Chapter 36

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Yongsun hailed the cab that was approaching to where she was standing. She was still standing outside her friend's house-- tightening the scarf wrapped around her neck-- for almost 5 minutes, waiting for something she didn't know what, and by the sight of the cab driving near her, she didn't waste the opportunity to get herself out of that place.

The driver asked where they were going, and yongsun dumbly stared at the old man for five seconds without doing anything. It feels like she's talking through her eyes, telling the old man all the things she wanted to say without opening her mouth. However, they are not on the same wavelength. The man just looks at her questionably as if he finds her weird and crazy.

"Ma'am, are you okay?" Worry was evident in the man's voice that yongsun mentally shook her head and awkwardly smiled.

"Uh.. yeah. I'm sorry-- just uhm, take me to the nearest mall." She said, hesitant.

She wanted to say go to the farthest mall so she could have time to kill for however long the drive could take, but she already acted strange enough when she got into the car. She didn't want the old man to think he had an insane passenger who wanted to go to the farthest mall when in fact there were nearer ones that could only take them 10 minutes to drive to.

Why did I even mention the mall? Is it because she read Eric's message earlier that mentioned he was in the mall too? Maybe.

When yongsun ignored Eric's call a few moments ago, the guy had texted her and informed yongsun that he was currently at the mall. He called because he intended to ask yongsun if she wanted him to buy something she liked, and yongsun just replied with nothing.

She doesn't want any materialistic things. That wouldn't solve the jumbled puzzle in her life. All she wish to have right now is peace of mind and to be alone.

The ride took only 10 minutes, as expected, as yongsun paid for the fair and went out. She doesn't know where exactly she is heading, but who cares? She'll figure it out in a matter of seconds.

Entering the vicinity, the place is packed with random strangers walking through shops and bouncing from one stall to another with their families and friends. It's pleasing to see them having fun, smiling and talking and feeling so alive, while yongsun on the other hand, was wincing at the sight of them so lively. She stood straight in the corner, looking so out of place, still figuring out where to go in this place swarmed with happy people.

Thinking she should find a way to distract herself from too much pondering, because if she'd be honest, she could already feel the viens in her head that were beginning to pop and explode, yongsun headed to the grocery section to buy something she could use for tonight's dinner.

It's not entirely necessary to buy groceries. They still have different varieties of food stocked in their pantry that could cater a week of meals. This is just something she would like to do if the stress is too much to handle or she needs to do something that could divert her brain from insignificant musings. Her book is already done and she doesn't have any reason to entertain herself by writing a novel back home. Also, the library isn't going to help her forget; instead, she's sure the tranquility of the place will just make her ruminate more. So maybe she did something right by taking herself to the mall, where people are loud and busy and annoying and.. somewhat happy.

Yongsun decided to cook lasagna for later. Eric had been watching cooking shows on his phone before bed, and yongsun accidentally witnessed how her husband drooled over the food on his device. He is kinda cute with how he swallows and licks his lips though, like a kid that can't wait to eat his birthday cake. She asks him if he wants lasagna for dinner but eric always says no, saying the process is too long and hard and yongsun will exhaust herself. To be honest, for her it was just a common food she always made. Eric just thinks it's tricky because he doesn't know how to cook.

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