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Zhan was left the whole morning alone inside his house. Snacks were laid on the coffee table which is within his reach, he also has water and drinks he might want to drink later when he feels like it. The alpha told him that he'll come by lunch to cook him food. 

Zhan grumbles under his breath as boredom came, he got tired of browsing on his phone and he decides to open the television instead to pass the boredom by watching old movies that he already memorized every part.

The movie doesn't feel old for Zhan, it still gave him so many emotions that he kept feeling every time he watch them. He didn't also notice the time striking at noon. 

 He sniffles as the ending credits flash on the screen, it was one of the most striking movies that gives you so much emotion to feel.

Zhan was brought back to reality when he heard the front door open, revealing the silhouette of the alpha. 

Upon laying his eyes at the omega, his eyes were wide, seeing the tears and hearing the sniffles of Zhan. He immediately ran to his side, looking at him with his worried eyes, "You okay?" he asks softly, gently caressing his back. 

The omega tilts his head and then laughs at the alpha's reaction, "What do you mean? I'm feeling much better!" 

the alpha stare at him confusedly, his brows are now furrowed, "Huh? I thought you're crying because you feel hurt?" he asks. 

Zhan laughs even louder, seeing the alpha this worried reminds him of the past, just that he looks much cuter then. "It was the movie, okay," he laughs. 

The alpha sighs in relief, he glances at the television and realized why was the omega crying. Then he chuckles to himself, feeling stupid for being worried over nothing. "Just worried," he mutters and stood properly. "I'll go cook our lunch," he says to the omega.

But the omega stopped him before he can get out of reach. Yibo turns his heels back at him, raising his left brow, "Why?" he asked. 

The omega looks away, well, he's quite feeling it for a while now. He felt uncomfortable not taking a bath this morning. But he doesn't know how to ask the alpha to help him wash up. It just felt awkward for him to show himself naked. 

"..Uhm well," he started.

The alpha just stared at him, waiting for him to continue what he's about to say.

The omega was too embarrassed to say it but he won't sacrifice being comfortable over his embarrassment. And so he swallowed all his pride, opening his mouth as he speak, "C-Can you help me t-take a bath?" he asked, cheeks all red and eyes averted away.

Yibo was amused and shocked at his favor, of course, he's willing to, he hasn't seen Zhan's whole glory for years and will almost forget it-- oh wait, he just saw it yesterday, he just didn't quite see it clearly because he's too worried for him. But now, now is the time he'll be able to see it again, CLEARLY.

the alpha hid his grin(the grin that has motives). He nods slightly, scratching the back of his neck, "S-sure, I guess?" 

The omega's face lighten, he thought it'll be awkward if he requests that kind of thing, knowing that he's his ex. Little did he know the alpha were liking the thought of it. 

"Thank you!" the omega chirped. 

"You can always count on me," he declares, "now shall we?" he asked, lowering his body to carry the omega into his arms.


Yibo put down Zhan on the tub, careful enough to not strain the pain from his back. "Can you remove your clothes? or I should do it?" he asked the omega upon pulling away. 

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