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"How was the food?" Yibo asks, holding two cups of tea in his hands as he approached Zhan in the living room, handing him the other cup as he sits on the opposite side of the sofa. He just finish making Sean go to bed after showering.

Zhan smiles at him, receiving the cup of tea, "You cooked them just like old times," he scoffs, sipping on the tea, feeling the warmth of it sliding down his throat. Refreshing.

"You still remember its taste?" Yibo tilted his head. 

The omega nods, "It's not like I forgot the taste dumbass," he retorts but then he laughs. Then a comfortable silence went between the two before Zhan spoke, "By the way, you going back to the inn tonight?" 

It was a question that was uncalled for, Yibo's eyes were wide upon hearing that from the omega, he gulps, 'Is he inviting me to stay the night?' he thought as his cheeks flushed pink.

The omega was anxious upon asking that, did he become too easy for the alpha? Does the alpha look at him as an easy-to-get target? "W-well, I mean you can stay here if- if you want... the other room is .... uh open?" he suggested, eyes looking elsewhere to hide his embarrassing self. It's too late to withdraw what he said. Too dumb to let his mouth run without thinking.

The alpha was stunned, his heart beating crazy, cause the love of his life that is pushing him away just days ago is letting him stay in the same house, breathing the same atmosphere of the house. Who wouldn't feel nervous if the person you loved for who knows how many years and being separated from you for five years is in the same place as you? Of course, he's giddy, unable to process the sudden progress, too fast! too fast but he likes the pace. Who would decline such a generous invite? Not Yibo cause he'll grab the chance to prove himself now that it looks like he's a few more steps closer to the omega. 

"I- Of course! I-I'll just tell my manager!" he answers, frantic and doesn't even know what to do. If he was able to sleep at the Xiao's home yesterday night, today it's different, Zhan is not sick, and Zhan is in the right mind to utter words! his inner self panics, as if his mind gets blank all of a sudden. (what is he? a teenager who got his unrequited love reciprocated?)

"Go on..." Zhan answers, trying to be in his composure, but his heart failed. It's beating like crazy and he's afraid the alpha might hear them. 

Just then Zhan hears the front door opening followed by a thud. he immediately looked at where the thud came from but he only caught a glimpse of the alpha slipping on the front porch before the door closes. Zhan bit his lip, preventing his lips to form a curve.


Yibo groaned while dialing his manager's number, "uhh, Chen-ge?" Yibo says when his call was picked up. 

"Bo, what's the problem? You heading back?" His manager asks. 

Zhan cleared his throat before answering, "Uhm well.. about that.. Can I stay the night here?" he asks, sheepish. 

"Oh, okay. Just make sure to come back early so you won't be late. You don't want the director to get mad again just like this afternoon," he reminded.

Yibo laughed upon remembering being reprimanded a while ago, it didn't make him feel bad, it actually entered from his right ear then exit on the left. It's his first time to be scolded despite being always perfect in his work. "yes, yes, Chen ge~" he answers playfully. 

"Good, say hi to Zhan for me," the other replied. 

"Oka--- what??" Yibo's eyes are wide when what his manager said sank in. "How did you know???" he asked, still surprised. 

He heard his manager laugh at the other line, "Wild guess," he shrugged, "Anyway, I'm happy you found him."

Yibo can feel the proud smile the other is giving him right now, "I'm glad too," he smiled. "By the way, Chen ge, can you keep a promise that you'll not tell anyone! As in anyone about this? Zhan doesn't want to go back to showbiz so I respect his decision, and if someone leaked that he is here, someone might try pressuring him back to the industry, you know how netizens do it in social media platforms!" 

"Understood. Well then have a good night!" he teased. 

Yibo laughed, "...Well, I think my chest is about to explode tho."

"You can do it! you'll be fine. Now go, I still have to finish up some work, see you tomorrow" encourages him before cutting the call. 

Yibo took a heavy inhale then exhaled them back out. Okay, here's goes nothing. He put his phone back in his pocket before going back inside. 

"Did I take too  long?" He asks the omega, a sheepish smile is on his lips. 

Zhan shook his head, smiling a little before finishing his tea. 

"Oh, by the way, Chen ge said hi," he scratched the back of his neck, worried so he looked down. What if the omega gets angry because his manager knew about his presence in this small town? But then he was surprised when he looked up at Zhan, his mouth creating a little 'o'. 

"Chen ge still remembers me?" he asked, amazed. 

Yibo tilted his head upon seeing the omega's reaction then he smiled at how adorable he looked right now, "Yeah, he quite guessed why I'm disappearing from the inn every time, so I told him the truth."

"I'm surprised he's still your manager, I thought he got tired of your brattiness!" he teased, which made the alpha retort an "Oi!".

 Zhan chuckles,  "I kinda want to see him!" he said excitedly.

"If you want I can tell him to meet you here? It'll be bad for you if the staff will see you roaming around the inn, social media is faster than lightning nowadays," he suggested. 

Zhan smiled wide, "Of course! I also want to ask him about my former manager! Did they already have a second child?" he keeps talking, excited and chatty. 

'the same old Zhan, he gets excited when he likes to talk about something' Yibo thought, remembering their trainee days.

Yibo nods, "They did, Bon is the name of the second child, he's three years old by now I think?" he replies. 

Yibo can see his eyes twinkle in excitement, "Really??? I wanna see them!" Zhan giggles, getting carried away. 

Yibo just watches the omega, it's kind of refreshing seeing him like this. His heart is beating wildly, at every shine of Zhan's eyes, smiles, and laughs.

"Then tell me when do you want to meet him, so I can tell him in advance," he says making the omega nod vigorously. 

"Okii~" he replies, extremely happy. 


A/N: A little domesticity from the ex-lovers lol hahahaha anyways, I just want to tell that, there'll be a storm coming, stay tuned. 

ps. It will be soon tho, not this week I guess? HAHAHAHHAH

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