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The breakfast was warm, they had stories of the past about the industry while they eat. Though Sean can't understand what they are talking about, he interrupts once in a while and the adults will answer enthusiastically. If anyone will barge in the house that didn't know their past, they would think that they are a happy family without worries and everything is perfect between them. It looks domesticated if someone may see the scenario and no one will think that the omega and the alpha had a bad breakup. 

"What would you like for lunch?" Yibo asks, sitting down on the floor with the two. Sean is busy building his motorcycle puzzle that he didn't bother interrupting the two.

Zhan looked at his side where the alpha settled, he smiled, "Your favorite!" he answered like it's the most normal thing to say. 

The alpha's cheeks turned pink, his heart thumped fast, how can the omega make his guts turn upside down with just a mere innocent answer? Now he's getting more regretful that he let go of this precious human beside him. "Why my favorite tho? I can cook your favorite- or maybe Sean's favorite!" he chirp, trying to shake away his raging emotions for the omega. 

Zhan giggles, "You know it's kinda strange," he remarks. 

"What is?" the alpha asked curiously.

Zhan smiled fondly, "You have the same palate as your son." The sound of the 'son' coming out of Zhan's mouth made his heart almost jump out of his chest, 'h-he's acknowledging me?!'. Fuck it's like a melody into his ears. If he was just able to record that, he would put it as his alarm or ringtone or wherever he can hear them over and over. 

 "I'm the one who carried him but he got most of your taste, in food, sports, and more," he added, turning his head to his son who is now making his little skit with his toy motorcycle. "What I mean is, your favorite food is his favorite food," he shrugs. 

Yibo turned his gaze at his son, smiling fondly. "Then that'll be our lunch," he mutters softly. 

Zhan hummed in agreement, then reached for the toys to play with the kid's mini-skit. Yibo followed suit, grabbing another toy motorcycle. 

As they were busy playing, a phone ringing resonates the whole room. Their eyes darted at the source of the sound only to see Zhan's phone ringing. 

"Oh, it's mine," he mutters, letting go of the toy he is holding and standing up on his feet. "I'll just answer this," he added after picking the phone. 

The two boys nodded at him, Sean continued playing while Yibo followed him with his eyes. "Who is it?" he asked curiously. 

Zhan looked at him then at his phone, [LiYing] is written on the screen. "It's LiYing," he answered making the alpha's brows furrow slightly but relaxing his brows after a second, fortunately, the omega didn't notice him frowning.

"Oh," Is Yibo's only answer, still following the omega with his eyes as the omega sat at the dining area, just where his eyes can see him. 'Now comes my rival,' rolling his eyes and sighing internally. 

His thoughts were interrupted when Sean spoke, "Is that auntie LiYing?" the kid chirped, looking up at Yibo. 

Yibo smiles at the kid and nodded, "It is, you want to talk to her?" 

Sean giggles, "I want to, but I want to play with uncle more!"

Yibo laughs in his thought, oof, guess that's another point higher than his rival. He decided to test further how many points can he can accumulate, "Well, who do you like most? Uncle or auntie LiYing?" he asked, smirking in his head quite confident. 

Sean rested his index finger under his chin as if thinking deeply with his decision, "Auntie LiYing gives mommy food when he is busy, she hugs mommy too when mommy is tired, and-"

'What the actual fuck?! She hugged him???? When? how? That b-'

"-she bakes cupcakes!" he added. 

After hearing that, Yibo felt so jealous. How did she hug him? Yibo's envious, he wanted one too, or not just one but more! But then he remembered he had a chance to his way to the omega's heart, he is reminded that he is pursuing the omega and if everything works out, he'll not just receive a hug but more than that too. 

"While uncle Yibo is..." the kid paused, "He's fun to play with! Uncle Bo always visits me at school, you even cook us food and make mommy smile with the food. Uncle also took care of mommy when he was sick!" the added. "I like uncle Bo more!"

It was a sound of triumph after the kid's confession, 'another point higher than LiYing, I guess?' he smirks inside his head.


"LiYing! Good morning! glad you called," Zhan greeted after answering the call. 

LiYing chuckles after hearing Zhan's enthusiastic greeting, "Good morning too, pretty. Did you already eat?" she asked, fondness is in her voice. 

"I did, I had coffee with milk and toast, egg and porridge."

"Oh, that's a splendid breakfast," she remarked, "By the way, I called because I have good news!" 

Zhan beamed, of course, he knew what the good news is, "Your engagement has officially been canceled?" he answers, cannot wait for the female-alpha to tell the news. 

"How did you know?" LiYing chuckles, a little surprised that the omega knew about it. 

"Oh, Yibo told me!" he giggles. 

LiYing was speechless, processing the information that the omega said. "Y-you mean that asshole is with you?!" she exclaimed, trying to lessen the anger in her voice. No, she can't let the omega know that she is angry. Gladly, the omega was too dense to notice.

Zhan laughed, "You're so harsh just like Cheng. Anyway, he's here. He made breakfast and now he's playing with Sean," he answers. 

LiYing suddenly felt her blood boil after hearing that, it was as if she wants to run to the omega and hide him somewhere far away from his ex-fiance. 'Fuck, he's really a threat. I should've not made him come near them!' she cursed inside her head, but of course he needs to act normal for the omega. 

"Hm, that's good," a monotone answer but either way, she immediately changed the subject. "I'll go there next week maybe," 'to get you away from him' "since I'll be free from work." she declares. 

Zhan beamed at that, "Oh, sure, sure! I'll be waiting! You should not work too hard, aight?" he reminded. 

"Of course, I won't because you said so," she replies, a subtle flirting that Zhan was oblivious to even notice. 

Zhan laughs, "Do it for yourself, dummy!" 

LiYing chuckles, masking his anger at the situation, "I will, I will. So wait for me, I'll just finish the works and I'll get to you later and uhm... don't get too close with that as-- I mean with Y-yibo," suddenly she feels like vomiting from mentioning that name. 

"Don't worry too much about me! I'm feeling better now, okay? We're on good terms so don't you worry for me and worry for yourself!" Zhan replies with a smile. Zhan understands that his friend is just worried for him since she saw how Zhan bawled his eyes out because of Yibo and how he tire himself out just to avoid the alpha. 

LiYing sighed from the other line, she cannot hide her frustration about it anymore. He might burst any minute if their talk will be stuck with the whole Yibo thing. "J-just be careful.." is the last thing she said. 

Zhan nods even though the female-alpha won't see it, "Yes, yes! You seem busy, you should do your work and don't skip meals! Thank you for calling! and congratulations because you're already free from your nightmare!" he teased, laughing at what he said. 

"It will not take long and I will be bound to you tho," she whispers which the omega didn't grasp. 

"What?" Zhan asks to let the other clarify the inaudible mumbles she just mutter. 

LiYing sighs, "Nothing. Take care and wait for me, okay? I'll call you back again later," she says fondly, her voice is now soft. 

"mhm!" the omega nods. "Goodbye and good luck with work!" he answers before the call ended. Zhan sighs happily as he stretches his arms above his head then stood to go back to the living room.


A/N: lmao I hope you still like my story. HAHAHHA

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