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Their bickering are loud but was not enough to not hear the door open. Both their attention was caught immediately and their eyes turned. 

It was as if Yibo's world went into slow motion, the person he's longing to see for the past five years and the person he's trying to forget which he can't were right by the door, standing with a kid in his arms. His heart skipped for a second, his eyes never left that person. He's been trying to look for him for the past five years and now he's here, standing with his equally shock face. 

"Uncle Bo!" The kid squirms out of Zhan's arms, running in Yibo's direction. The kid made grabby hands which Yibo immediately carry the kid. "Uncle Bo, you came," Sean giggled as he nuzzled deeper into his neck. 

Yibo smiled at the kid, but then his attention came back to Zhan, 'he's here but why is he with Sean? Is he his kid? And why is LiYing with them? Don't tell me they are together?' he thought, trying to figure what's happening. He shook his head in his mind, 'no, LiYing just came back to china not long enough to be Sean's age, but, did Zhan find another partner? did he get married? It can't be, because LiYing is here,' he keeps thinking. But he can do one thing to clarify things without thinking too much, he looked at Liying's direction with a questioning look.

The female alpha raised an eyebrow at him and scoffs, "What?"

Yibo heaves a sigh, "Well, does he have a partner?" he asked. 

LiYing looked at him suspiciously, squinting her eyes at him, "Why? Are you interested in him? For your information, I got interested in him first!" she claimed. 

Yibo's eyes were wide upon hearing that from her, it just means the omega doesn't have a partner and this fiance of his has her eyes on him. But then, the next question lingering in his mind is, 'Who's the other parent of Sean?'

"So what if I am?" He answered LiYing, trying to intimidate her. 

She growls then scoffs, looking at Sean who looks comfortable in his arms. "I will not back down easily punk!" she declares, turning his back at him and storming in Zhan's direction, apologizing for the commotion they caused, Zhan gave a fake smile at her which they didn't notice anyway. 

Just as Yibo's eyes were at LiYing then to Zhan, Sean spoke, "Uncle, have breakfast with us please?" the kid gave him his puppy eyes as he look up at him. 

Yibo smiled at him apologetically, he doesn't even know if Zhan will let him in since he's an EX. 

"Sean, l-let your visitor in..." 

Yibo and Sean turn their head at the one who spoke, a wide smile left Sean's face, "Let's go uncle!" he giggled. 

Yibo smiled at the kid, he's happy that he'll see him up close but his heart was beating so fast that it might come out of his chest. His longing came back, he wants to hug the omega right at this moment but he knew he can't, the omega must have moved on from him already. He missed him so much, that it's getting him nervous just by taking his careful steps on the way to his ex's house. 


The atmosphere in breakfast is unexplainable. 

Zhan was silent the whole time, head lowered as he eats quietly, well, more on spaced out, trying to conceal what he feels. While LiYing is picking a fight with Yibo because of the thought that he's competing with her, she kicks his feet under the table which Yibo answers with a glare.  Yibo fights back sometimes but he takes a glance at Zhan's face once in a while. And there's  Sean,  giggling, dancing, and enjoying the food, balancing the atmosphere. 

After eating, Sean took Yibo and Liying's hands, "Uncle! auntie! let's play~" he giggles, pulling the two alphas. But before they go, Sean turns to Zhan, "Mommy we'll play outside, come play with us after you finish there, okay?" he happily said.

What are the Odds? (YiZhan FF) || Omegaverse AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz