Chapter 20

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After an hour of exploring Paris, we went straight to the resort I rent for the night. The drive mostly takes us for 30 minutes only since the location is not too distant from where we are, but the moment we enter the car- yongsun sat on the right side while I occupy the left seat- it feels like it all turns to slow motion and the estimated time doubled-- which is a blessing for me by the way. I feel like I have enough sweet time with her by my side.

We didn't bother conversing or opening a topic that could lead us to awkwardness. We just sat there, hands tangled to each other while she lean her head against my neck as my free arm wrapped around her shoulder. I was totally having fun playing with her fingers, rubbing my cheeks on her forehead, and sneakily placing a lingering kiss on the top of her head. I want to know if she's comfortable with me enough.. if it's okay to do such fearless things to her, and when she didn't oppose and even snuggle closer to me, I knew I did it.


"Did this setup match your taste?"

Yongsun was frozen at her spot, blank staring at the romantic dinner table held in the middle of the massive pool. It is decorated with lights in every way possible with red petals of roses scattered around the concrete floor, including the water. A smoke effect disperses on the top of the water making it look like it's boiling, with a few huge translucent balloons floating on it. Yongsun will trade everything to experience a date like this, now it's all turning to reality without exchanging anything.

"By the looks on your face, I guess you like it?" Moonbyul continued when yongsun remain speechless. The reaction somehow made moonbyul smile in triumph.

"This is what every woman's dream date. Would you expect me to hate it? I love it, byul." Yongsun finally got back her voice and responded to the person beside her.

In her teenage years, yongsun had dreamed to be treated like a princess, paired with a prince that will grant her princess-like desires. When she started to get mature, eyes open from the cruelty of the world, she realized she doesn't want to be a princess, rather she wants to be a queen with a king by her side. She had decided she doesn't want to experience fairytale stories, she just wants to be treated right and to end with the right person.

Yongsun thought it was eric, she always think eric is good enough for her. Now she's doubting her capability to choose what's right because for the past years of them together, eric didn't do such things as romantic as this.

"Take off your heels and let's eat."

Yongsun did what byul ask, taking off her heels and setting them aside in the corner as moonbyul did the same to her shoes. They discarded their footwear before walking on the mini bridge headed towards the center of the pool.

Yongsun was a bit confused as to why moonbyul asked to take off her heels, but now standing alongside the table, she notice there's an inch water level below them.

Moonbyul hurriedly walks to yongsun's side and pulls her chair like a gentleman, letting yongsun sit before she does. Yongsun replied a faint thank you, earning a sweet smile from moonbyul and a kiss to her temple. The thought of eric disappear from their minds. All they think now is how will this moment end.. and wish this moment wouldn't end.

The food is already served when they arrived, moonbyul make it sure everything is perfectly fine. She had been worried throughout the day, kept messaging her men if the resort is already perfect as she planned. She was anxious thinking her decoration isn't enough to meet yongsun's expectations. Gladly, the girl likes what she sees and it's enough for moonbyul to breathe normally again.

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