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"Oh, I thought you went out again." Chen, Yibo's manager remarks as he saw Yibo enters their shared room. 

Yibo looked up at him then smiles bitterly, "Yeah. I just went to see the kid," he replies and sluggishly removes his footwear, bringing himself to take a seat at the chair at the corner of the room.

His manager tilted his head as if analyzing him, he's been acting weird since yesterday but Chen is too cautious to ask. He's worried that if he asked, it will affect his actor's performance. "You can always open up to me, just reminding you," he said, shrugging then bringing back his attention to his work. 

Yibo looked at him, contemplating if he should tell him or not? He knew his manager is sharp to notice something is not right. But what should he tell him? His situation is too complicated. He cannot tell him but he needs some help, an advice on how should he move forward. 

"Uhm..." he paused, making his manager stop what he is doing. That's Chen's cue to listen, Yibo is not an outspoken kind of person, he never really tell out loud that he has a problem(since he works efficiently and has fewer mistakes most of the time), he never once heard the latter complain about things or ask for suggestion or even initiate to talk when it's not work-related. he doesn't complain, a hard worker to be exact. It actually makes Chen's work easier but he's not a cold-hearted person that he doesn't worry about the actor's mental health. Sometimes, he's worried when he sees the actor space out all of a sudden, not like it affects his performance, still, he's worried. 

"Well... uhm... Can I ask something? Like for a piece of advice?" he asks hesitantly, fingers fidgeting while his mind tries to compose the right words. 

Chen puts down the papers he is holding, facing Yibo to show him that he's listening. "About what?" he asks curiously. 

Yibo heaves a sigh as he continues, "Uh... it's for a friend..." he mutters. 

Chen bit his lips to stop from tittering, well, he knows it's not for a friend but for himself. "What does that friend want to hear?" he asks.

"...Well, that friend is kind of... uhh.. an a-asshxle... well-- uhm he treated his ex--when they were still lovers-- bad... or something... and uhh... well, he kinda met that ex recently..." he paused. 

Chen nods as he collects the details in his head. 

"... and well, they didn't end well... now this friend, he kinda resent what he did... so-- uhm... he wants his ex back... do you get the picture?" he asks.

Chen internally chuckles, the look on Yibo's face was like a dog, being deprived of treats. he nods, "yeah," he replies.

"...well, you know. He wants to show his ex that he changed, that he wants him back. Uhh well, I don't-- I mean he doesn't know what he should do... and- and his ex hates him!" he grumbles. 

Chen sighs, he noticed him slipped there, well anyways, if he heard it right, Yibo must be talking about his last ex, 'Must be actor Xiao Zhan' he thought. 'No wonder he's been coming back late after leaving the shoot right after it finished,' he added. 'Not surprised, the world is indeed small, I guess. I wonder how is that kid? I haven't caught an eye of him even if he's just in around this small town.' 

"Hmm, well if that friend of yours treated him bad well it's natural for his ex to hate him," he shrugs. Chen knows they are lovers in the past and he kinda knows how Zhan was treated (not like he needs to pry to Yibo's private matters), well he manages all of Yibo's schedules and Yibo tends to accept them all, not even reserve a day off. He feels bad for the omega, but what can he do? It's a private matter that he cannot touch. He tries talking to Yibo about it but Yibo just shrugged them off. 

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