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As per Yibo's body clock, he woke up early in the morning. He smiles to himself as he gets ready to go to the neighboring daycare. It has been his routine every weekday and his body automatically moves its way to see Sean. He covers his swollen eyes with concealer which didn't do much, either way at least it hid some, then he tugs his hoodie to ease the creases.

As he leaves the inn, he immediately heard squeals and laughter from the kids playing from the kindergarten. 'Didn't think the kids will be this early,' he thought. The kids usually arrived later than eight, but it's still seven forty-six am. 

He smiles, maybe one of them is Sean. He is playing and giggling with the other kids. But he was five steps away from the gate when he remembered what happened last night, the smile on his face faded. He scoffs bitterly to himself, head lowering and shoulders slumping sluggishly.

"J-just... Please leave... Don't show yourself for a while... Just please..."

'Oh right. I should not show myself for a while. I just need to wait for Zhan to open up to me, that's not even hard compared to what he experienced all these years,' he smiled bitterly to himself as he turns his heels away, and went back to the inn. 


"Sean? Let's go inside so we can start class?" Sean's teacher coos, crouching down to the eye-level to the kid. 

Sean looks at his teacher, then back to the gate. He's been staring at it for more than an hour and it's already nine in the morning. 

"Why? Still waiting for your friend?" she asks, sitting beside him. 

Sean pouted, then his head lowered, "Is uncle Bo not going to see me, teacher?" he asks, almost teary-eyed.

She smiles, patting the kid's head, "Maybe your friend is still busy. He'll come soon, hm?" she coos. 

"Really?" he looks up, eye twinkling with hope.

She giggled and nodded, "Yes. What Sean needs to do is to study well, hm?"

Sean's smile came back, he giggles a "yes!" and jump down from his seat. "Let's go inside teacher!" he added, tugging his teacher's hand as they went inside.


Lunch break comes, usually, his uncle Bo visits him this time as well. Eating lunch with uncle Haikuan, Zouzou and Iku, and his uncle Bo. 

Sean keeps glancing at the doorway of Haikuan's office obviously waiting for his uncle Bo when Haikuan spoke, "Sean? You should eat now, you have to sleep after too," he reminded. 

Sean looked at him frowning with his lips in a pout, "But uncle Bo is not yet here, he won't have someone to eat with if I finish my food."

Haikuan sighs, he knew everything that happened, of course, his husband told him everything. And he knew that Yibo is trying to distance himself from them. Haikuan is not particularly on anyone's side. He knew Zhan's story but he doesn't know what's Yibo's side so he doesn't have the right to judge, even if Zhan is his friend. Either way, he stays neutral between sides though it looks like his omega is on Zhan's side. 

"Hm, maybe uncle Bo is too busy to come. They might be feeding him there, don't worry too much. okay?" he says to the kid to ease his sadness. He shook his head as he watch the kid pick up his spoon and start scooping on his food. 

"Teacher said that too," he sulks, eyes glistening like he's about to cry. 

Haikuan chuckles, "Come on, eat already so you and Zuozou and Iku can have your afternoon nap, hm?" he coos, ruffling the kid's head. 

Sean pouted even more then nodded, "okay," he answers and copied Zouzou and Iku who is eating deliciously. 


It's four in the afternoon where the daycare's dismissal time. Everyone is being fetched by their parents and guardians, except for Sean who's mother picks him up at six, and Haikuan's twins who stay with him until closing time. 

And four in the afternoon is Yibo's time to visit Sean at the daycare. So Sean sat at the bench just outside the daycare, a wide smile on his face and his feet is swaying happily. Finally, school is done and if school is done, uncle Yibo's work is done too. 

He waits, singing nursery rhymes while doing the dance using his hands. 

"Sean sean what are you singing?" Iku asks upon running out of his daddy's office. Sean beamed, showing his fingers, "Itsy bitsy spider!" he declares then plays with his fingers like it's some spider climbing up the water spout. 

ZouZou then suddenly appeared between them giggling, "Is that the song teacher taught us?" he gleamed, amazed at how Sean was able to memorize them. 

"yes!" he giggles once again, "Want me to teach you?" he asks which the two nodded right away. 

They played, sang, and danced, even so, Sean was able to decipher the time. He knows they've been playing for a long time, and uncle Yibo is not yet here. 

His smile faded, replaced with a frown and a pout. Iku and Zouzou tilted their head with furrowed brows, curious as to why Sean suddenly felt quiet. 

"Are you okay, Sean?" Zou Zou asked, patting his friend's back. 

"Uncle Bo is still not here," he mumbles, shoulders slumping. 

"But.. but, daddy says he's busy right?" Iku asks, he tries to lighten up his mood. 

Sean pouted, sitting back to the bench which the two followed suit. "He is, but does he not finish work?" he mumbles, tears building into his eyes. 

The two patted his back, "It's okay. Uncle will come later," they cooed. 

As they wait, a familiar car parked just in front of the daycare, followed by the door opening. 

"Sean, baby?" it is Zhan coming back from work with Zhuocheng. 

Sean stoops down, still sluggish as he made his way to meet his mother halfway, "Mommy..." he mumbles, immediately burying his face at the crook of his neck as the tears he is keeping flows. 

"Oh no, why is my baby crying?" he asks softly, rubbing his back in circles. 

Iku and Zouzou run to their mother who is just beside Zhan, "Uncle Yibo didn't come so Sean sean is sad," Zouzou spoke, looking up at Zhan. 

Zhan and Zhuocheng looked at each other then Zhan smiled faintly, "my my, I'm so sorry baby. Uncle must be busy and he's too tired. We should let him rest first okay, maybe someday he'll come and play with you when he's not busy anymore," he coos to calm him down.

Sean sniffles, wipes his tears, and snot his mother's shoulder then slowly nods, "..okay..." he answers. 

Zhan looked at Zhuocheng one last time, smiles at him faintly as if telling him that it hurts watching his kid like this. Zhuocheng patted his shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile to cheer him on with "you can do this!" mentally. 

Zhan mouthed a thank you, "Then we'll be off," he utters. "thank you for the ride," he turns to Zhuocheng, "and thank you for playing with Sean," he looks down at the two. 

The two cheerfully nodded, "You're welcome, uncle Zhan!" they cheered. 


"I'm sorry, son. I need to distance myself for a while, while I'm doing so, I'll think of a way to get your and your mommy," Yibo mumbles to himself as he watch Zhan and Sean walk at the opposite direction, he standing by the gate of the inn to at least have a look at his family. then he sighs when the two disappeared from his sight, and that's his cue to enter back inside.


A/N: I'm a little frustrated lol hhahaha anyways, I hope you like the update. 

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