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"You mean Zhao LiYing, the famous beautiful alpha actress is rejected by you?!" Zhuocheng remarked after hearing them from Zhan, surprise and disbelief are in his face. 

They are on the way home, the sun already set. They were already in their town when Zhan suddenly confesses. 

Zhan laughs at Zhuocheng's jaw-dropped reaction, "What do you mean? Am I supposed to accept her confession when I and Yibo are fixing what is needed to fix? That'll be not fair for Yibo. Plus, Yibo is famous too y'know and an alpha too," he replies, chuckling at his remark.

Zhuocheng sighed, "I mean, you could've thought about it first," he rolled his eyes. 

Zhan smiles at him, "I could've but chose not to. It'll be unfair for her if she keeps on waiting without reassurance. In the end, I choose the latter, she deserves better and Yibo's trying his best to make up for his mistakes too."

"B-but he h-"

"...he hurt me. I know, but giving a second chance doesn't sound bad. Even there's still no certainty, I still chose to trust what he said. I'm giving this chance a shot okay. If this doesn't work, moving on is always in the dictionary," he chuckles at his own answer. "Anyways, you don't need to worry about it. I'm managing it well. Also, Zhan likes him," he giggles softly.

Zhuochen rolled his eyes once again, "Just admit you also still like him... or love him if that's the right word."

Zhan's cheeks flushed red after hearing that... well, the other omega has a point. If the feeling of his heart always beating fast and his stomach churning and his face getting all red is not called being in love, he doesn't know what is.

"If you're trying to deny it, you don't need to. Your silence is already an answer," Zhuocheng rebut.

"W- well..." 

"Oh we're here," Zhuocheng suddenly said, it was a good safe, Zhan needed not to explain anymore. 

"You're right, we're here, "he replies, readying his things before grabbing the handle to open the door. When Zhuocheng parked safely, he immediately open the car door to avoid any questions from the other omega. 

Upon stepping out, three familiar men were already waiting for them together with the three kids who jumped at the two omegas after seeing them. Sean snuggled at Zhan after approaching which Zhan welcomed with a hug. While the twins went to their mother and hugged him in his arms.

With the little reunion, Zhan looked up to where the three men were standing. He was surprised to see the third person who was with them. "Chen ge!" he explained, seeing Yibo's manager.

The other waved his hand at him with a bright smile on his face, "Long time no see, Zhan," he greeted. 

"Wow, I can't believe I'll see you here!" he replies, "Oh wait, I didn't introduce them yet!" he says, standing up with Sean in his arms. "This is Zhuocheng, my friend and this guy's husband..." he introduced, pointing at the omega then to his husband.

Zhuocheng bowed as confirmation, "and this is Haikuan-"

"-Oh, we already introduced each other earlier, haha" 

"Oh right, then this is...uhh... Sean... my son and..." he looked in Yibo's direction as if asking him if he could tell his manager or not which the alpha answered with a shrug. 

As if Chen understood the situation, he nods, "I know, don't worry," he reassures. "He got lots of similarities in this man's mannerism and all, though most of the facial features were mostly from yours," he laughs.

Zhan laughs with his point, yeah, most of the kid's mannerisms and favorites are a mirror of his father but the physical features are more of his. 

"Can I invite you to my house, we can have dinner and even catch on," Zhan chirped, then turn to the Liu's, "Cheng and Kuan ge, join us?" he said with his wide smile. 

The couple looked at each other first then nodded, "Sure," they replied.

"Then let's get going! Bo, you'll cook?" he asked like it's the normal thing to ask between exes. 

Yibo smiled fondly at the omega's enthusiasm, and so he smiles, "Sure, for you," he said smoothly, making his manager surprised at that reply. Did he hear him wrong? Yibo is lowkey flirting?

The couple looked at each other as well, also surprised at those remarks. But then shook their head when they saw the omega who isn't even affected by it. 'Oblivious' they both thought.

"Oki~" the omega chirped.

"By the way, let me hold Sean for you. You look tired from work," the alpha volunteered, opening his arms.

But Zhan just pouted at him, "You worked too! I can carry him," he replies. 

"I insist, I'm stronger," the alpha fired back. 

The omega glares at him, "Don't underestimate me!"

And the two's bickering continues, even if they were already in Zhuocheng's car on the way to Zhan's house. Their audience is also shaking their heads at the two who look like having their own small world.

Zhuocheng then realizes, he may not trust Yibo for his friend but he can see that Zhan is happy with the alpha's presence. He has never seen him with these different expressions before.

"He looks happy right?" Haikuan suddenly uttered making his husband look at him. "Huh? w-well, I guess?" he replies.

"I told you so, you just need to let them. He looks much fresher than before," he remarks. Zhuocheng looks at Zhan and Yibo who are now laughing at each other's silliness. Haikuan is right, he looks more blooming right now than in the past years.

"Yibo looks much happier too, just like when I first handled him," Chen suddenly uttered, making the couple look at him, they didn't think he would hear them talking despite the noise Zhan and Yibo are making. 

"I'm already Yibo's manager since his trainee days, together with my husband who is managing Zhan. Well, after Zhan disappeared from the industry my husband stopped as well. Anyways, I've seen Yibo this happy before that's when they were still on good terms." he added.

Zhuocheng can't help be curious about what happened to that he ask, "So why did he do that to Zhan?" 

Chen left a small chuckle, "I don't know too, but what I saw is because of their growing career," he shrugs. "Blinded with the fame and then all of this happened," he added. "We do not know, everything happened for a reason."

The two nod, agreeing with him. Their talk ends there just in time for their arrival.

"We're here!" Zhan chirped.


A/N: Sorry for not updating yesterday. We had a small reunion because it's my father's cousin's birthday and I had to tend to the kids. It was mentally exhausting cause I had to talk to them in 3 languages, which is making my brain all tired, plus they were so energetic and their attention span is short (they are raging from 3-8 y/o). I had to speak to them in three languages for almost half a day and also run after them and play with them. Anyways, I hope you like my update tho it looks like just a filler of the story. Hahahah

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