11. Look Here, Both The Kittens

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♪उफ्फ मेरे दिल में थोड़ी खाली सी जगह थी,
उफ्फ तूने आके बिन किराए ये जगह ली,
कुछ कह भी ना सकी,
ये कैसी बेबसी,
है चुपके चुपके आया
बिन बुलाया मेहमान।।♪


His hands drop over mine holding the console and the red button as he envelopes me from behind. His chin lands on my left shoulder heftily, and I turn my head to have a glance.

His eyes dazzle with a glow of focus on the unicorn.

I breathe heavily as I feel my heartbeat pulsing in the bottom of my throat. His grip tightens on the console over my hand and I quiver under his body like a poor little leaf on a windy day.

The palm of his other hand circles gently on the back of my hand waiting to press the button.

His body was practically slamming against mine covering me like a thick blanket and I could feel every inch of his body against myself and if I say every inch, I fucking mean it.

His muscled arms, his perfectly built body, his groin, even his di--

Nope, not going there.

I could feel his soft plump lips too if he would just move his face a little. Just a tiny little closer.

He presses my hand tightly.

Oh! Sorry, not my hand, the button below my hand.

"See, you have to hold it from where it won't lose its grip. Like that." I hear his voice muffled because I'm too busy smelling his addictive perfume.

I'm such a perverted person. Here, he's busy teaching me and I am busy checking him out.

His gaze turns from the machine to my face. He exclaims "Sirisha!"

"Hm!" I hum in an exclamation and turn around our lips barely brushing over each other in the process.

Only if they would have touched.

Kunal's hands were still on the claw machine while I turned around, so, right now, I'm caged between him and the machine.

Just perfect.

I am face-chin with Kunal.

I look in his eyes which are looking at the claw machine. His gaze shifts, his eyeballs slowly moving down till I can see his dark brown shining orbs as he looks in my black ones.

My cheeks flush with warmth and they must have started turning pink involuntarily.

Something clicks and Kunal grabs my hand pulling me aside. He gets on his knees to take out the toy.

"What else do you want?" He asks getting up and showing me the colourful plushie.

"I wanna try once more." I get back to the place in front of the claw machine from where he pulled me and hold the console as my eyes start searching for something likable.

A key chain with a small glittery rabbit and blue furry pompom attached to it comes into my view. I turn the console in the direction making the claw go there.

You have to hold it from where it won't lose grip.

Kunal's words ring in my mind and I adjust it just above the pompom for a better grip. I carefully put my other hand above the button tightly enough that my nails prick my skin. And without another thought, I uncurl my fingers and hit the button roughly.

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