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After the phone call, Zhan made his way back to the living room where his son and the alpha were. Yibo turns his head at Sean as if he's not watching Zhan talking to the phone, with bitterness whenever Zhan laughs or smiles, he's silently cursing Liying actually. 

"What did she say?"' Yibo asked innocently, reassembling the scattered pieces of a motorcycle puzzle that he was once holding but eventually broke when his blood suddenly boiled at the sight of Zhan laughing because of the phone call.

Zhan beamed, sitting down between his son and Yibo, "She said she'll be visiting here again!" he excitedly squealed. 

Yibo clenched his jaw at what he heard, even so, he tried his best to be calm, "When will she come here?" he asked, trying to lighten with how he said them but ended up in an indifferent tone. 

But gladly, the omega didn't notice. "She said next week, I don't know when next week tho," he answers then shrugs.

'Next week huh?' Yibo thought, well, it doesn't matter. By that time his ex-fiance will not have a space between them. 


The whole day, they did nothing but play with their son. They can't even have their own time because Sean always appears out of nowhere and asks them to play with him. It's not really that bad but Yibo somewhat regrets that he doesn't even have time to be alone with Zhan, now that his rival is finally moving, he also wants his game to step up. By mean step up, is to get Zhan's favor, to get his feelings back. 

It's already dark when they realized that they spent so much time playing, Sean is still energetic after all the games they played and stories they read. Zhan sighed exhaustedly and slump his body on the carpet, closing his eyes to at least rest his eyes a little. Yibo and him have been alternately reading a story for Sean while Sean keeps suggesting books after books. 

Yibo smiled fondly as he look down at the omega who looks really exhausted, then he looked at his son who's now holding another book and flipping on them. "Uncle Bo, read this for me~" The kid pleaded upon looking up at the alpha. 

Yibo smiled at the kid sheepishly, he may not be collapsing like Zhan did but he's also tired. "Baby let's stop for today shall we?" he cooed, getting the book from the kid and closing them before putting them down on the sofa. 

Sean pouted, his eyes turning into puppy-dog eyes. Oh no, not that weapon! Now Yibo needs to make an excuse to avert the kid's attention. Gladly, he saw the wall clock. It's already six, he remembered dinner. He immediately stood, carrying the kid soon after so he won't disturb his mother who's still resting.

"You kid, let's go prepare dinner," he suggested which made Sean beam, the kid nodded vigorously, excitedly jumping on his arms. "Easy there, you'll fall if you move too much," Yibo laughed upon seeing his son all excited. 

Before heading to the kitchen, he eyed the omega who looks like had fallen asleep. They'll just wake him up later. 


Yibo and Sean finished their dinner and also fixed the table, setting all the food and utensils.

"You wake up mommy so we can eat," he whispered to the kid who immediately obliged. 

Sean jump off the chair then runs to the living room to give his mommy a little shake. Zhan being a light sleeper immediately woke up, humming as an answer to the kid. 

"Mommy let's eat!" Sean chirped, running back to the dining after waking him up. 

Zhan smiled softly, he scratches his eyes then stood, making his way to the dining. He was welcomed with the delicious smell of the food, he smiled wide as he sits across Yibo.

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