You let out a sigh of relief when you realized that he was out of the danger zone— you didn't mind this outcome. You had already planned on killing Kisaki when you found out Emma died because of him, you just didn't want Takemitchi to get into trouble for this. 

You were satisfied to give your life up knowing Kisaki is probably pissing himself right now. Who knew that his plan to kill you would result in his own death— he ruined so many lives and it is about time for him to reap what he sows. 'You finally succeeded, Takemitchi.'

"Tell the brothers I'm sorry I won't be able to join them for dinner or take over Japan together." you smiled, a tear escaped your eyes, Kisaki was struggling in your grasp and hurling every insults possible at you but it was futile because you are stronger than him. 

Memories came rushing back to you, you saw your mother and Keisuke. 'I'm coming to see you soon, Momma and Keisuke.' a final smile erupts on your face before the heavy concrete crushed your body, immense pain was all you felt as you draw into darkness.


[A/N: I hope this chapter was exciting after multiple boring chapters]

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