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Zhan woke up feeling warm and lightheaded. The pain in his head he has felt yesterday has lightened and he felt much refreshed. He groans softly as he slowly opens his eyes only to feel something warm on his hand. He eventually looked sideways only to see a familiar head, leaning to the bed, and sleeping in an uncomfortable state. 

Upon completely waking up, he jolted. Eyes wide as he looks down at the peaceful state of the alpha. 

"Warm..." Zhan mumbles, he never let go of the alpha's hold despite being surprised a while ago. 

When was the last time he felt this kind of warmth? It was when they were just getting started. 

Zhan and Yibo are classmates in the same acting workshop their companies enrolled them in. Typical young love, they spend their practices together until they fell in love. They did things together despite being at a different company. They spend time together when they have the same break, they cuddle with the warmth of their hearts syncing together. Their three has become splendid. But it turned to its downfall when they started getting popular, famous directors casting them, promotions, photoshoots, and lots of offers swarming them. Zhan thought carefully of the projects he'll accept, but YIbo didn't. He became greedy, accepting every opportunity he can get. Zhan pleads for his time, but the alpha ignored them.

Zhan sighs, nothing can change now. It happened and that's it. 

"Oh, you're already awake?" a hoarse voice suddenly spoke beside him. 

His eyes immediately went wide upon seeing the alpha awake. He swiftly retracted his hands which surprised the alpha. 

"Oh.. uhh, I'm sorry," the alpha scratched the back of his neck, looking elsewhere to avoid the omega's.

Zhan didn't speak, what does he need to say? 

"Oh right, I'll go cook for breakfast. I'm sorry for sleeping here.. Oh right! Sean!" he immediately stood, making the chair rattle. 

Zhan looked at him with shock, as he follows the alpha with his eyes.

Yibo left Zhan, banging the door open. Zhan just watched where the alpha left.


Zhan is dazed, watching the hand Yibo was holding a while ago. He was supposed to hate him, but it felt different. 

Just as he's spacing out, he heard a knock on the door, his eyes flew in the direction of the sound. Then the door opened.

"Mommy!" Sean entered, smiling wide upon seeing his mother all well. Zhan smiled at him, "Hello baby, good morning." he greeted, hugging the kid into his arms. 

"Is mommy not sick anymore?" The kid pouted, looking up at him. Zhan chuckles, rubbing the kid's hair, "Mommy, is fine now," he replies, looking up the person who entered after Sean, and now placing a tray of food at the bedside table.

Yibo just smiled at him, standing at the side as he watch the two. Zhan's cheeks turned pink, gladly it was not noticeable, just why did he look at the alpha? that's so uncalled for!

"Where did my baby slept?" Zhan turns back his attention at the kid. Sean giggles, "I slept in the other room! Sean is a big boy now! Sean is so brave!" He answers, energetically.

"Did Sean didn't look for mommy?" Zhan asked which Sean shook his head, "No, no! Cause uncle said if Sean is brave mommy will be well!" he answers, hugging his mother tight. 

Zhan chuckles at his son, Sean might be saying those but with the way his hug tightens he knows Sean misses to sleep beside him. "Oh, that's great. Should my baby sleep in the next room again tonight?" he teases. 

Sean pouted, burying his face into Zhan's stomach, "I want to sleep with mommy tonight," he sulked. 

Zhan laughs at his son, "Alright, Sean will be sleeping with mommy tonight," he declares, rubbing Sean's back in a circular motion. "Did my little Seansean already ate his breakfast?" he asked which the kid shook his head.

"Oh, I put his breakfast here too so you can eat together," Yibo suddenly uttered. Zhan looked at him but immediately avert down to the food on the bedside table. But Zhan's brows furrowed to see only two portions, "Only two?" he asked. 

Yibo looked at him confused,  which Yibo answered with an eyebrow raised, "Are you not eating with us?" he asked like it's the most normal to ask a person he resented just a few days ago. 

Yibo's heart skipped a beat the remark, 'Is he still sick? Why is he muttering something like that? Oh fuck, my heart is going to explode in happiness,' he thought, slightly panicking. "Oh, um... I just thought y-you wanted alone time with o-our son.." he answers, scratching his nape shyly. 

Zhan tilted his head, then realizes what he said. The pace of his heart quickens, he immediately lowered his head as his face turns warm, "...It's just... Uhh, my thanks to... uhh for nursing me back to health..." he mutters to escape from what he said earlier.

"Oh, okay. T-then I'll get m-mine," Yibo panicked, running out of the bedroom. 

Zhan heaved a long sigh, 'Ah fuck me and my mouth' he said inside his head.

"Mommy?" Sean suddenly called. 

"Hm, yes baby?"

"Is mommy still sick? You're red," the kid remarks. Zhan panicked at how preceptive his son was. 

Zhan immediately denied, shaking his head, "No, mommy feels better now," he replies, smiling at the kid. 

Yibo came back with a plate of his portion not long after. "Let's eat," he said to the two which turns their attention.

Zhan nods. 


It was a peaceful breakfast, quiet but comfortable. 

Being a kid, Sean leaves smudges of the food on his face which makes the two adults chuckle every now and then at the sight of the kid. Yibo unconsciously wipes Sean's face, then smiles after. Zhan finds it cute, seeing how adorable his son is and seeing Yibo being the father that he is-- what? father? did he just think about that? He immediately looks away, what does he mean by father? Is he already opening up to him?

"Oh, Uhm... You should rest today and not go to work for the meantime, I'll get Sean to the daycare.." Yibo suddenly spoke cutting Zhan from his thoughts. 

Zhan looked his way then immediately looked away, "Uhh, yes.. thank you," he says, cheeks blushing as he continued eating to distract himself.

"...And uhh... can I come back tonight?" Yibo asked with all his courage gathered. His palms his sweating bigtime as if anytime the spoon will slide off his hand, as he nervously waiting for Zhan's answer. Hoping Zhan won't reject him. 

Zhan's ear twitch, what should he follow this time? His mind or his heart---- 'Budmp! Budmp! Budmp!' Ah, his body had already decided, his heart is jumping in joy just by the presence of the alpha. Where did his anger and hatred go? It was as if they were buried at his deepest over the night. It was as if his unconscious mind exchaned with his conscious one Should he be happy about himself getting his guard down? Well, he doesn't know now, all he knew is he's following what makes his heart happy for now, rather be thinking of his hatred to the alpha. 

Zhan nods shyly, giving an "...okay" as an answer. 

Yibo gleamed at his answer but he tries to hide the bliss he is feeling, "T-then, I'll cook you favorite," he utters and brings back his attention to his food, internally rejoicing. 

Zhan lowered his head, internally smiling after getting a glimpse of the alpha's face in glee. His cheeks blushing and his heart pounding.


A/N: Hahahha Dunno if I'm making sense lol

What are the Odds? (YiZhan FF) || Omegaverse AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя