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The whole ride from their university to Beijing was tiring, plus the observing of the venue added. Everyone are exhausted when they arrived at the hotel. Zhan, keeping the list of students who will room with whom, gave the list to the leader to assign them. "Go to your rooms and wash up, after washing up let's meet in the lobby so we can go together for our dinner," Zhuocheng reminded everyone. The students answered a simultaneous "yes," before going to the room they were designated in.

"We should head to our room as well," Zhan mutters, tapping Zhuocheng's shoulder after giving them the list. 

Zhuocheng nods as they walk to the next room, followed by the porter who pushes the hotel baggage carriers containing their luggage and the props they'll use for tomorrow. 

"thank you," the two said to the porter and bowed, the porter bowed back before leaving them.

"Thank goodness the students are not rowdy kids," Zhuocheng stretches his arms above his head, sighing in relief that they are finally in their room. 

Zhan chuckles, "Well, I told them they can't become the best actors without discipline," he shrugs proudly. 

Zhuocheng laughs, "Right," he says, putting out his luggage to get his towel. "I'll use the bathroom first."

Zhan nods and took out his bag as well.


It's around 7 pm that everybody was able to gather in the lobby. Zhan counted them first to make sure no one was left behind then marches to the eat-all-you-can restaurant on the ground floor of the hotel.

As everyone is busy getting their own food and eating, at the other side of the restaurant were LiYing. Sitting at the corner with her manager to avoid unwanted attention from people. 

"Why did I even choose this hotel?" Her manager grumbles under her breath, brows knitting upon noticing the group of people entering the restaurant. 

LiYing laughs at her, "Stop complaining and eat," she says, picking a slice of tomato from her salad, with her fork.

She tsked, sighing frustratedly, "I didn't take precautions. Now it's going to be a problem when they recognize you," she added then muffled her mouth with her food. 

LiYing shook her head, chuckling once again, "I think they look harml-" upon turning her attention to what her manager is talking about, her world stops, her fingers weakens at the sight, causing the fork to fall from her hands. "-ess," her voice turned to a whisper. Stunned at what caught her attention. She recognize those eyes, despite wearing a mask and an eyeglass a while ago she was able to recognize him, well the image of him didn't leave her mind. 

"He's already beautiful with something covering his face but he's more beautiful with bare," she mutters under her breath that her manager barely catches what she said. 

"Huh? what happened to you?" raising an eyebrow at her artist as she eyes her starstruck face. 

"Beautiful indeed," she whispers again, smile extending wide. Her manager's voice was like noises to her ears as romantic music rings at the back of her head. 

her manager deadpans, following where her artist's eyes were looking. Then sighs when she thought she's just looking at a crowd of people seated at a long table, eating and even laughing, dining with full of stories. Well, they said the restaurant was half-rented for someone, didn't think it was them who rented it.

"You know, you should finish eating. You still have a meeting tonight for tomorrow's event," she says then turns to her food. 

LiYing slowly regains from her trance, eyes still fixated at that enthralling beauty, "Yes..." she answers softly, her pupils turning into hearts. Her manager just rolled her eyes at her as she continued her food.


When the night deepens, everyone was already in their rooms. 

Zhan felt anxious all of a sudden, his head was clouded with worry for his son, or more like misses him, since he's sitting on a separate bed, being on a bed without his son's embrace feels lonely. 

"Can't sleep?" Zhuocheng asks, turning sideways to look at Zhan's way. 

Zhan smiled faintly, "A bit. I'm just used to sleeping together with Sean," he confesses. 

Zhuocheng smiled at him, "Well, you'll get used to it. I felt that way too when it's my first time," he assures, comforting his friend to at least loosen up a little. 

"I hope," he says then stood, "I'll just check on the students, they might stay late. And also, just get a breather for a while," he says, putting on his jacket. 

Zhuocheng nods, "Don't come back later than twelve, okay? You also need rest, you; 're their coach after all." 

Zhan nods at him, leaving the room with his hands in his pockets. 

He went to the large rooms, reminding his students to not sleep late and rest well for them to not screw up their performance, then wishes them good night which was answered with a goodnight from them as well. 

Zhan sighs after doing what he needed to do, he made his way to the lobby of the floor they were in and settled on a sofa. He grabbed his phone from his pocket, then dialed Haikuan's number. 

After a few rings, it was answered, "Hey," he greeted. 

"Oh, hi. Sean! your mommy is calling!" he hears from the other side, followed by loud steps getting near. 

"Mommy!" his son cheered when he was finally on the call.

"Hello, baby. Did you cause uncle Haikuan a problem?" he asks softly. 

"No, mommy. Sean sean became a good boy!" he answered with a giggle. 

"Hm, good to know," he forced his voice to be a little cheerful, he knows his son might notice him worrying. But well, his son was too sharp that he notice the quivering in his voice. 

"Mommy, don't worry too much. Sean is a big boy," he reassures followed by lip-smacking sounds from the other line, "There, there, mommy, kissed you. So don't worry okay? I miss you mommy!" he cheered. 

Zhan's smiled, a little teary-eyed and happy at how his kid comforts him even tho he should be doing it to his son.  "Chuuuu, then mommy kissed little Sean too. I miss you, baby. Be a good boy again for tomorrow okay? I'll be back the day after tomorrow," he says.

"Yes, mommy! Good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite!" he chanted, imitating how his mother tells that every night.

Zhan chuckles, "You too. Now go to sleep, are you sleeping next to Iku and ZouZou?" 

"he's with us on the bed uncle Zhan!" the twins giggled in the background, who looks like they were lying beside him side by side. 

"Thank you for sleeping with Sean, Iku and ZouZou," he says, earning a giggled "yes" from the two. 

"Bye-bye, Mommy. We're going to sleep now!" His son spoke, rustle was heard from the other side then Haikuan was already talking, "They were excited to sleep since it's the first time Sean will sleep with them," he laughs.

Zhan chuckles, "It's good that they're enjoying. Anyway, thank you for taking care of him."

"Yeah, all good man. You two were like family to us you know. By the way, is Zhuocheng with you?"

"No, he's at our room. I'm at the lobby to take a breather. Kind of jittery for tomorrow," he lies. 

Haikuan laughs, "I know you'll bring the trophy home. Don't worry too much. Anyway, I'll just call Zhuocheng," he bids. 

"Yeah, thanks for lending the phone to Sean, go and talk to your wife before he sleeps," he says before turning the call off. 

After the call cut off, he slumps his head on the sofa's headrest followed by a long sigh.

But then a voice of a woman suddenly spoke, ruining his overthinking, "Stress?"

 Zhan's eyes went wide seeing who it was.



What are the Odds? (YiZhan FF) || Omegaverse AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें