Chapter 29

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I was in the middle of the mall, sitting on a rectangular bench with my secretary, Jennie, beside me, as we watched the crowd walk to their designated destinations, laughing and talking and pointing shops they would like to visit. We came to visit one of my properties-- which I named Star Supermall, to check if the vicinity is as good and safe as before, and also to see if there are any other things I should renovate inside the area.

Lisa was with us, but she told jennie something quick and dashed away without saying anything to me. For almost 5 minutes now, we're waiting for her ass to come back. She should not be here at all. She should have been in her office thinking and doing some paperwork, yet her annoying ass pleaded so dramatically, saying that I should take her with us considering her girlfriend would be going too.

I supposed to turn her down. They would just eventually suck faces and be lovebirds for the rest of the day, but the hell of this woman got on her knees, faked crying, and almost threw tantrums, reciting all the good deeds she had done in our friendship over the past few years. I couldn't do anything about it, and my conscience is not helping. So now I'm here, stuck being a third wheel with a frown on my face.

"Where the hell is your girlfriend, Jennie."

Yes, we're on a name basis. After Lisa confessed her undying love to this woman and asked for my permission to court the girl-- which I couldn't seem to understand why the hell she needed my blessings-- she asked Jennie to be her girlfriend and the two have been together for months now.

I'm happy for them to find love, but every time I catch them in the hallway smooching like there's no tomorrow, I just want them out of my sight.

I banned them from my office after I asked Lisa to sanitize my desk.

"I don't know, boss. She just said to wait for a bit and ran off."

"That stupid snitch."

I sighed and lifted my coffee to take a sip. While waiting for Lisa, Jennie automatically bought it for me when my head started to smoke. She knows I get angry easily and that caffeine helps my system calm down. That monkey should be thankful to her girlfriend, or I'll have her head cut off.

"So, lisa told me about this Yongsun gal. How's it going?"

I immediately choked on my drink and coughed so hard that I started to get attention from the few people around me. They began to disperse, walked meters away from me, and fixed their masks tightly to their faces as if they thought I was positive for covid. I just glared at jennie as we both realized what they might have been thinking about me. Jennie just chuckles and gestures a peace sign for an apology.

"That's it. I'm going to snag your girlfriend's hair later. She really can't shut her mouth for a second." I respond, still coughing a little but manage to hide it secretly.

"It's not her fault entirely. I asked her when I noticed you weren't bringing ladies into your office anymore. I thought maybe you have already quit the habit of fucking random girls every day or someone has gotten your attention already. I just confirmed it to lisa and she told me the latter was the correct answer. She got carried away and spilled out everything."

"Hey, I rarely bring girls into my office!"

"Yeah, tell that to your past self who brought girls 5 times a week. I literally spent money on earphones to keep all of that moaning out of my ears. Your ladies are shameless enough to scream like they're some kind of in a hotel or something."

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