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"You sure, you're fine?" Yibo asked for who knows how many times already. He's sitting at the stool at the counter that is just across the kitchen where Zhan is making their breakfast/lunch. 

When Yibo said last night that they'll take it slow and will do it until sunrise, they did, no stopping just a little pause and they're at it again. Wherever the place they reach, if there are condoms they'll put on, but if there's nothing they'll do it raw. Bathroom, veranda, bed, on the wall, even when they tried getting water from the kitchen to dehydrate, it was never missed. How many times did they come? They didn't even count how many times, who would count when they are too lost into oblivion, sinking with all their desires. 

It was only then they stopped at around 5 am which the sun is already peaking, knocked down, and didn't even bother to clean themselves. The stickiness of their bodies from all the fluids they released did not make them uncomfortable at all. They slept soundly until they heard their son banging the door. They only had four hours of sleep, not sufficient enough to restore their lost energy of sexcapade, but they have a son to attend to. And so, they forced themselves to wake up. Zhan is limping, his back sore, and his voice all groggy while the alpha is just... tired. The omega isn't even bothered by the tickling liquid down his thighs. Yibo bathe them both, of course, late aftercare which he was not able to do after their sexcapade.

After that, they head out, to be welcomed by their son who looks like he has all the energy to spend for the whole day. 

And now, here they are, in the kitchen, Zhan cooking behind the kitchen while Yibo tries to help but being swatted away instead by the omega, and so he settled watching him behind the counter.

Zhan sighs, it's also the nth time he answered, "I'm fine," to the alpha who is still not convinced. 

"But, baby, you're limping," The alpha whined as he pouts, he's too worried for his omega. 

Zhan turns his head at him, giving him a glance, "I'm fiiiine~ Plus, we need to buy a suit today, right? Tomorrow will be mom and dad's wedding anniversary."

Yibo heaves a long sigh, slumping his head on the table, his omega is right. They need to go buy a suit today, why did they even do it when it's the time of the week that they need to do something? Plus, his parents visit for dinner. It will be an exhausting day for his omega, and he's too worried about his well-being. 

"...Sorry..." the alpha mumbled making the omega whip his head to look at his alpha. 

Zhan smiled at him fondly, "It's okay, hun. I said I'm fine, didn't I?" he says, turning back to what he is doing.

"...Yeah... but-"

"--no buts, now be a good baby and wait for the food," Zhan chuckles. 


The pain Zhan is feeling all over didn't bother him, it's also because Yibo is with him to support him all the way. Yibo still worries for his omega, seeing him walk around the mall with his limping self and sore body is making him want to let the omega just sit still and not do anything. He can't go against the omega tho, and so he just walks beside him, arms supporting his waist.

Didn't take them long enough to pick for a suit, since it will be used tomorrow, they picked the ready-made. They decided it is the only thing they'll do at the mall, cause well, Zhan needs a lot of rest. "Son, unfortunately, we cannot walk around the mall right now, hm, mommy needs to rest," Yibo says to the kid, voice soft and wishing the kid would be considerate.

The kid was quick to understand, he nods vigorously and shifted his place from his daddy's side to his mommy's, "It's okay daddy. We can go again next time!" he giggles. 

They stopped by a drug store first before they head to the parking lot, decided to buy some "essentials" since they used up all of them last night.

Yibo went to the contraceptive aisle while the two went to get Sean vitamins and other stuff. As Yibo turns to the corner of the aisle, he saw a familiar person. Knowing her for years, he knew it was her even if she's covered with a facemask and sunglasses. And is that a pregnancy test in her hand? "LiYing?" he utters behind his facemask, brows furrowed. What a coincidence. 

The woman turned her gaze at her ex-fiance, tilting her head as he tries to figure who it was. Then her eyes went wide, "Bo? You're here in Beijing already?" she asked, a little surprised as she tries to hide the pregnancy test that Yibo has already seen. 

Yibo shrugs, "Mom and dad's wedding anniversary." he answers, "wait, aren't you invited?" 

LiYing sheepishly laughs, looking away, "Right, I... well, I need to do something tomorrow so, I won't be coming. I already sent my regards to auntie and uncle tho," she answers, "anyway, are you alone?" she asked, trying to change the subject which she succeeded. 

Yibo shook his head, "No, I'm with Zhan and OUR son," he says, a hint of being proud is in his voice. 

LiYing shook her head, it's as if the male-alpha is declaring his win over the forgotten war they once had. "I see, where are they then? I want to see them!" she beamed, just trying to make the other alpha alert. She's having too much fun having to see the alpha all worked up.

The alpha scowled. Even tho his face is hidden behind the face mask and sunglasses, she can discern that Yibo is giving her death glares by now. 


The two alphas turned their head to the familiar voice. It was Zhan, who is holding Sean's head. 

"Oh, Zhan!" she beamed, "Hi!"

Zhan smiled behind his facemask, "Nice bumping into you here." he greeted, but his eyes caught the aisle she was in, just like Yibo, they were both in the contraceptives aisle, where different brands and sizes of condoms as placed. Then his eyes stopped at the box that the female-alpha is holding. "Are going to use that?" he asked, pointing at the item.

Her eyes looked at what he is pointing at, she laughs sheepishly, looking away. For starters, she hasn't told Zhan who is this person she is seeing, which she promised to the omega. "Uhm... well..." she mumbles, trying to avoid the gaze of the omega, even with heavily tinted sunglasses, she can see his eyes boring into her. 

Zhan gasped, "Are you pregnant?" 

Her eyes went wide, "N-no!... uhm, it's for someone," she panicked.

the omega's head tilted curiously, "Oookay?" 

"Oh, by the way, I need to go. uhm... bye!" she immediately excuses herself, running away from the tension. She didn't even wait for them to respond and just dash off. 

The two looked at each other and shrugged, they are both curious. but well, that doesn't matter. What really matters right now is the basket Yibo is holding, Zhan raised an eyebrow at the alpha. Seeing five boxes with ten pieces each of an xl size made his whole body shiver. That's a whole lot, he wonders how his hole's condition right now.


A/N: Okay bye, It's so lame! I'm so sorry. I'm having a dilemma right now, cause you know, I have this professor who doesn't really teach and just make us do reporting, he's not giving justifiable grade as well, he's giving us poor grades despite giving so many requirements, and now he gave us 2 weeks to make a research proposal. Who's in the right mind to give a research as a requirement that is only given 2 weeks to finish, and he even demanded us to make it from chapter 1 to 3 and to prepare for an oral defense? Even principals and master teachers can't make a research proposal in 2 weeks! my parents write for a month just for the first chapter. I feel like crying, to be honest. 🙃

HAHAHHAH lol, sorry for ranting.

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