Chapter 23

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I flutter my eyelids wide sensing someone mildly stroking my bloated cheeks and tucking a few strands of hair behind my ears. I smile for the nth time seeing moonbyul adoringly stare at me with her enticing brown eyes as her palm propped her chin. I look around the place, trying to remember where I am and in just a few seconds, I realize we're in her private plane heading back home to Korea.

I lazily lift my limbs and open my arms wide, gesturing I wanna a cuddle that she immediately grants without faltering. Moonbyul inch closer towards me until I felt her hide her face on the crook of my neck. She places a flimsy kiss on my neck and wiggles her face on my skin as if she's tickling me. I just giggle from her tactic, pinching her side as a counterattack resulting for her to stop and laughed.

"We're almost there but you're still ignoring me."

Moonbyul intoned in disbelief, pouting, as her face compressed on my neck much closer than before that it looks like she's hovering on top of me. I just shook my head but my smile can't be erased thinking I unlocked one of moonbyul's other traits. How can this woman who I met overbearing, narcissistic, and savage turn into a big cuddly baby?

"I'm sleeping, byul. I'm not ignoring you."

"It's still the same for me."

I chuckled, firmly locking her head on my arms as I lowkey smells the top of her hair. Moonbyul's perfume can be considered as my favorite scent starting today. It's making my insides calm in many ways as possible, it's addictive.

Back in the car when we drove on our way to the airport, I kept clinging to her shirt, smelling her like I'm sniffing drugs that even if she's talking to one of the airport personnel asking if the plane is ready, I didn't dare to let her go.

Although I look extremely annoying to some people-- specifically to all the girls that were gawking at byul every time we passed through them-- moonbyul didn't push me aside nor care about their judging stares. She even drags me closer to her body and stole a peck on my lips, which earns a scoff on a few ladies watching us intently. I just stick my tongue out at them and tightened my embrace at byul's waist, that I'm certain I pissed off that one woman looking at me with a glare. Ha! Mine.

When we board the plane, that's when I realize my position and what I am to byul's life. I immediately let go of her and cleared my throat in the process. Did I just act like a possessive girlfriend obsessed with byul? Ew yongsun, this is not the typical you.

"Text me when you get home later, hmm?"

I was pulled out from spacing out when I heard moonbyul speak. She was raising her head and looking at me intently as I responded with a slight nod and smile. It was all enough for her to grin like stupid and bury her face into me once again, but now her face is inserted in between my breast.

And yes, I'm completely naked tangled in a white sheet after she took me for another round of you-know-what-I-mean inside this private room. She owns this plane and we're the only passenger inside. So yeah, I can say no one can hear me here even if I scream on top of my lungs.

"When can I see you again?"

Her voice is muffled but I can still hear her clearly, I can even tell her voice sounds depressing. It might be for the reason that she knows we won't see each other for the next few days after this plane land. I hate myself for feeling like this but yeah, there's a part of me that feels sad too. Sound possessive but I just want her by my side or tie her near me so I could know she still wants me once we go back to our respective lives.

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