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"Cao, thank you for the ride," Zhan bid at the bus driver, waving his hand. They arrived safely at the bus terminal, face covered with a face mask and a cap to hide his face, the same with Yibo and their son who is peacefully sleeping in YIbo's arms. 

The other omega waved back, "You're always welcome!" he greeted back before the door of the bus closed. 

"Are you close with everybody in your town?" Yibo suddenly asked, looking at how they greeted each other like friends, they look like they have been close for long. 

Zhan turns his head at him, "Well, I knew everyone in our town, does that count being close with them?" he asked. 

Yibo just shrugs, "Dunno," he answers, "Let's go, so you can rest. Sean is already sleeping soundly, he must be tired from the long ride," he says, cradling their son with his right arm while he drags their luggage with his left.

"Okay," Zhan answers, eyes wandering to Yibo's left hand, "Give me that," he says but Yibo just swat his hands away. 

"I will do it, you're tired too," he coos, smiling at him even though Zhan can't see them. 

Zhan sighs, "You're tired as well, plus you're already carrying Sean," he fired back. 

Yibo didn't back down though, he pulled the luggage away from him instead, "No can do. Just call us a taxi instead," he wiggled his eyebrows. 

Zhan sighed once again, accepting his defeat, "Fine!" he says, standing on the platform to where he can call for a taxi. 


They arrived at a massive building where Yibo's penthouse is, they didn't take long to set foot on the floor which is occupied by the penthouse, "Here we are," Yibo utters, the door opened with the use of his key card. 

"It's... wide..." Zhan mutters as he removes his cap and face mask while he wanders his eyes around, fascinated at how big it was. Well, compared to his own house in their town this is a massive space, estimating it, a family of ten can fit in. 

Yibo dragged the luggage beside the sofa and removed his face mask and cap as well. "Well, it is a gift from dad for my engagement with Liying. LiYing doesn't come home here that often tho, she has her own house, she just comes here for formalities sake, since we were engaged," he shrugs. Zhan nods, still wandering his eyes. "It is well kept even though you didn't go home for more than a month," he remarks.

Yibo chuckles softly, "It's because auntie Lin is cleaning the house twice a week," he replies. 

"I see, she's still serving under your family huh."

"Well, she's the head maid, she doesn't have anyone to replace her," he replies, "Anyway, let's go upstairs to our room so you can rest. I'll put Sean in his room after," he suggested but Zhan shook his head. 

"I'll stay in the living room for a while, I'll wait for you here," he smiled before making his way to the living room.

Yibo smiled fondly at his omega, "Then feel at home, cause this is already yours as well," he declares and made his way upstairs. 

After some time, Yibo came back to the living room. He sat beside Zhan who is already watching on his fifty inches smart television that is mounted on the wall. "What are you watching?" he asked and eventually resting his head on the latter's shoulder. 

"Anything that comes up on television," he utters, snaking his arms behind Yibo and grabbing a handful of his hair and gently brushing them. Yibo hums in comfort. 

It was not too long when they heard small steps coming from the stairs followed by a soft, "Mommy," the place is too spacious to not hear the echoes of each sound. 

Yibo and Zhan whipped their heads to the sound and saw their little one approaching them, eyes blinking innocently with his lips pouting. 

Maybe it's because of the unfamiliarity of the place that made the kid feel like he's going to cry, "Where are we, mommy?" he asked upon spotting his mommy on a distance, his voice shaky and about to cry but Zhan knows he's trying to restrain himself from tearing up. 

Yibo chuckles, "I'll go get him," he whispered to his omega before standing from the sofa and making his way to their son, he looks down at Sean fondly before reaching for him. "What's the matter, many?" the alpha asked, wiping the unshed tears at the corner of his eyes. 

"I don't know where I am," the kid answers, hiccuping as he wrapped his little arms on his father's neck and resting his chin on his shoulder, finding comfort from the alpha. 

When they reached the living room, Yibo put him down on the sofa, beside Zhan. Zhan chuckles softly, "Oh my, why is my baby crying?" he coos, wiping their son's face, fondly. 

"Where are we, mommy?" he asked, looking up at his mommy, eyes glistening from his unshed tears. 

Zhan glanced at Yibo as if asking him if he should tell him which the alpha answered with a nod, mouthing him an 'it's up to you'.

Zhan smiled, well, he thinks it's time for the kid to know. "Uhm.. well, we're at your daddy's house," he says. 

The kid looks at him confusedly, unable to process what his mother just said. For a kid, it's quite confusing. "daddy? But you said I don't have daddy?" he asked innocently which made the omega feel guilty.

Zhan looked at Yibo apologetically, well, he hates the alpha for the past years s it's a given that he'll never mention it to the kid, ever. "Well, it was then, but now..." he paused, eyeing the alpha before bringing back his gaze to the kid. "Your daddy is already here," he declares. 

The kid is still confused, 'daddy? where?' is probably what is going inside his head, he wanders his eyes around, trying to spot the 'daddy' his mommy is saying but he just became more confused. "Where is daddy?" he asked when he finally gave up in trying to spot him. 

"Look beside you," Zhan smiles fondly.

The kid immediately obliged and looked beside him, his brows furrowed seeing only his uncle Bo sitting beside him. "But it's only uncle Bo is here," he pouted. 

The couple laughed at the kid's remark, "He's your daddy, baby," Zhan introduces. 

The kid came out all confused, 'daddy? but he is uncle Bo, how can he be daddy?' 

Yibo sighs, reading his son's thoughts from his facial expression, he knew the kid is confused. "I am your daddy, little one," he chuckles, pinching the tip of his nose lightly. 

Sean tilted his head, "Uncle bo is my daddy?" he asked. 

Zhan nods, "Your real daddy," he corrected. 

Sean's eyes twinkled upon the confirmation, his hands automatically made grabby hands which the alpha immediately accepted. He hugged the kid tight and looked at his omega who's watching them with full of fondness in his eyes. 

"But why is daddy only showed now and not when Sean is still a baby? Teacher said, daddy is always with mommy when they have a baby. " 

A question that made the two look at each other. It caught them off guard. It was an unexpected question that they don't know what should they answer. What should they tell him? The kid won't understand even if they explain everything that happened. 


A/N: Wews, its kinda lame. lol HAHAHHA

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