Chapter 30

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It took another couple of minutes before we saw Lisa's shadow running towards us at full speed. She is holding a huge paperbag with a Chanel logo in her right hand, and in her left hand is what I think is a milk ice cream in a cone. She was beaming so wide, her eyes are set to jennie only that she didn't notice I have a frown in my face. Did I really wait for her for half an hour just to know she used her time to buy something for her girlfriend?

Jennie's smile lit up the entire place as she saw her girlfriend running excitedly closer to us. They look so in love, their eyes glimmer with adoration as they look at each other, and it made my skin crawl in disgust and envy.

Can they at least act low-key when I'm here? Seriously, I can't help but question what's my purpose in this world. Decoration, perhaps.

"Sorry I took so long--"

"Just to clarify things, Lisa. You made me wait here just so you could buy gifts and ice cream for your girlfriend?"

I intrude before lisa can explain her side, eyebrow raised and arms crossed against my chest. Her lips instantly bent upwards, and I don't know if it's a genuine or fake one, but I can sense it's an apologetic beam. It's enough expression to confirm that what I said is right.

I just sighed and shook my head in disbelief, because really, what can I do anymore?

"Hey, I'm supposed to be back in just 10 minutes but the freaking stall selling milk ice cream had a lot of customers and I had to wait more than 20 minutes before my turn. I'm sorry, that was unintentional. Forgive me?"

Lisa handed the ice cream to jennie and my secretary almost jumped in glee while accepting the cone. I frowned even more when I realized she didn't buy any ice cream for me, or any gifts for compensation. I really don't know if she's truly my friend or what.

I look once again at jennie and remember the stunt she pulled earlier.

"I don't care anymore. Did you know your girlfriend just did something--"

"Byul and I have a date tomorrow evening." Jennie cut off, grinning, licking her ice cream like a kid, while lisa, well, I can tell her world crumbled like snow particles falling from the sky.

The look of betrayal can be seen in her face and I don't know if I should laugh or be worried when she looks at me with so much pain. The bag she's holding fell on the cold tiled floor, and I'm thankful Jennie was the one holding the milk icecream by now. If not, I'm certain it's in the ground just like the fate of the Chanel bag she's holding.

Her eyes look at us back and forth as if she's making sure jennie was saying the truth. I just watch her with a straight face while Jennie continues to lick her ice cream, leaving lisa in confusion. Finally, when she was sure no one is about to explain any further, her broken eyes locked onto Jennie's face.

"D-Don't you like me anymore, ni?"

Jennie rolled her eyes yet she couldn't stop herself from smiling. I admit, as much as I hate Lisa for acting so whiny, she's adorable sometimes. The way her eyebrows scrunched and her eyes were watery, it's fascinating how an old monkey can be a big baby.

"Don't be too dramatic, li."

"I'm helping your friend with her love life.." Jennie pauses for a second and licks the ice cream dripping on her hand.

"And you decided to date her instead of me? This isn't fair--- "

Lisa's rant leaps out the window as Jennie pinches her side harshly, earning a silent yelp from my poor friend who is now almost on her knees begging for the pain to stop. I watch them in amusement and I wish I also have an ice cream while I watch them brawling.

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