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Zhan's heat lasted for a week. For an unmated omega like him, who doesn't rely on alpha's help it's natural that it lasted for a week, if he have an alpha with him it will only take him three days. Suppressants can make him do little house chores here and there but not for a long time since his body is weak in times like that. And it was painful, especially when Sean comes home with a faint scent of an alpha. A familiar scent that his body responds to, but he doesn't know where he smelt them before. 

Now he's feeling a lot better, but he needs to rest for a day at least to subside his pheromones. 

"There, let's just wait for uncle Zhuocheng to pick you up, hm?" he asks his kid, patting his shoulder to remove small creases from his uniform. 

Sean giggled, he too finally regained his jolly side. he was gloomy from all the days that Zhan is sick. He nods and answered, "yes, mommy!" 

Zhan smiled fondly at his son, but then he flinched when he remembered something. "Oh right, wait here, I'll get you something," he said, not waiting for the kid's reaction, and stood. He runs to their room and came back with a green box in his hand. 

Sean's curious eyes looked at the shiny green box, head tilted, "What is that mommy?" he asked innocently.

Zhan smiled to himself, the smile that tells pain, he looked at the box, "It's a gift," he answers, nearly choking a sob as memories came clashing back. 

"A gift?" the kid asked, eyes fixated at the shiny little thing.

Zhan nods, trying to hold the tears from falling. He can't be letting his kid see him cry, he already had made his son worry for a week he should not be making him worry more than he already did. "It was a gift for me, but now it's my gift for my baby," he answers as he opens the box. 

Sean's eyes were wide, brightly twinkling with awe as he look at it. It was a necklace with a pendant of two rabbits kissing and a diamond on the center that depicts the moon. "WOW! Mommy, it's so beautiful!" Sean giggled. 

Zhan smiled at his son, happy to see his son's smiling face. He found the box when he tried cleaning their room, it was a shock that he still have that. When he left, he tried many attempts to throw it away, but he held into them the moment he's almost letting it go. It was a lost cost, yet he hold onto it like the person would come back to him one day. But all that longing vanished, too busy in tending and taking care of HIS son, too busy to think over such past that neglected them a long time ago, and too busy to be sad over him when he already have his happy pill right in front of him. The necklace had already been forgotten, not until he just found it some days ago. 

Well, he already moved on, plus it's such a waste when he'll just throw it away. 

He crouches down to his kid's level, pulling out the necklace from its box, "Come, use this necklace. It's a gift from mom," he says. 

The kid nodded vigorously, for a kid like Sean, he treasures gifts that were given to him, he will love them and keep using them until it wears out. And if the gift is from his mom, he will surely use them and treasure them earnestly. 

"There, it looks cute on my baby," Zhan said fondly after placing them perfectly into his neck. "I love you, son," he says, leaning to give his son a good luck kiss. 

Sean giggles after the kiss on his forehead, and he reciprocated with a kiss on his mommy's cheeks, "Wuv you too, mommy!" he answers. 

Just as Zhan stood, Zhuocheng was already ringing the doorbell. Zhan immediately opened up for him. 

Before Zhuocheng leave with his kid, he reminded Zhan first. It was an earful but he got used to it since he was always like that whenever he's on his heat cycle for the years they became friends. 


Zhuocheng and Sean arrived at the daycare after some time. Just as Sean's uncle Yibo appears out of the inn next door. 

"Uncle bo!" the kid called, waving his little hands in the air. 

Yibo smiled upon recognizing the kid. he walked to them, instinctively opening his arms for the kid to jump into. Sean was immediate to climb onto him with a giggle. But before Yibo gave all attention to the kid he bowed at Zhuocheng who bowed back as a greeting. 

"I'll be going, thank you for taking care of him," Zhuocheng bids before leaving them alone. He got used to Yibo taking the kid when they arrived at the daycare that he just leaves them be, plus he knew the kid liked his uncle Yibo.

Yibo smiled and answered, "You're welcome," before turning his attention back at the kid.

"Look uncle Bo, mom gave me a gift!" Sean bragged, giggling happily as he holds the pendant of the necklace he's wearing to show them to Yibo. 

Yibo chuckled and looked at it, 'familiar,' is the first thing he thought. He thinks he has seen the necklace before but he can't figure where it was. Either way, he smiled, "It's beautiful!" he complimented as he watch the kid's fascinated expression while looking at the necklace. 

Then it clicked inside his head the more he watches the kid, 'ah, this kid's smile looks like him,' he thought as he remembers the day he gave a necklace to him as his promise to treasure him for the rest of their lives. He smiled bitterly, what a coincidence, the necklace also looks like the one he gave him that day. 

He didn't notice that a tear fell from his eye until Sean wiped them, "Uncle you okay?" the kid asked worriedly. 

"Oh," Yibo immediately wiped his cheek clean, "Sorry, I got dust from my eyes," he lied, smiling at Sean to hide the searing pain deep in his heart from the memory that just flashes back. 

Sean pouted, brows furrowed as he look at Yibo, "Hmp! uncle should take care of himself more!" he sulked, crossing his little arms over his chest. 

Yibo chuckled and hugged the kid tight, "I'm so sorry, little one. Uncle will take care of himself more," he cooed, rocking him playfully. 

Sean giggled and held onto his neck tighter, holding so he won't fall. 

"Well then, shall we go say hi to uncle principal and your friends?"

Sean didn't waste any second and nodded vigorously. 


A/N: Huhu, school works, quizzes, and midterm exam is flooding me this week and next week. Plus I'm having mood swings and my bloody days are coming again. I just want to cry 😭 I don't know how to handle all of these shits. I'm so sorry if it kind of lacking or something. I'm just not stable enough to think straight 🥺

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