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Zhan is contemplating with himself on what should he do when Yibo comes to visit, his heart raced whenever that thought comes to his mind, gladly, the alpha is still on the shoot and will come by six in the evening. Either way, Zhan took long in overthinking that he didn't notice that it was already night, the sun had already set. His heart raced rapidly as he looks at the time, it's five-forty five and in a couple of minutes the alpha will be right by his door. 

What should he say? What should he do? How should he act? are the questions running in his head. it's been bugging him the whole day and now he needs to face the reality. 

"Mommy, you okay?" his son suddenly asks which made him stop being fidgety. Zhan smiled at his kid, no, he can't act like this continuously or his son will notice. He pushed aside his son's fringe then cupped his cheeks, "It's nothing baby," he reassures, though it's not quite convincing. 

But then he flinched when the doorbell rang, he immediately stood. "That must be uncle, I'll just open the door for him," he coos then turned his way to the door. 

"Uh... Hi?" the alpha greeted. 

The omega's head is lowered, avoiding any eye contact, then steps aside to give him way. 

The alpha smiled faintly, kinda hurt with that gesture. But what can he do? He shrugged it off anyway, looking on the bright side instead of being sad over it.

"I'll borrow your kitchen," the alpha suddenly spoke. 

Zhan just nodded then made his way outside, leaving the father and son inside the house. It feels suffocating having him there, but his son looks happy when he saw Yibo entered a while ago. He sighs deeply, sat on the chair in the garden as he watch vast of stars scattered beautifully in the sky. 


The dinner was splendid, it was Zhan's favorite, yet Zhan didn't eat with them. He stayed in the garden, watching the sky with sighs every now and then. 

Either way, Yibo made sure to set aside a portion for him. He knew how the omega likes it so he made more extra. Yibo also can't help but try to get a glimpse of the omega from the glass window from time to time. Oh, how he missed seeing the omega's face. 

After dinner, Yibo made sure to give Sean a shower then take him to bed.

leaving the bedroom, Yibo glimpse at the window, trying to see if the omega is still at his seat. After making sure, Yibo made his way to the garden, his eyes darted to Zhan who's back are facing him. Something had changed, Zhan is stronger now not just physically but emotionally. He sighs to himself, will he be able to talk to him today? or is it a lost cost again? 

Even so, he took the risk, standing behind him as he spoke,  "Hey, can I sit here?" 

Zhan turned his head at him, stared for a second before heaving a long sigh, and nodded. 

A smile sprung Yibo's lips but he immediately bit his lower lip to stop himself. He needs to clear everything out to the omega now that the omega gives his signal. There's no time to be happy with this yet. 'Fix it and if it turns well, you can smile all you want,' he reminded himself. He sat at a chair across the omega, being careful to not ruin the silence with unnecessary sounds.

Silence. It was complete silence between them, Zhan just watch the sky filled with stars and never spoke a word. He doesn't care anymore, after five years of forgetting the alpha by taking care of his son earnestly, he doesn't know if what he feels now that the alpha appeared before them is anger or something lingering, something that is shouting 'I want you back' and 'I miss you'. he doesn't know, he doesn't want to think at this moment, he doesn't want to feel something, and he doesn't want to decide what could happen will sooner or later that will eventually go downhill AGAIN. 

"I... uhh..." the alpha decided to break the silence. he's been glancing at the omega from time to time to see what could his expression be. Though, the only thing he sees is nothing but an expressionless face.

The omega just listened, never made a noise nor a hum. 

"I... well.. I wanted to ask something..." he paused, voice slightly trembling as he gulps his pride down at his deepest, gathering all his courage that he could muster. "Why did you disappear?" he finally said it. 

Zhan turns his head at him, a bitter smile lingers on his lips then turns his eyes to the flowers that are lighted by the moon. "Why did I?" he asked then shrugged. 

Yibo's eyes are it him, waiting for the next word he would utter. 

"Cause I don't want MY child to live with a world he is neglected." 

'MY' one word, but it hurt him but he knew Zhan is hurting more.

The way Zhan lets out the words from his mouth, Yibo knows he's trying to hold his cry. He wants to embrace the omega, he's just an arm's length yet he can't touch him and even comfort him. He doesn't want to fuel the hatred from the omega more than he already did. 

"He's too precious to live in a world full of lies, I don't want him to be neglected. I'd rather raise him alone where he is accepted by everyone."

Yibo wanted to shake his head, and assure him that he have no intention of neglecting the child if ever. But he chose silence, he knows Zhan has his reasons why is he telling these things.

"You probably forgot the reason why we broke up," Zhan chuckles bitterly, head lowered as he watches his fingers fidget.

"We once talk about having a family, do you remember what you said?" he glanced at him with the bitter smile on his lips, "You said your career weighs heavier over thinking of creating a family. That you'd probably hate having a kid that will run around and disturb you with work. That the kid might become a problem and create something that will ruin your image when he grows up. That time, I ask because I'm already expecting a child. It's my fault anyway, I didn't take precautions, I was too careless. But nonetheless, it was not a disaster, it was a blessing that I am given a child, like Sean." he smiled fondly, remembering his son's giggles and laughter.

"I- I didn't mean it t-that way..." he stuttered. he wants to defend himself, that was when he's too caught up with his career. He's at his peak and the thought of building a family is not yet in his mind. But after meeting Sean, he somewhat wishes that there a little mini of him as jolly and cute as Sean. 

"Didn't mean it huh?" Zhan mumbles, bitterly chuckles afterward. "then the day we broke up, I tried having a conversation with you. I want to tell you about the baby in my belly, you know what you did? You shouted at me and told me you don't want to talk because you're tired, then I declared a break-up. You accepted immediately and told me it's better off that way, the next day you announced our break up publicly. I thought after you'd cool down, you would ask me to come back to you and fix what went wrong. And that was just a thought, the next day you declared our break up, I know it was a lost cost. I gave up and finished my contract with my company. I just have to hide the kid from out of my old life and build new in this town." Pain, sadness, and hatred linger with each word. And there, the one thing he feared to happen. His tears brim at the corner of his eyes, slowly sliding down. Ah, he just released his emotions, his vulnerability. His heart is clenched tight as words comes out of his mouth one by one. It's suffocating and it hurts so bad. Sobs naturally came out of his mouth and sniffles as his nose became runny, he can't stop the tears anymore, now that his cup that's already on edge with so much emotions are now overflowing and turns into tears that doesn't even want to stop any moment.

Yibo knows he already fucked up big time. Memories of the past came flashing back, he really did. But after a year he resented what he did, he wants to fix all his faults, but it was too late to do so. The omega was already gone, out of everyone's sight. He tried asking for his parents but their mouths are zipped, he even tried contacting his close friends but they said he cut all contact with them as well. There's no one he can find to pinpoint where the omega could be. he took a half-year break to alternately hole himself at home drinking into his limit and find for Zhan's location. he eventually gave up looking for him and that's when his company pleaded him to come back to work. And so he flooded his mind with work rather than thinking of him. 

-----to be continued...

A/N: I feel so tired huhu. I'm so sorry I need to cut it here. I just need lots of sleep! Exams aren't finished yet, I have two exams tomorrow, a deadline on Monday on one of my major subjects. I need rest, I feel like dying omg. lmao

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