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It's morning at the daycare. 

Haikuan managed to prepare the kids for school and even cook them breakfast. It was not tough for Haikuan cause Sean was a big help. He helped the twins get up on time, they bath together, and he even made them brush their teeth which Zhuocheng always does for them. Sean took the lead and the two followed while Haikuan is back and forth in preparing their breakfast and preparing himself. 

"We're finally at school," Haikuan mutters followed with a sigh. They walked from their house since it's not that far and the kids liked it better than riding the car since the morning breeze is better and "the sunlight in the morning is good for kids!" Sean suggested which his mother always says. 

They were early enough for Yibo to go for his morning run which eventually turns to coffee mornings with the kids and his new friend. 

"Good morning," Yibo greeted, getting the attention of the three kids and Haikuan. 

Sean's smile extends wide, making grabby hands at Yibo in an instant upon seeing him. 

Yibo didn't waste any second and grabbed Sean into his arms like a spoiled kid. Well, eventually he's getting used little by little. 

Haikuan chuckles, "Good morning too. Sean acts maturely this morning but once he saw you he became spoiled," he utters making Yibo chuckle as well. 

"He does?" he asked then turns his head in looking at the kid then ruffled his hair, "Must be missing his parent," he replies. 

"Maybe," Haikuan shrugged, "By the way, come on in. We decided to eat breakfast here, join us," he added, showing a large bag of containers. 

Yibo hasn't had his breakfast yet since the roll call for breakfast is around seven to eight in the morning. The food smells nice as the aroma escapes from the lids, "Really? is it okay?" he asked, despite his salivating mouth. 

Haikuan chuckles, noticing Yibo's eyes never leaving the bag. "Yeah, plus you helped me out a lot yesterday in taking care of the kids," he says as he opens the gates.

"Well, Sean looks like he doesn't want me to go so I just tagged along. I am supposed to be the sorry one for intruding in your home," he replies. 

After the shooting yesterday, he came to the daycare direct from work. Despite being exhausted, he chose to visit the daycare hoping to still see Sean. he doesn't know why his body instinctively went there, but it was as if the kid became his comfort and rest, a nostalgic comfort that he hasn't felt for years. What could it be? well, he doesn't know as well. He can't figure out why he's drawn to the kid, why is he being warm to the kid in just a matter of days? 
And so he helped at the daycare in closing up with the teachers, then head back to Haikuan's house cause Sean keeps asking him to go after Haikuan offering him dinner. Sean even asked him to stay the night but he refused and said that he needs to get back to his lodging. he didn't stay at Liu's household any longer and went back. 

Haikuan shooked his head, "No, no. That's okay, we always have visitors at home so you're very much welcome. Anyway, let's have breakfast?" he asked once again, holding Iku who is holding ZouZou in his other little hand. 

Well, who would say no to food right? 

They entered the daycare, then straight to Haikuan's office.


After their breakfast, the children and teachers working at the daycare started filling the school. It's also Yibo's cue to leave or his manager might look for him, cause he used the jogging as an excuse to leave the inn even his real motive is to wait for Sean to have his morning serotonin boost.

"Uncle Bo, you going to leave?" Sean's pouty little voice suddenly uttered when he notice him wiping his mouth. 

Haikuan smiles at the kid, "Uncle needs to work too, Sean. Just like uncle, Sean needs to attend class too because it's your work," he coos, trying to convince the kid. 

Yibo crouches down, wiping the kid's cheeks with his hanky, "I'm sorry, little Sean. Uncle have work," he coos then ruffles the kid's hair. 

Sean looked down, dejected and pouting, "But uncle will come back for me later, right?' he asks, fiddling with his little fingers. 

Yibo chuckles, pulling the kid into a hug, "I will come back for little Sean," he coos to assure the kid.

"Promise?" he asks when he pulled away, showing his pinky to the uncle. 

Yibo showed his pinky as well, linking them together to form a promise, "Promise~" 

Sean giggled, "Then good luck, uncle! I will draw something for you, it's my gift for your hard work!" he cheered.

"Okay then, uncle wants to see it so much that I'm having lots of energy for work. Looking forward to my gift," he remarks, fondly smiling at the kid. Then he stood on his feet and slightly bent down to ruffle the kid's hair once again. 

"Bye-bye uncle!" he bids with a giggle.

"Goodbye, Sean. Be a good boy, okay?" he says for the last time. 

Sean giggled, "mommy told me that too!" he answers.

"Bye, thank you for the food," Yibo turns to Haikuan and bowed. 

Haikuan chuckles at him, "Well, the food is tastier when you're eating with someone," he replies.

"The food is tastier when you're eating with someone."

A familiar sentence, where did he hear that from again? Oh, his ex. His ex, who just suddenly disappeared out of his line of sight five years ago. Why did he suddenly remember him? It's already five years since he disappeared, why is he thinking of the past that he's trying to forget and move on to? He's almost there, near the finish line of moving on, but it's been years since he's trying to meet the finish line. It's an asymptotic cycle, he gets near but never meets his goal. 

"Hey, you okay?" 

He came back to his senses when Haikuan spoke, he smiled faintly at him, "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just remembered something," he scratched the back of his neck. Ahh, his heart is crumbling again. 

"You sure?" Haikuan asked, concerned. Sean is furrowing his brows too, sensing the sadness in Yibo's scent. 

"I-I'm okay. I probably need to go," he said, trying to hide the emotions behind his fake smile. He immediately turns his back at them before they can notice the fake smile. He tried to hide yet Sean noticed his sadness, probably because he can smell his scent? Maybe.

"Oh, okay. See you later then," Haikuan bids. 

Yibo disappeared from the room, Sean's mouth turn upside down. "Uncle is sad," he murmurs. 

Haikuan was able to hear his little voice tho, alarmed, he immediately grabbed his phone, "Want to call your mommy?" he asked, showing his phone. 

Sean smiled and nodded, but still, at the back of his head, he's worried for his uncle Bo.


A/N: About the question, "When will Zhan and Yibo meet?". Well, it wouldn't be fun when I told you right? Let's just wait, you'll find out soon enough. No spoiling, where's the thrill when you spoil, right? HAHHAHA well, thank you for reading and I hope you like the update. Stay safe everyone! ❤

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