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Killua was just minding his own damn business when he was suddenly he sensed something that made his blood run cold. It was Illumi's bloodlust. He recognized it instantly and let out a gasp. Alluka! She was no more than ten meters away, completely oblivious. The fuck do I do- suddenly the air went cold and he heard a whoosh. And then he was falling, coming hard down on the ground which was alarmingly only a few meters away. "WHAT THE FU-" and then he was on a nearby rooftop, completely on his feet, and unharmed. He blinked for a few seconds. "the fuck just happened?" he glanced around, then realized with panic that Alluka wasn't there. "Alluka!" he ran to the edge of the building, looking frantically down below. She's not there... she's not fucking there! Where is she? He started to hyperventilate, his hands going to his head. Illumi was there! What if he got her? Tears stung the corners of his eyes and his legs buckled beneath him, falling to his knees. "No... I can't- Alluka..." he choked out, and then he instinctively snatched a knife out of the air as it was flying at him, still hyperventilating.

His thoughts were so jumbled that he almost didn't notice a smoke bomb. What the fu- he dodged as someone tried to shoot at him. Why the fuck am I being shot at? His focus was torn away from his worries as they lit upon some guy with a suit and spiked black hair. He was the one who was pointing a gun at him, also he was where the knife had come from. "who the hell are yo-" he had to dodge another bullet, shooting and irritated look at him. "I'M TRYING TO START A FUCKING CONVERSATION. PUT YOUR DAMN WEAPONS DOWN" he shouted. He didn't respond, so Killua growled and activated Zetsu as he shot at him again, dipping behind a convenient bit of cover. "you fell out of the damn sky, started having a panic attack, and caught a dagger in the middle of it. Not to mention you can dodge bullets" he said in a cool voice. "your obviously not human" excuse me? He stood up straight, taking a step out of the cover with his hands on his hips. "excuse you? I have no damn clue what happened. I was worried about my sister who may or may not be in possession of my brother who wants to potentially kill her-"

Another shot fired off. He was getting sick of dodging so he whipped out his knife and deflected the bullet, glaring at the mildly shocked expression on his face. "stop shooting me or I'll take your damn gun, your aim's pretty good though I have to admit" he said the last part kind or grudgingly, putting his hands behind his head in a laid back manor. The guy lowered his gun. "you don't seem bothered that I'm trying to kill you" he snorted. "have to deal with shit like that every day, now where am I?" he blinked. "Japan?" Killua frowned slightly. " you mean Japon?" the other guy seemed to be just as confused as he was. "no I mean Japan, I've never heard of Japon" where the hell am- suddenly he sensed something and tensed, activating En. What the hell is that thing? Why can't I see it? He turned his posture to face an invisible creature. "what the hell are you? And why can't I see you?" the guy's eyes went wide. "how the-"

A yellow thing shimmered into view, as soon as he looked at it he jumped. "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST YOUR UGLY!" it turned blue and started oozing shit from what he thought was a nose. "I- wh- I was not expecting that" he muttered the last part as he drew his knife nervously, it made him feel better about whatever the hell this thing was. "put the weapon do-" the thing interrupted the other guy. "that's quite mean" he cried. Killua blinked. "it talks?" he looked even more hurt. "I'm not an it!" he took a step back. "then what are you? An octopus? An ant?" the thing blinked. "ant?" he frowned slightly. "chimera ant, they eat things to get bigger and take on different forms and shit" he suddenly turned yellow and looked intrigued, although the perpetual smile made it hard to tell actual emotion. "I've never heard of these things before, mind telling me more?" he scoffed, "hell no! I wanna know what the fuck just happened" one of his tentacles pointed upwards. "I saw you falling and zipped you out of danger, Karasuma thought you were suspicious and or dangerous- "

Killua Meets Class 3-EWhere stories live. Discover now